Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 386 Herder: Surrender is fine, but I want to be forced to give birth to a monkey! (Two more)

"I'm going, Dad Qianye is still so domineering!"

"Hahaha, surrender or die? Miss Herder, please choose!"

"I advise Miss Herder, knowing the times for the best!"

The players are excited!

When feeling proud of Jiao Yuan's domineering and direct words, he also "kindly" persuaded Herder to take the opportunity to surrender.

After all, the players don't understand the horror monster.

They only saw a beautiful young lady who was on the line between life and death and wanted to persuade her.

However, the players just beeped a few words on the sidelines, Jiao Yuan had already sent out the choice, the final choice is still up to Herder's own decision!

On the other side, after listening to Jiao Yuan's domineering declaration, Herder fell into silence!

Surrender, or die?

If this choice is what the average person says to himself, Herder will definitely let the other person taste his own.

Even the first apostle Kahn is not qualified to insult himself like this!

But when this sentence was said, it was this terrifying existence like "Creation God" Carlos, so she couldn't help being careless!

Ask yourself, although Herder is not afraid of death, she has the consciousness to die again just now, but if she can survive, why does she refuse?

After all, Herder's purpose is simply to rebuild Terra Star, which has become her obsession.

If she died, besides herself, would anyone else fulfill this last wish for her in this world?

Only those who are alive are qualified to talk about dreams!

Of course, the premise of all this is that the guy he surrendered has a life level higher than his own!

Such a horrible existence is worthy of my following!

And for things that he couldn't do 100,000 years ago, after following him, maybe the possibility of fulfilling his dreams is even higher!

After a short analysis, Herder made a decision in an instant!

She simply lowered her head and said sincerely: "Dear Father Qianye, my second apostle, Weeping Eye Herder, choose to surrender!"


Jiao Yuan was taken aback.

To be honest, his choice just now was just a convention.

After all, no matter which apostle he dealt with, he had given the same choice, and he would treat him equally when he came to Herder.

But he never expected that Herder would agree to it! ?

Isn't this woman a famous cowboy?

Why was he surrendered by his own bluff?

Also, if you choose to surrender without fighting yourself, isn't it too spineless?

Fortunately, I was thinking, if I can't find the Lv414 bloody magic pupil, I will fight with you to warm up!


It was the first time that Jiao Yuan saw such a decisive apostle, and he was also convinced.

But Herder said at this time: "It's okay to surrender, but I have a condition!"

Jiao Yuan was overjoyed and hurriedly asked, "What are the conditions? Do you want to discuss it with me?"


Herder looked at Jiao Yuan strangely.

Obviously feel that your life level is much higher than mine, and there are so many apostles under him, I still want to discuss with you? When am I stupid?

Shaking his head, Herder expressed his worry: "My condition is that you can't belittle me!"

"Wh, what? You are frivolous?!"

Facing Herder's words, Jiao Yuan was as if struck by lightning, and was stunned on the spot!

"Yes, that's the condition!"

Herder explained with a weird look: "Seeing that you have so many'children', your confidante must be countless, right? Surrender does not mean that I will bear you... Kind of humiliation, otherwise I would rather die!"

Jiao Yuan: "..."

What's this all about!

Jiao Yuan took a weird look at the group of players on the ground, his eyes full of resentment.

My reputation has been transformed by these sand sculptor players!

At the same time, the players who heard Herder's explanation all laughed badly!

"Hahaha, Herder is too cute?!"

"You think we are all sons and daughters of Qianye's father? So innocent!"

, "I declare that from now on I will be Miss Herder's number one fan brother, and no one is allowed to rob me!"

"Look at Dad Qianye, you are really dumbfounded, hahaha~"

"Papa Qianye, Papa Qianye...I want to shout ten thousand times!"

It was the first time that the players saw Jiao Yuan deflated, and for this reason, they couldn't help laughing.

They are so far away children, they are just following the trend.

Isn't the name Qianye Dad universally recognized?

Unexpectedly, because of this, Helder misunderstood!

At this time, some players full of evil tastes kept shouting loudly.

And with Herder's wisdom, it was obvious that an anomaly was discovered.

In fact, she just didn't expect that the players were so unethical. At this time, after careful contemplation, she understood that the so-called "Jiaoyuan has thousands of children" was just her own misunderstanding.

"Sorry, it turns out that I'm the wrong one!"

Herder confessed his mistake with kindness.

Jiao Yuan waved his hand weakly, "It's okay, I don't blame you for this!"


Herder nodded and asked, "What should I do next? Do you want me to be your pet?"

Herder was a little worried about this.

From Michelle’s explanation and the reactions of many other apostles before, she understood that after becoming Jiao Yuan’s pet, she would have the ability to be immortal.

Although this ability was tempting, Helder couldn't pass the hurdle in his heart.

Become someone's pet with a famous name in his own life?

Sorry, I can’t accept it!

Of course, if Jiao Yuan had to do this, Herder thought he would not refuse.

After all, I have agreed to surrender, how can I make so many conditions?

The defeated should obey the order of the victor. This is the unspoken rule recognized by the strong in the Arad continent!

After hearing this, Jiao Yuan on the other side shook his head helplessly.

"I thought about it, but there are not enough places!"

Each player can only have three pets at most, and he is lucky to be able to have one more.

And these four pets are all apostle-level existences.

Release one of them for Herder? Isn't this superfluous?


After receiving Jiao Yuan's answer, Helder breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then I will be your entourage!"

The voice fell, and a prompt came from the Jiao Yuan panel--

[System prompt: Lv330-level ancient mythical NPC "Crying Eye Herder" wants to become your follower, do you agree? 】

[System Tip: The player NPC follower function is turned on, and the leaderboard of the full server follower system is open! 】

"Huh? Followers?"

Jiao Yuan was taken aback and scratched his head.

Unexpectedly, after I subdued Herder, I unlocked a new leaderboard in "The Original".

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