Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 395 Ten Years Period, Layout of the Wild Beast War

Perhaps because the secondary dimension world is the embryonic form of a new world, the Hyperion nucleus can meet the conditions for recovery in this environment.

However, Jiao Yuan didn't bother to think deeply, and immediately threw [Hybolun Star Core] among the three planets.

When the palm-sized star core just stopped, it instantly began to swell.

On the far-focused panel, new tips arrived as scheduled.

[System prompt: "Hybrun Star Core" has begun to recover, and the recovery process will take 3650 days (it can be shortened according to the development of the secondary dimension world), please be patient! 】

"Uh... the recovery process actually takes ten years?"

Jiao Yuan was stunned.

He also counted on getting the task rewards and possessing the god-like abilities before going to deal with the mysterious enemies of Lv499 level.

Unexpectedly, it will take so many years.

Expect to rely on this task reward to kill the enemy?

The waiting day lilies can be cold!

"Ten years... If my development goes well, I should have completed the task of [Master of the Universe], right?"

"The ruler of the universe is the strongest person in the universe. At that time, I still need the reward for this task?"

Jiao Yuan shook his head dumbly.

Although this system prompt indicates that it does not necessarily take ten years.

But based on your own development...For example, you can once again promote to the dungeon profession, so as to improve the secondary dimension world evolution can shorten the recovery process time.

But no matter how busy it is, it is absolutely impossible to complete it in ten and a half months.

Therefore, it would be too unrealistic to rely on the rewards of the [Recovery of the Seablue Star] mission to deal with the powerful enemy that will come to Seablue Star in more than ten days.

"Forget it, this is no hope, let's start the next plan!"

Jiao Yuan sighed.

In his original plan, after completing the [Professional Advancement] and [Recovery of Hyperion Star], he could be more sure to deal with the powerful enemy of Lv499.

Now the two tasks are completed, and the increase in combat effectiveness is not obvious after the completion of the first one. The evolution of the secondary dimension world is the biggest gain of this professional promotion, but it also takes a long time to develop into combat effectiveness.

The latter task simply gave a ten-year period of recovery.

Fortunately, a few days ago, the main task of [Disaster of Alien Beasts (Second Ring)] was activated. If you kill ten wild beast kings in this wave of beasts, you will be able to obtain the fourth dominating series equipment.

For Jiao Yuan, this is the biggest booster of combat effectiveness!

Immediately, he didn't hesitate much, and he shuttled from the secondary dimension world to the main star of the alliance, and directly approached the star owner to learn about the specific situation of this wave of wild beasts.

Before long, the star master hurried to him.

Hearing Jiao Yuan's inquiry, he had nothing to hide.

"This wave of beasts is still in the new stage of contact, and we know only limited information about the other party..."

While talking, the star owner took out something that looked like a projection device from nowhere.

In the next second, a three-dimensional simulated starry sky map appeared around the two of them.

This starry sky map shows the position of the entire Alliance civilization's thirty-two sub-civilizations and hundreds of planets.

At the edge of the star map, a red line connected the city. Under the introduction of the star master, Jiao Yuan understood that this winding red line was the point of war contact between the NPCs and the wild beasts.

"...At present, we have learned that the scope of the beast wave impact this time is very large, covering almost half of the edge of the alliance civilization. Although the top barren beast has not yet appeared, our soldiers are under a lot of pressure."

"...The three alliance kings are already on the front line, ready to deal with the desolate beast king that may appear!"

The star master said solemnly: "From this, we can infer that the scale of this wave of beasts is larger than that of any previous time. We want to repel this group of beasts and defend the process of alliance civilization. It will be full of difficulties!"

In fact, the emergence of every wave of beasts is bound to be stronger than the previous wave of comprehensive combat effectiveness, which is already the consensus of the alliance's high-level civilization.

The star owner was not surprised by this, but just moved to be cautious, wanting to ask Jiao Yuan to help himself by selling miserables.

After all, Jiao Yuan said that a few days ago, including the desolate beasts above the Desolate Beast King, it was up to him to solve it, and at that time he vowed that no one could snatch him.

But a few days passed, but there was no movement at all.

Make the star master anxious to die.

Soldiers need exciting news to boost morale!

"Okay, I get it!"

Jiao Yuan didn't hear the star master's caution, but even if he did, he wouldn't care.

Anyway, killing the Wild Beast King was originally a mission requirement, and it was a good thing to let the NPC not interfere.

Otherwise, what if they kill one head and the final number is not enough to complete the task?

With the help of the thinker, the three kings should be able to do this.

So Jiao Yuan said in advance that he must let himself kill the ten barren beast kings before the three kings can intervene in the battle of the level!

Thinking of this, Jiao Yuan felt that it was time to leave and complete the task.

But at this moment, a bold idea suddenly appeared in his heart-this wave of wild beasts, I might be able to get more benefits!

"Star Lord, you just said that most of the current battles with Union soldiers are high-level beasts?"

Jiao Yuan looked at him and asked.

The two sides have just come into contact, and they must fight the war of attrition first, so the beasts below the advanced level become cannon fodder.

The star master just briefly mentioned this point, and he didn't understand why Jiao Yuan asked this suddenly.

But he answered honestly.



Jiao Yuan gave a high-five, his eyes lit up, and then asked, "Surely the casualties are not small when dealing with the soldiers of the Advanced Wild Beast Alliance?"

"Although there are auxiliary professions such as the thinkers, seraphs, and little witches to help, but overall... yes!"

The star master nodded, his eyes becoming more and more puzzled.

Isn't it normal for soldiers to have a large number of casualties with such a wide line of war?

Why did Lord Qianye ask about this?

Isn't it... the boss is kind, and he wants to help the soldiers?

Thinking of this, the star master suddenly became a little excited.

With Qianye tycoon, is it not just one move that can kill a large piece of it in a flash when dealing with a mere high-level barren beast?

"Your Excellency Qianye, you can't bear to see a large number of casualties of ordinary soldiers, do you want to help everyone yourself?"

The star master couldn't help asking, and then bowed deeply: "On behalf of the frontline soldiers of the Alliance, thank you for your generosity!"

Jiao Yuan: "???"

"When did I say I would do it myself?"


The star master flushed with embarrassment and bowed again: "I'm sorry, I misunderstood!"

It’s over, I’m a moral kidnapping. Have you kidnapped Qianye?

He must be very angry, right?

Just when the star master was uneasy, Jiao Yuan said another sentence that made him smile--

"Although I am not going to deal with the high-level wild beasts myself, you are right. I really can't bear to see a large number of soldiers casualties... Therefore, I decided to let people from my hometown come over to help you fight the famine together. beast!"

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