Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 388-Bringing Michelle to Upgrade and Coming with the Desolate Beast Emperor

The effect of the title of Enemy of the Apostles is not significantly improved.

The bonus increase to the output percentage is also very small.

But one thing is very important, let Jiao Yuan's eyes shine.

That is, in the description of the title effect, the prefix [for the target of the apostle] has been removed!

This means that as long as Jiao Yuan wears this title, no matter what enemy he faces in the future, he will be able to play the title attribute bonus.

Quite a powerful change!

And then Jiao Yuan observed the newly emerging NPC follower system function.

Of his ten places currently, only Held and Michele are the two.

Through the follower system function, Jiao Yuan can roughly see the panels of these two guys——

[Follower No. 1: Herder]

[Level: Lv309! 】

[HP: 92.7 billion]

[Attack: 3.365 billion! 】

[Defense: 2.414 billion! 】

[Positioning: output + control! 】

【Loyalty: 60】


[Follower No. 2: Michelle]

【Level: Lv235】

[HP: 66.7 billion]

[Attack: 366 million]

[Defense: 817 million]

[Positioning: Auxiliary + Control! 】

【Loyalty: 85】

The information of the two followers does not show all the attributes.

However, Jiao Yuan can clearly see the gap between the two.

Herder's attributes basically crushed Michelle in an all-round way.

Although the specific skills of the two people are not shown, the positioning of the two in the battle is given on this panel.

Herder is an output follower, and he does not lack certain field control skills.

And Michelle's main role is still related to his priesthood career, which belongs to the positioning of the auxiliary.

In fact, Zhuoyuan’s output is just the icing on the cake. After all, his own output exploded. On the contrary, it is impossible for him to spend a long time in the mission of the messenger when he is fighting with the boss? So the auxiliary function is better than the output.

"But Michelle's level is too low, the defense is low, and the self-protection ability is too poor. You have to find a way to improve him..."

"Otherwise, when I fight a high-level boss, it won't be good if the opponent drops him first!"

Seeing this, Jiao Yuan muttered secretly.

As shown on the panel, Michelle's defense is several times lower than Herder.

Although the support ability is indeed good, the support has always been the enemy's first target. His attribute is probably as crisp as paper in front of a BOSS like the Lv401 Desolate Beast King.

And look at Jiao Yuan's current enemies that are troublesome, right?

The first one is the Lv414-level [Blood Demon Eye], who once killed him twice in seconds remotely.

The second one is a mysterious enemy of Lv499 who controls three dominating equipment. The horror boss who reaches this level is much stronger than the Wild Beast King, and even Jiao Yuan's current strength after soaring is not sure of victory.

Jiao Yuan is like this, so isn't Michelle's like the ant?

So the top priority is to upgrade Michelle's level to increase his self-protection ability.

Jiao Yuan already has a solution to this point.

"Other apostle pets and mounts can pass through me to kill mobs and raise their level, and Michelle should be no exception... Taking advantage of nothing to do now, just take him to the Badlands for a wave of levels!"

Jiao Yuan muttered to himself.

He is a decisive person, and since he has made a decision, he doesn't hesitate much.

Immediately, he took Michelle to the starry sky and shuttled through the cosmic wormhole to the land of nothingness.

As for Herder's arrangement?

Her level is high enough, and her followers are at risk of death. At the same time, she is not invincible in the barren land. What if she is killed by a wave of desolate beast kings that burst out suddenly? Big?

Bringing Michelle to upgrade by himself is already taking a big risk, and there is no need to bring others.

So Jiao Yuan arranged her on standby in the underground city.

And told her to be obedient, don't mess up, and if she promises to do it, she will find a way to help her resuscitate Terra Star in the future.

Herder said that he would be at peace.

In this way, Jiao Yuan can leave without worry!


[Combat information: You killed the Lv277-level wild beast "Strange and Reckless Jiao" and gained 4.3E experience! 】

[Combat information: You killed the Lv271-level wild beast "Purple Toad" and gained 4.1E experience! 】

[Combat information: You have killed the Lv331-level wild beast "Elder Huang Mustela" and gained 13.1E experience! 】

When the liver map is leveling, time flies quickly.

Unknowingly, it has been brushing in the wasteland for three days.

With the assistance of Michel, Jiao Yuan's efficiency has greatly increased. .

Even some Desolate Beast Kings above Lv301 are just a few shots in front of him.

The combat power displayed can be called crushing!

"The barren beasts in the Badlands seem to be endless. At present, my level has been upgraded to Lv321, and Michel's level has been upgraded more than mine, and has reached Lv297!"

Jiao Yuanqing rested on the spot for a while after finishing a piece of barren beast.

Some time ago, he went up to level 9 in seven days, but now he went up to level eleven in only three days. It can be seen that with the assistance of Michelle, the efficiency of spawning monsters has increased much.

And this is the prerequisite for Michelle to share a lot of his own experience!

However, instead of losing some less important experience, Michelle's increase in Tandu makes Jiao Yuan more satisfied.

Currently his attributes are——

[Follower No. 2: Michelle]

【Level: Lv297】

[HP: 104.5 billion]

[Attack: 697 million]

[Defense: 1.935 billion]

[Positioning: Auxiliary + Control! 】

【Loyalty: 86】

The blood volume has broken through the 100 billion mark, and the defense is close to 2 billion!

Heard has more health than Lv309!

In fact, this should be the case. After all, Michel is a support staff, and he has a natural growth advantage in terms of blood volume (stamina).

Looking at his poor attack power, you know how bad this guy's output is!

Compared with the level, it is pitiful and excessive!

However, Jiao Yuan didn't care about his combat effectiveness, and the support staff were the kingly way.

Jiao Yuan only felt a little relieved with his current fleshness.

"With this kind of panel, when I fight with a boss above Lv400, I don't have to look around and worry about him being accidentally killed..."

Jiao Yuan nodded in satisfaction.

Of course, to defend this thing, the more the better.

Just when Jiao Yuan had enough rest, he was about to brush a wave of wild beasts again.

Suddenly, a cold breath appeared from nowhere, causing his eyes to freeze!

This feeling... seems familiar!

"It's the Lv414 level [Blood Demon Eyes] appeared!"

Jiao Yuan said confidently!

Sure enough, at the moment his voice fell, a red and black eyeball that was so huge that it seemed that three seablue stars could be compared to the main city together appeared!

But this time is different from the previous two encounters.

[Blood Demon Eyes] He did not calmly output himself remotely, but was already close to Jiao Yuan!

"No wonder he hasn't appeared for so many days, it turns out he was squatting on me!"

Jiao Yuan said suddenly.

Then, before the battle started, he opened the live broadcast room as usual!

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