Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 400 The Apostle Appears, Shocked by the Alliance

Seeing Jiao Yuan's confident eyes, the Star Lord and the King of Longevity were anxious.

"I still think this is too risky!"

"The process of arriving at the base camp of the wild beasts was very difficult. Even if you successfully arrived, no one knows how many wild beast kings there are in the base camp, or whether there will even be wild beasts beyond the kings."

"Indeed, our understanding of the desolate beast is too one-sided, so we have to be cautious!"

Several people explained from various angles, the purpose is only one, and that is to dispel Jiao Yuan's adventurous idea!

In their view, even if Jiao Yuan's strength exploded, this trip would be extremely dangerous.

If you underestimate the combat power of the Desolate Beast Base Camp, would you not even be able to come back alive?

And if Jiao Yuan is lost, then the Alliance Civilization will lose a trump card against the wild beasts in the future!

And will the ten million immortals (players) get out of control?

So no matter what, everyone didn't want Jiao Yuan to take such a huge risk to go to the Desolate Beast Base Camp.

On the other hand, as long as Jiao Yuan sits on the main star of the Alliance, he will have two major advantages such as geographical advantages, people, and can play a huge role.

Steady and steady fight is the kingly way!

It's just something Jiao Yuan made up his mind to, how can they change it in a few words?

Facing everyone's concerned and anxious eyes, he smiled and shook his head:

"Since I have decided, don't persuade you!"

"Now I'm just telling you, don't worry because I've been away for a while, there's no other meaning."

It was an extremely dangerous action in the eyes of the star master and others, but in the eyes of Jiao Yuan, he had full confidence.

According to the completion conditions of the second ring of the main mission, the highest combat power in the Desolate Beast Base Camp should also be the king level, otherwise there will be a higher Desolate Beast Emperor, and the mission conditions will be prompted accordingly.

And how did the wild beasts appear in the universe?

The root cause is not through an unknown cosmic crack?

Regardless of whether it is the first ring or the second ring mission, it shows that this cosmic crack has not yet expanded to a certain extent, and the Emperor Rank cannot enter for the time being.

Besides, even if the Desolate Beast Emperor appeared, Jiao Yuan would be scared?

Just kidding, a few days ago he personally killed an Lv414-level Desolate Beast Emperor [Blood Demon Eye].

Jiao Yuan is very confident of the strength of [God Forbidden Domain].

With the reduced CD of various titles and skill BUFFs, the [God Forbidden Domain] with a cooling time of seven days can already be used again.

Now it has stored two layers. It means that he can be released twice in a row.

Even if two wild beast emperors appeared in the wild beast base camp one after another, Jiao Yuan would be able to kill them easily.

So superb combat effectiveness is the source of confidence for him to take the initiative!

This is not reckless, but deliberate!

What Jiao Yuan thinks is--click to kill ten wild beast kings early, and get the task rewards earlier. Fortunately, when dealing with the mysterious Lv499 enemy that is about to come to Seablue Star, he will be more sure!

"Okay, don't persuade you anymore, I have decided, that's it!"

Seeing the star master and his party still showing expressions of hesitation, Jiao Yuan clapped decisively.

Seeing that dissuasion is useless, they can only accept this fact.

However, considering Jiao Yuan's importance to the civilization of the entire alliance, everyone decided to send him some bodyguards to escort him!

"Since we can't control your thoughts, let the old man go with you too!"

The King of Longevity said helplessly: "Anyway, my longevity is running out, so it's better to show off before I die!"

"Huh, how can I not participate in this kind of thing as one of the three kings?" King Guixi also said, "Although my strength is not as good as you, but it's not bad, right? That's it. I'll go with you when the time comes!"

The three kings of the alliance, two of them have expressed their intention to escort.

The remaining King of Side by Side has a very poor relationship with Jiao Yuan, so I won't mention him.

The sincerity of the alliance cannot be said to be inadequate in the face of the actions that Jiaoyuan has set.

Knowing that this trip will be a life of nine deaths, two pillars of civilization have to be sent to serve as bodyguards for himself.

I like this attitude!

The corner of Jiao Yuan's mouth curled up, feeling that he was really popular.

However, I had planned to do it on my own a long time ago, and didn't need other people's help.

"You should all stay!"

Seeing what King Changsheng and King Guixi wanted to say, Jiao Yuan hurriedly spoke in front of the two of them, "Do you really think that I am so reckless?"

"If I wasn't confident enough, could I make this kind of decision?"

"As for the helper... Actually, don't look at me on the surface but there is only one person, but behind my back there are several subordinates who are extremely powerful!"

The first two sentences of King Changsheng you follow Wang and King Guixi Jiaoyuan cannot be denied.

But the last sentence is somewhat skeptical.

The subordinates whose combat effectiveness is exploding?

Why didn't we see it?

Jiao Yuan on the side saw the unbelief in the eyes of the two of them, and it was not much to compare, and directly summoned all the pets, mounts, and follower Herder!

Suddenly, there were two more sword-holders, a tentacle monster, a scarlet dragon, a big dog with three heads, and a mysterious woman in a black mage robe.

Everyone looked intently, and suddenly felt a throbbing inside.

"These... are all king-level levels?"

King Guixi blurted out in shock!

Her expression at this time also represented the hearts of the rest of the people.

Shocking and incredible!

Throughout the entire alliance civilization, there are only three kings.

But Jiao Yuan summoned a group of people casually, and none of them were below this level!

How can this make the Star Master and his party not shocked?

It is actually very accurate to say that it is a king-level.

Due to Jiao Yuan's upgrade, his pets, mounts, and NPC followers have also increased their level caps.

Now they have reached the super high level of Lv322.

It is in the division of the strength of No. 112 Star Territory Warrior/Desolate Beast-the middle of the king (Lv301~Lv400) level!

"Now you believe it?"

Jiao Yuan shrugged and said with a smile.

"I believe..." the star master murmured to himself subconsciously.

The facts are in front of them, no matter how dreamlike they are, they have to admit that what Jiao Yuan said is true.

It is said that there are a few subordinates who are extremely powerful, and there really are!

And without exception, they are all kings!

Terrible, terrible!

In the hearts of everyone, the focus of focusing on focusing has been increased.

At this time they had no reason to stop Jiao Yuan from going to the Desolate Beast Base Camp.

Realizing this, the star master took out a round metal ball with the size of a slap, handed it over, and explained:

"Your Excellency Qianye, we don't know much about the desolate beast. I hope you agree to bring this instant video recorder to help us collect some deeper information about the desolate beast!"

"no problem!"

It's just a live broadcast for them, a trivial matter!

Jiao Yuan agreed.

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