Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 103: Nine-level gem mine! Estimated value of 19.7 billion gold coins!!! (1/7)

Chapter 103: Nine-level gem mine! Estimated value of 19.7 billion gold coins!!! (1/7)

At this moment, after Qin Feng watched this incubator, he quickly set his sights on [Divine Power Crystal.

【Crystal of Divine Power】

Grade 1

Level: God level (third level)


1. After ninth rank, it can absorb the divine power crystal to strengthen itself, increasing the basic attack power by 3%.

2. Using divine power crystals to make high-level equipment can make the equipment possess divine power, increase basic attributes by 130%, and add 3 additional god-level equipment characteristics.

3. When using the magic crystal to feed a pet, the pet will automatically be upgraded to level 3.

4. The crystal of divine power can be consumed to drive ancient war equipment.

Limits: Five.

Introduction: A crystal of supernatural power, extremely rare.

After seeing the crystallization of this supernatural power, Qin Feng felt...I made it.

Divine power crystals are precious materials that are extremely difficult to obtain in the later stages.

Now, Qin Feng has obtained a few supernatural power crystals in the early stage. I have to say that Qin Feng is lucky.

With the crystallization of divine power, Qin Feng strengthens Neil next time, and he can make Neil stronger.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng turned off the backpack directly.

The next moment, I saw him quickly open the taskbar.

After opening the taskbar, a blood red task icon suddenly appeared in front of Qin Feng.

[The Conspiracy of the Demon Cavern (God)

Level: God level

Task introduction: On your way to explore the territory, you found the incubator buried here in the magic cave. Their purpose is to let the black death sweep the entire continent of the era. You discovered the other party’s conspiracy, and the other party speeded up the incubation speed. , Because of this, players are asked to kill ten incubators in one day", and ten (Syndra Plague Behemoth) to obtain [Black Death Pathogen (God Level)].

mission target:

1. [Incubator] (0/10)

2. [Syndra Plague Behemoth] (0/10)

3. [Black Death Pathogen (God Grade)] (01)

mission rewards:

1. 5000W experience value.

2. 5000W imperial merit.

3. [Random Material Treasure Box (God Level)]*1.

Task restrictions:

1. Within 24 hours (The current remaining time is 23 hours, 59 minutes and 02 seconds.)

Introduction: You have discovered a conspiracy in the Devil's Cave. As a member of Epoch Continent, please do your best to disintegrate the other party's layout!

Seeing this task introduction, Qin Feng frowned suddenly.

The rewards given by this task...really very rich.

Not to mention the 5000W experience, the 5000W merit value alone is a great achievement.

Coupled with a treasure chest of god-level materials, the reward for this task is still very good.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng decided to do this task while searching for mines later.

Mines are the most energy-rich places, especially some resource mines.

He just confirmed that there are definitely incubators in some big mines.

So he happened to be able to do this task while opening up a wasteland mine.

At this time, after thinking of these, Qin Feng directly began to release all his armed mining robots.

After Qin Feng released the armed mining robot, a system prompt sounded suddenly.

"Hint: Found a ninth-level gem mine, do you occupy and collect it for a long time?

Hearing this, Qin Feng didn't hesitate to click OK.

The ninth-level gem mine wants to compare with the fifth-level gem mine, its reserves are simply vastly different.

You know, the lowest reserve of the 9th grade gem mine is 100 million.

The highest, even as much as 5 billion.

Qin Feng, a ninth-level gem mine with 5 billion reserves, was completely rich.

One mine, you can eat the late game, it is invincible.

At this time, just after Qin Feng thought of this, a system prompt sounded again.

Tips: Congratulations to the players for occupying [Level Nine Gem Mines], and specially opened the territory [Territory Minerals) panel. For the current gem mine information, please click on the [Territory Minerals] panel to view. "

Hearing this, Qin Feng directly clicked on the territory minerals page and read it.

[Territory Minerals)

Currently occupied mines:

1. [Five-level gem mine"

Gem reserves: 1042W

Estimated value: 2.7 billion gold coins.

The current daily mining income is: 10W gems/day

The current number of assembled mineral collection robots is: 10 units.

1. [Nine-level gem mine]

Gems reserves: 160 million

Estimated value: 19.7 billion gold coins.

The current maximum daily mining income is: 50W gems/day

The current recommended number of mineral collection robots is 50 units.

The 160 million gem reserves and the estimated value of 19.7 billion gold coins are simply taking off.

Qin Feng now has two such mines. Basically, he is now very rich.

Of course, it is not enough for Qin Feng.

After all, mine mining is a long-flowing matter. If Qin Feng wants to accumulate massive wealth in a short period of time, he has to occupy the mine and mine more.

With this in mind, Qin Feng directly assembled all 50 armed mining robots to the mine setting.

""W Dingdong~You have assembled 50 [armed mining robots] into the [9th level gem mine for mining. "

When the voice fell to the ground, the armed robots in front of them began to mine gem mines.

At this time, Qin Feng directly took out the wormhole transmission device from his backpack and spread it out on the ground.

In just a few seconds, a wormhole transmission device appeared in front of Qin Feng.

Next, after everything was done, Qin Feng took Neil and left the mine.

After stepping out of the mine, Qin Feng ran towards the nearest mine for the first time.

A few minutes later.

Qin Feng came to a mine in Lili.

At this time, Qin Feng directly summoned the sentry robot to open the way, and a swarm of swarms (Wang Qian Zhao) directly entered the inside of the mine.

In the uncultivated period of the mine, there were basically monsters in it.

And basically they are all elite monsters.

At this time, Qin Feng just walked into the mine with the sentry not far away, and was attacked by several elite-level enchanted vampire bats.

However, the level of these enchanted vampire bats is only 30.

With low blood volume and low defense, it can be regarded as a very rubbish elite monster.

And the moment they rushed towards Qin Feng, the sentry robots shot one after another, but after a few seconds, the group of enchanted vampire bats was wiped out by a fire.

After solving a wave of enchanted vampire bats, Qin Feng directly led the mechanical corps toward the inside of the cave.

Next, Qin Feng pushed all the way horizontally and easily reached the deepest part of the cave.

But when he reached the deepest part of the cave, he suddenly found an incomparable scarlet bat gut.

And under the abdomen of the bat, there are a few little bats of level 1. .

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