Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 385 Jiao Yuan: Too lazy to talk nonsense, surrender or die, choose yourself! (One more)

Let alone the strange big dog, even the six old acquaintances including Michelle are far from being able to deal with.

Herder knew this well.

And that big dog is obviously not a miscellaneous fish, but also a bargaining chip for the hostile camp.

But these are not important, because Helder understands that the biggest boss has not yet appeared-the terrifying boss named Lord Qianye!

"What do you apostles mean?"

Herder said with a sullen face.

"What do you mean? Didn't you think about it?"

Michelle smiled triumphantly, and said: "I just said that now is not the world of our old guys, you still don't believe it!"

"Look, the big guys are all the pets and mounts of Dad Qianye...I am also his'subordinate'!"

"After you have said the purpose of the resurrection by yourself, you will not be naive to think that we will let you leave like this?"

Herder snorted coldly, "Less proud, I won't surrender!"

"Hahaha~ what do you think, when did I say that I wanted you to surrender?" Michelle laughed and said, "Is my conscience guilty? But it's useless, everyone is an enemy. Now there is a chance, how could it be possible? Let you go?"

"It is not a question of whether you can escape, but a question of how long you can persist under our siege!"

Faced with Michelle's triumph, Helder snorted again, but didn't refute anything.

She also understands that she offended people to death one hundred thousand years ago.

Now that the opportunity finally appeared, how could the other party let him go?

"It's careless, I knew I should have slipped just after I was resurrected!"

Held thought annoyedly.

Secretly hiding behind the scenes to manipulate the situation is what she is best at.

One hundred thousand years ago, many apostles could be played with applause, how could they not be able to do it one hundred thousand years later?

Even if the more enemies that prevent her from resuscitating Terra, the stronger, but as long as she is given a certain amount of time, she will have the confidence to accomplish this goal.

"Unfortunately, I shouldn't have listened to Michelle's nonsense!"

Herder sighed helplessly.

But it is impossible for her to catch her obediently!

"If this is the case, then everyone should stop talking nonsense and go to war!" Herder shouted loudly: "If you want to save my life, you must have the consciousness of death!"

With so many apostles dealing with themselves together, the chances of their survival are indeed very slim.

But Herder is not a vegetarian, she wants to let the other party understand why she is the second apostle, but they are ranked behind her!

Wisdom is one aspect, it can take turns to fight, and I, Herder, will not lose anyone!

Even if you die, you have to kill a few for your own funeral!

Just as Herder thought so, Michelle snorted disdainfully.

"Huh, the consciousness of death? Excuse me, I seemed to remind you just now that the big guys are all the pets and mounts of Dad Qianye, right?"

"Then I might as well tell you a message again!"

Held suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, and asked intently: "What information?"

"Hey, that's—the ability to be immortal!"

"As a big pet and mount, even after the unfortunate death of a battle, he can stay dormant for a short period of time and be resurrected again!"

"So, you can't kill any of us!"

Michelle exclaimed triumphantly.

Herder: "..."

She showed an unbelievable expression.

After a short period of dormancy after death, can it be resurrected?

Isn't this ability only the ability of Death God Dreyfus?

Herder instinctively wanted to refute!

But looking at the swelling eyes of Michelle and the others, my heart suddenly sank to the bottom-what the other party said was true!

Although I don't want to believe it, this is the fact!

Thinking of this, Herder smiled tragically, his eyes full of determination!

"Hehe, what else is there to say!"

"Go to war!"

"Even if it is death, I will not be afraid!"

The Tyrannosaurus King Bakar in the sky licked his lips and smiled cruelly: "Just what I want!"

One hundred thousand years ago, he was bullied miserably by Herder.

At this moment, where can we stand the new hatred and the old hatred? Fight immediately!

But just as the battle between the two sides was about to start, our protagonist, the father of all the players in the whole server, finally rushed to the scene!

"and many more!"

It was clearly a very flat voice. After Herder listened to it, the word "Sai Sui" suddenly popped up in his mind!

And as this voice appeared, whether it was Bakkar who was about to move, or the other apostles, or the big dog in the sky, they all stayed in place.

This scene made Herder's pupils shrink again.

Turning his head and looking in the direction of the sound, only an ordinary human-sized figure appeared in his sight!

As soon as this figure appeared, Herder suddenly felt a throbbing heart--

She is scared!

In a panic!

Just appearing in a space, Herder understood the panic in his heart!

As the oldest apostle, she also tried to hit the shackles of life and wanted to reach a higher realm.

Unfortunately, it failed!

Therefore, she once thought that even if a mortal had the name of an apostle, he would never want to enter a higher level of life!

The name of the apostle is not only a source of powerful strength, but also a cage, so that creatures with this name will never want to escape to the outside world!

Even the first apostle Kahn, too!

Otherwise, why does he have the title of [Destined] again?

But this cognition was broken today!

Faced with this figure named "Papa Thousand Nights", Helder was like seeing the creation god Carlos!

On the other side, the players thought that the apostles were about to fight, and they were panicking to escape.

But as Jiao Yuan appeared, everyone calmed down!

"Dad Qianye is here!"

"Hello, Dad Qianye, Dad Qianye has worked hard!"

"With my Dad Qianye, see you apostles, what else can you dance!"

"Hey, instead of dying today, you can't see a good show up close, happy!"

The players cheered fortunately.

Jiao Yuan smiled and nodded at them, then looked back at Helder again. ,

"Second Apostle, Weeping Eye Herder?"

"It's under, are Qianye's father?"

Jiao Yuan: "???"

A top person like Herder on the Arad continent calls his father when he first meets them? This is too unreserved, right?

Herder was keenly aware of the problem, and tentatively asked: "Could it be that you are not Dad Qianye?"

"I am!"

Jiao Yuan twitched the corners of his mouth, and was too lazy to refute, and instead asked directly and strongly:

"Herder, I know your horror. Now I give you two choices, surrender to me, or die!"

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