Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 102 Incubator!!! (Add more!)

Chapter 102 Incubator!!! (Add more!)

At this moment, Qin Feng controlled the sentry robot to walk toward the depths of the mine quickly.

Just after Qin Feng walked halfway, he found many human remains.

These humans are all wearing imperial-style armor.

But the armor on his body has been corroded by the slime, one by one big holes.

And on the bodies of those people, the flesh and blood had long since disappeared, and only the withered skeletons remained in the battle armor.

Qin Feng scanned the surroundings and found that there were many dead people. At first glance, densely packed corpses filled the ground of the cave, making it look like a mass grave.

At this moment, Qin Feng just glanced randomly, and then continued to let the sentry robot walk toward the depths of the cave.

Ten minutes later, Qin Feng came directly to the end of the cave.

After arriving here, Qin Feng suddenly saw a huge black silkworm chrysalis at the very center of the cave.

And around the black silkworm chrysalis, countless dense pipes stretched out, as if inlaid on the earth like blood vessels.

Seeing the huge black silkworm chrysalis in front of him, Qin Feng was stunned.

In his previous life, Qin Feng had seen this kind of silkworm pupa in front of him countless times.

This kind of thing like silkworm chrysalis is actually an incubator.

Absorb the energy of underground ore, transform it into the nourishment of internal organisms, and finally hatch it.

The hatched creature is a god-level war class called Syndra's Plague Behemoth.

Syndra's Plague Behemoth is level 60.

The rank is the god level.

This god-level BOSS monster not only has a strong fighting ability, but also has a high defense, and it also has its own damage-free effect.

The most disgusting thing is that this behemoth also releases a plague called the "Black Death", which infects human water, food, and everything it comes into contact with.

At present, there does not seem to be an antidote to the Black Death.

In other words, once this kind of war beast hatches, the territory near Qin Feng will definitely usher in a devastating disaster.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng waved his hand and instantly put all the sentry robots into the backpack.

Next, I saw that he summoned 71 cannons of destruction in an instant.

At the moment when the destruction cannons were released, Qin Feng directly controlled these destruction cannons and aimed at the incubator in front of them.

Rays of light surged, and the seventy-one destruction cannons instantly entered a state of energy storage.

At this time, Qin Feng directly cast an exploration technique on the incubator in front of him.

The next moment, the blood volume of the incubator in front of him suddenly appeared in front of Qin Feng.

[Incubator (God Grade)]

HP: 5000W/5000W

Defense: 10W/10W

Introduction: The incubator of Syndra's Plague Behemoth, if the incubator is broken, it will cause the Sindra's Plague Behemoth to die.

Seeing the blood volume of the incubator in front of him, Qin Feng felt that the problem was not big.

The blood volume of 5000W is estimated to be a matter of minutes.

At this moment, when Qin Feng thought of this, the incubator in front of him trembled suddenly and began to struggle violently, as if he felt a crisis.

And this time.

The 2 seconds of energy storage time for Destroying the Cannon flickered.







Countless destruction cannon rays hit the incubator.

After Qin Feng's round of output, Neil next to Qin Feng instantly picked up the laser cannon and pointed it directly at the incubator.



In an instant, the 200W blood volume of the incubator was directly knocked out.

And then, Qin Feng controlled the destruction cannon to continue to output.






When Qin Feng attacked the incubator, the incubator in front of him shook violently, as if to break the incubator.

And Qin Feng just kept outputting to the incubator in front of him steadily.

Time and time again, directly hit this incubator's blood volume to 40%.

At this time, just as Qin Feng was madly facing the output of the incubator, Neil directly bombarded the past.



"Dingdong~Your robot [Neil] has triggered the equipment characteristic "Fatal" effect, and its HP is below 50% and it will directly empty the opponent's HP. "

"Ding Dong~ You destroyed [Incubator (God-level)] and gained 5000W experience points and 1000W merit points."

"Ding Dong~ You killed (Syndra Plague Behemoth (God-level)], and you got 1000W experience points and 500W merit points."

"Dingdong~ You destroyed an [Incubator (God-level)], the demon cave faction's favorability for you dropped to: immortality!"

"Ding Dong~ You destroyed the "Incubator (God-level)] left by the Demon Cave here, and triggered the only hidden mission [The Conspiracy of the Demon Cave (God-level)]. Do you want to take it?"

Hearing this system prompt, Qin Feng was a little lost.

He didn't expect... actually triggered Neil's fatal effect.

You know, he and Neil killed so many monsters before, but they didn't trigger this fatal effect once.

But now, it triggered a wave directly, taking away 40% of the incubator's health.

However, what surprised Qin Feng most was that he actually got a unique hidden mission because he destroyed the incubator.

You know, the only hidden mission is extremely rare.

687 In the Era Continent, the rewards of this kind of task are extremely rich.

So... Qin Feng has no reason not to accept it.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng took the task instantly.

"Ding Dong~ You have accepted the task [The Conspiracy of the Demon Cave (God Level)].

Hearing this system prompt, Qin Feng walked directly to the incubator and picked up all the explosions first.

"Ding Dong~ You have obtained the [Incubator Crafting Picture (God Level).

"Ding Dong~ You have won [Gold Coin] *100W."

"Ding Dong~ You have obtained [Divine Power Crystal]*3.

Hearing these system prompts, Qin Feng was confused by the loot again.

He didn't expect that this time an incubator production drawing would be directly exploded???

You know, incubator production technology is the top biotechnology device mastered by Magic Cave.

After getting this production picture, after Qin Feng builds the incubator, he can start to breed mounts and pets in batches.

As long as you cultivate mounts and pets, you can earn a lot of gold whether you sell them to players or NPCs.

In short, this is definitely a good thing.

ps: It's the last chapter, I will go to bed first, and I will update it tomorrow when I get up.

Write a comment in the questionable book review area, and you will read it after you get up.

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