Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 387 NPC follower function, the effect of the title of Enemy of the Apostle has been improved

[System prompt: Follower function can read detailed information in the new module! 】

Click on Jiao Yuan, the next second, there will be content in the realization——

[Follower function: When an NPC surrenders to the player, a master-servant contract can be established, and the level of the follower cannot exceed the player, and it cannot be included in the pet space and mount space. 】

[Detailed description: Players can check the loyalty of followers (1~100) through the panel. According to the strength of each follower, the player’s attack speed/movement speed/release speed will be increased by different values, up to 10 people NPC followers! 】

[Note: After the follower dies, it will sleep for 24 hours to 30 days according to the strength. The stronger the strength, the longer the dormancy time. After the dormancy is over, the auxiliary player can be resurrected! 】

After reading the content of the follower system, Jiao Yuan's eyes lit up.

"Isn't this an alternative pet and mount!"

Although followers can't get into the space like pets and mounts, they can be summoned to help them fight when needed, and they can't directly have a large attribute bonus to themselves, but it is actually a good auxiliary combat power.

The setting of the death dormancy time also shows that the followers will not die in the true sense.

The existence of loyalty also means that you can always control the mental state of NPC followers and whether you are loyal to your commands.

All in all, Follower is really a good functional template!

"There is nothing to hesitate about this, let's agree!"

Without saying anything, Jiao Yuan directly clicked the [Agree] option.

At the next moment, there was a new movement on the panel——

[System map reminder: Congratulations on getting a follower of "Crying Eye Herder"! 】

[System Tip: Since your level is lower than the follower Herder, Herder's level is reduced to Lv309! 】

[System prompt: You have logged in to the ranking of NPC followers on all servers, do you hide your name? 】

[System reminder: You are the first player to be followed by an NPC in the whole server, and you have obtained 100,000 free attribute points, 100,000 reputation, and mythical treasure chest (in accordance with your own level) X1. A full server announcement is about to be made. Do you hide your name? 】

"Is it a full server announcement again?"

"I subdued Herder in full view. Is there a need to hide this?"

Jiao Yuan curled his lips, feeling that the system was too rigid.

But it doesn't work if you don't deal with it, which suggests that it is always flickering in your sight.

No way, he can only click [No].

As he clicked, the announcement of the whole server came as promised——

[Full server announcement: Player Lv309 "Qianye" successfully obtained the first NPC follower in the full server, rewarded 100,000 free attribute points, 100,000 prestige, and mythical treasure chest (in accordance with its own level) X1, hereby announce! 】

[Full server announcement: Player Lv309 "Qianye" successfully obtained the first NPC follower in the full server, rewarded 100,000 free attribute points, 100,000 prestige, and mythical treasure chest (in accordance with its own level) X1, hereby announce! 】

[Full server announcement: Player Lv309 "Qianye" becomes...]

With the sound of these three prompts, all players on the server boiled again!

"I'm going, what's the situation? Why did Qianye's father unknowingly make another big move?" This was the shock of the player who was buried in the autistic monster.

"Little brother, is your home connected to the Internet? Dad Qianye didn't even know about the second apostle?" This is a reminder to watch players through live broadcast rooms, forums, or live!

"Hey, NPC follower? Dad Qianye has created another game template. I'm served!"

"Hey, only Dad Qianye is on the ranking list? Then what is the role of the ranking list?"

"Your pattern is smaller! Which one of the major rankings is not the first place? We only need to fight for the second place and we are done!"

"Yes, the second NPC follower must be me!"

"Brothers and sisters don't say anything, I'll go and beg the NPC to be my follower now!"

In every corner of the whole server, every player is excitedly discussing the emergence of new features of the game.

As for the jealous and Jiao far to occupy the first place?

Stop it, pets, mounts, dungeon leaderboards... weren't these all the game function templates and leaderboards that Qianye Dad took the lead in getting it?

The jealousy is not just jealous!

As long as you accept the benefits brought by Qianye Dad at ease, you can get a share of the pie!


On the other side, after Jiao Yuan had subdued Herder, the mission of the apostle had ended for another stage.

When Michelle learned that Herder had become a follower of Jiao Yuan, he reluctantly wanted to occupy a place, and Jiao Yuan readily accepted this.

Although each player can only have ten followers at most, with Michel's combat power, he is eligible to be his follower.

The existence of followers also made Bakar, Rotes and other apostles indignant.

Why are we all apostles, we have become humble pets and mounts, and we have been locked in a dark little black room for a long time, but you two have become noble followers?

Herder is nothing more, after all, she is a famous boss.

You, the saint at the bottom of the ranking, Michel, how can you occupy a spot?

We are not satisfied!

For a time, many apostles looked at Michelle with a dangerous look.

Watching Michelle shrunk her neck and chuckled, "So what? You obviously couldn't think of fighting with Qianye, but I used to talk with Qianye for the purpose of living in peace. , So the result can be the same!"

Pets, mounts: "..."

It's okay if you don't say this, we are even more angry after you say it!

We want to be as knowledgeable as you, can we fall to this point?

We dare not be angry with our master Qianye Dad, but we are not polite to you, a "lucky" fellow!

"...Ahhaha, everyone is your own anyway, you are holding your breath, the big deal, I will ask you to eat good food!"

Michelle said with a smile.

"Huh, do we lack your bite?" Bakar looked at him disdainfully.

Michelle hesitated for a moment, and tentatively asked: "No one meal, then two meals?"

Bakar shook his head, his eyes still dangerous.

Michelle: "Ten meals?"

Bakar: "Deal!"

Looking at the other party with a smile, Michelle's forehead went dark.

With Bakar's huge size, ten meals can't eat him and broke him?


On the other side, Jiao Yuan smiled comfortedly as he watched the "friendship" scene of his little brothers.

Next, he withdrew his mind and watched his own harvest against Herder.

The first is the reward for completing the task-

[Task reward: 360E experience has been accounted for, and the effect of the title "Enemy of the Apostle" has been improved! 】

[Apostle’s Enemy (New): Self attack speed/movement speed +100%, skill attack power +50%, and an additional 10% final output damage. The skill cooling time is reduced by 30% (cannot be superimposed with other CD reduction skills); the only initiative: allows you to get 1000 seconds of flight time, and the cooling time is 1 hour,]

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