Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 394 The promotion mission is completed, the legendary dungeon lord

The so-called "articles collected during this time" in the star master's mouth was naturally because Jiao Yuan had previously told them to find other master series equipment that might exist in this star field.

After reaching a consensus, soon, under the leadership of the star master, Jiao Yuan completed the inspection of their collection results.

It's a pity that it's all rubbish, none of which is what he needs.

However, this result was in his expectation, and Jiao Yuan was not too disappointed.

After all, there are only four series of equipment that dominate you in the universe, which are currently unknown.

Two of the 112 star domains have appeared, which are already against the sky, so you can't force too much.

And then, Jiao Yuan followed the original plan to let the star master take the lead in transferring half of the population of the five sub-civilizations in the alliance civilization into a dungeon career.

Jiao Yuan has helped the NPCs too much since he appeared in the 112th star field. What's more, this matter was originally a good thing in the eyes of the star owner, so naturally there is no reason to refuse.

Under the order of the supreme ruler of the entire civilization, Jiao Yuan's request was completed within a few days!

At the same time, his new panel prompts are also coming!

[System prompt: You have completed the promotion task "Promote to Legendary Dungeon Lord"! 】

[System prompt: You have successfully promoted and are in the process of clearing rewards...]

[Reward 1: Your basic four-dimensional attribute points, each increase by 10 million points, after Lv300 level, you will get an additional 300,000 free attribute points each time you level up,]

[Reward 2: Tenfold expansion of the dungeon territory! 】

[Reward 3: The secondary dimension world you master has evolved (allowing life to exist)! 】

[Reward 4: All warehouse permissions in your dungeon are unlocked! 】

[Settlement task rewards are settled! 】

A white light flashed.

With the continuous icy reminders on the panel, Jiao Yuan's combat power is steadily increasing!

"In terms of basic attribute points, there are not many rewards."

"The expansion of the dungeon area and the warehouse permissions all unlock two rewards, and the benefits for me are also limited!"

"Overall I am a little disappointed!"

Jiao Yuan sighed and shook his head.

Promoting from a high-level dungeon lord to a legendary level has limited increase in his combat power and can only play a role in icing on the cake.

Jiao Yuan doesn't care about most of the rewards.

It was the evolution of the secondary dimension world that made him a little curious.

"Allow living creatures to exist? What does this mean?"

"Can other people in my secondary dimensional world also enter?"

Jiao Yuan was a little confused.

If he really imagined this, it would be a surprise!

Why is he anxious to order the star master to help him complete the promotion task, not all for the Seablue Star 2 billion players, so that they will not be destroyed by Lv499 level enemies?

I really broke my heart for them!

After the current professional promotion is successful, he has little increase in his combat effectiveness, and he still does not have full confidence in dealing with this unknown and powerful existence.

But if the player can freely enter and exit the secondary dimension world, wouldn't it be a disguised form to save the player from being miserable by powerful enemies?

"This news is very important!"

Jiao Yuan entered the world of secondary dimensions as soon as he turned his mind.

In the next second, he stood in a vast space.

At this time, the world of secondary dimensions has undergone earth-shaking changes.

From a piece of nothingness around, it becomes the embryonic form of a world.

A fireball with a diameter of more than 10,000 kilometers stood in the sky, emitting warm heat, and seemed to be a miniature sun.

And below it, three smaller planets appeared.

Jiao Yuan carefully observed the past and found that no life had been born in the current secondary dimension world, and he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"In the background legend of the Arad continent, the creation god Soroka completed the feat of creating the world of life."

"And in my secondary dimensional world, it seems to be advancing step by step towards the line of the god of creation."

"There are both the sun and the planets. As long as life is born on these three planets, I will be no different from the "Creation God". It's a pity..."

Jiao Yuan shook his head.

He is not in a hurry, anyway, watching this development pace go on, the secondary dimension world he has mastered will sooner or later give birth to life.

Maybe it will be done the next time you advance professionally.

Jiao Yuan calmed down and carefully felt the other changes in the secondary dimension world.

Soon, he opened his eyes in surprise.

"The coordinates that can be set up now have changed from five to fifty!"

The coordinate problem has always made him dissatisfied.

Can only set up the coordinates of five main universes?

The universe is so hot, and I have left too many footprints, and some dark hands need to be observed from time to time.

For example, there are many planets that spread the dungeon career as Ursuo, and there are still many that have not been recorded. How can a mere five be enough?

It's good now. Fifty coordinates can be set up, which greatly increases his options.

At this moment, a new movement suddenly appeared on the Jiaoyuan panel——

[System prompt: The current environment meets the conditions of the mission "Recover the Planet of Hyperion", should the mission be executed immediately? 】


"In the secondary dimension world, can the planet Hyperion be revived?"

Jiao Yuan widened his eyes in surprise.

This is so unexpected!

He was struggling to find a clue to the task, and suddenly there was a solution? !

What is meant by "breaking through iron shoes without finding a place to find it without any effort"?

This is!

Immediately, he took out the [Hybrun Star Core] from his backpack and held it in his hand to observe.

[Item: Hyperion Star Core! 】

[Item use: can revive the planet of Hyperion! 】

[Item description: After the destruction of the planet of Hyperion, the only remaining material traces, it seems that there are hidden beliefs of countless souls on the planet of Hyperion. For most people, it is just an ornamental item! 】

[Remarks: This item can be used in the current environment! 】

"Sure enough!"

Jiao Yuan is extremely excited!

After completing the task of [Recovering the Planet of Hyperion], you will be rewarded with two related skills: "Creation" and "Time".

These two skills seem to be related to the "rules of operation" that exist in the universe, but he has been greedy for a long time.

"Originally, I was a little disappointed with this professional promotion, but I never expected that the surprise came too suddenly!"

Jiao Yuan was filled with emotion.

It turns out that the basic four-dimensional attribute points, the unlocking of the dungeon warehouse permissions, and other rewards are not big heads.

The secondary dimension world upgrade is the more important invisible reward!

After the upgrade, not only can the number of coordinates in the main universe increase tenfold, and the entire secondary dimension world has a basic prototype, but also can meet the needs of another important task environment!

Jiao Yuan just wanted to say, this reward is great!

There was no hesitation at this time, he immediately used [Hybrun Star Core] to start the mission!

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