Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 399: Immortal? The shock of the Alliance

Ten million players, there are always some who are starting live broadcasts.

The other players who stayed at Seablue Star saw this chaotic scene and were overjoyed.

"Wow, how lively people are!"

"You forget that you are here to help the NPC fight against the wild beasts? Before starting the mission, you are in conflict. Are you ashamed?!"

"Huh? Shame? What is that? I don't understand!"

"Taking this opportunity to have revenge, and to repay grace, fight!"

"Go to war!"

Fighting regardless of occasion, this is a unique feature of the player.

Because of the immortal nature, everyone has no scruples. If you dare to offend me, just hit you! ,

Players have seen too much of this situation, so they are quite calm.

Even some people were clamoring for fear that the scene was not hot enough.

On the other side, the Star Master and the King of Longevity heard Jiao Yuan's answer and said they couldn't understand them at all.

"How can you beat your own people in daily activities? Isn't this nonsense?"

King Guixi frowned and said, and the others also showed an expression of approval.

In their view, these tens of millions of people will eventually go to the front lines of the war to resist the invasion of desolate beasts.

But before they got to the front line, they started fighting each other.

This makes them feel too disappointed. For such a poorly disciplined group, shouldn't it be a disservice? !

At this time, Jiao Yuan smiled and shook his head, and then he explained a few words:

"This is the characteristic of people in my hometown, and you will get used to it in the future!"

"Don't worry, they will not pull their hips when dealing with wild beasts, and killing each other will not affect their combat effectiveness!"

"If you don't believe me, look carefully, did the people who died just now reappear?"

After listening to the first two sentences, the star masters were about to refute.

This is dead, and it doesn't affect the combat effectiveness, or pull the hips?

But after listening to Jiao Yuan's third sentence, they were all taken aback, and then they stared wide-eyed and looked at the group of players carefully.

Soon after, they saw some familiar faces—all in the previous infighting, they saw the dead with their own eyes!

The dead reappeared?

How can this be!

Several people wiped their eyes, thinking they had hallucinations.

But no matter how long I watched it, there is no way to refute it.

Because what Jiao Yuan is talking about is what really happened!

These people, after seeing death with their own eyes, reappeared again!

"This, what's the situation?"

"Do these people have two lives?"

"No, just two lives cannot be cherished like this, so... they have many lives?"

"My God, isn't this the legendary,'immortality'?"

The scene before him was completely beyond imagination, and the star owners were shocked and shocked.

The alliance civilization has a history of hundreds of thousands of years.

Died, it came to an end

As for the legendary "immortality"?

As we all know, this is actually just a guess.

No one can believe that someone can possess this kind of natural ability.

Isn't this something gods can possess?

But now look at what they found?

The true immortality is immortal!

Not just one person, but a large group of people, tens of millions!

Even these tens of millions only appeared in their sight, and no one knew how many of them there were!

At this time, the surrounding soldiers also found out, and immediately caused an uproar!

No one could have imagined that their previous guess that "Daddy Qianye's hometown must have unique abilities" is actually true, and that he is still immortal.

Everyone was completely stunned, and the eyes of every soldier were deeply shocked!

King Guixi suddenly turned his head to look at Jiao Yuan, and said seriously: "Your Excellency Qianye, you have given us a great surprise. On behalf of the soldiers who fought against the wild beasts, I thank you for your generosity!"

The King of Longevity was in a daze, but then he said: "Yes, you let ten million people with the ability of'immortality' to come and support us. This is so important, thank you!"

The star owner also expressed his gratitude.

Even the King of Side by Side, who has been looking at Jiao Yuan very upset, sincerely thank Jiao Yuan!

In their eyes, these tens of millions of players, due to their intrepid attitude, can be as effective as 100 million soldiers or even more in the long run!

In the event of resisting the invasion of wild beasts, the value is simply hard to estimate!

Therefore, they are very grateful for the Jiao Yuan that brought all this.

"Hahaha~ You are welcome, this is what everyone should do as an intelligent human in the universe!"

Jiao Yuan laughed, and said straightly.

In fact, what was said was correct, after all, the wild beasts feed on everything in the universe, and are naturally in opposition to the people living in the universe.

This is the word of justice!


After seeing the immortality of the player, the star master and others are very excited.

At Jiao Yuan's request, soon, groups of players used space jumping equipment to quickly travel to the frontline areas where the war was most intense.

And Jiao Yuan also set up some resurrection points in these areas, allowing players to have no worries.

At the same time, he introduced Shuang Aoxue, June Yu and others to the star master, and said frankly that he had nothing to do with the player, and the star master could remotely control the player's actions by talking with them.

The star master is naturally very happy about this. After all, Jiao Yuan sees the dragon without seeing the end. It is difficult to find him at any time, and the indestructible (player) group has a commander, so it is more efficient to use.

In the next period of time, players played a huge role in the front lines of the war.

Let the alliance soldiers fight against the invasion of wild beasts and reduce a lot of pressure.

And Jiao Yuan observed for two days, and saw that all the players worked as hard as he planned, completely relieved.

Then he chatted a few words with the star master, preparing to go to the wild beast base camp alone to find and kill the wild beast king.

Upon hearing this news, the star master was immediately anxious, and urgently recalled the three kings of the alliance.

"Your Excellency Qianye, it is too risky to go deep into the wild beast base camp, please consider carefully!" Changsheng Wang persuaded.

At this time, other people nodded one after another, and they also meant the same.

Even if your Qianye's combat effectiveness is strong, you can crush the Wild Beast King, but you can't take such a huge risk!

Is Wild Beast Base Camp easy to mess with?

Do you know the reason why more ants can kill an elephant? ~

"We have experience dealing with wild beasts, listen to us, don't worry!" King Guixi couldn't help but persuade at this time.

Facing everyone's persuasion, Jiao Yuan shook his head calmly.

"The number is meaningless to me, no matter how many beasts below the king level, it is just a wave of effort."

"You don't need to worry, this wave of adventures, I will surely succeed in solving all the wild beast kings!"

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