Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 114 War Mission!!! (5/7)

Chapter 114: War Mission!!! 57()

At this moment, as these soldiers were discussing, Qin Feng frowned.

He did not expect that the people of the Xilin Empire would attack a C-level base.

You know, the base of the demons is not so easy to attack.

It is often necessary to pay a great price if you want to attack a base set up by a demon clan near a war city.

Of course, the income is obviously also very high.

After all, if you attack the base set up by the Demon Race, you will get a resource called Demon Stone.

This kind of resource can be used to drive large war weapons and is an extremely precious energy source.

Generally speaking, magic stone is considered a relatively scarce material in Era Continent. It can be exchanged for gold coins. It seems that the ratio of exchange for gold coins is around 1:10.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng felt that he seemed to have found another way to make money frantically.

After that, Qin Feng did not stay at the entrance of the passage, he directly led Neal to the legion headquarters in the city.

If you want to take over the war mission, you must first find the Legion Headquarters of the Storm Empire in the war city.

At this moment, Qin Feng quickly took Neil to the Legion headquarters of the Stormwind Empire.

After arriving here, Qin Feng showed his token and walked directly into the legion headquarters.

A middle-aged man with the appearance of a 687 non-commissioned officer walked up to Qin Feng, clenched his fist on his chest, and saluted Qin Feng and said, "See you, Lord Marquis."

Hearing what the non-commissioned officer said, Qin Feng said directly: "In the area, all tasks above the S level will be handed over to me."

When the non-commissioned officer in front of him heard this, he was stunned.

At the next moment, I saw him hesitately ask: "My lord, are you sure you want all war missions above S grade?"

"Yes, give it all to me." Qin Feng said directly.

Upon hearing this, the non-commissioned officer directly gave Qin Feng all the tasks above the S rank.

At this moment, Qin Feng directly opened these mission scrolls and looked at them.

"Ding Dong~ You have accepted the S-level war mission (destroying Mozu No. 881 stronghold (recommended mission level is 40)]."

"Dingdong~You have accepted the SS-level war mission [Expelling the Demon Race 731 Highland Army (recommended mission level is 40)].

"Ding Dong~ You have accepted the SSS-level war mission [Destroy the Demon Mecha Troops (recommended mission level is 50)]

"Ding Dong~ You have accepted the SS-level war mission [sniping the demon army (recommended mission level is 40)].

Seeing these tasks, Qin Feng directly said to the non-commissioned officer: "I have taken all these tasks."

All "received???" The sergeant was obviously a little confused. At this moment, he hurriedly said to Qin Feng: "Master Marquis, these tasks are limited tasks. Generally, they can only be taken by high-level mercenary groups or army generals. Pick."

"I am a Marquis of the Empire. According to the imperial system, I have the right to accept these missions. Qin Feng" said with a smile, and soon put away all the scrolls of war missions.

Afterwards, Qin Feng left the place with Neil directly, and quickly ran towards the outside of the war city.

At this time, the non-commissioned officer did not stop Qin Feng, but quickly walked towards an office in the headquarters.

At this moment, in the office, a woman wearing a MARK armor stood in front of the windowsill, staring at Qin Feng and Neil who had left the headquarters of the regiment, and her eyes flickered a few times.

When she stared at the back of Qin Feng and Neal leaving, a knock on the door sounded.

Hearing the knock on the door, she shouted directly to the outside: "Come in."

The voice fell to the ground, and the previous non-commissioned officer walked in directly.

The next moment, I saw him say to the woman: "It has been confirmed as a white waiter."

"What does he want to do here?" the woman frowned and asked.

"He took away all the limited mission scrolls above the S rank." The sergeant said calmly.

Upon hearing this, the woman suddenly fell into thought.

After a while, the woman stood up and said to the non-commissioned officer: "Go ahead, and all the Stormwind Empire Legion that performed the mission will be withdrawn.

Withdraw "Come on? Do you not protect the Marquis of White? He is the Marquis of the Empire, and he is also a person who is very important to Her Majesty. Even the Pope and the Duke of Linwei stand behind him (cfad). If such a person is here with us If something goes wrong, I am afraid that your situation will be very passive." The sergeant calmly analyzed and briefly stated his point of view.

At this time, the woman smiled and said: "This white dress waiter, it's not easy...Since he is willing to accept tasks, naturally there is a way to solve these tasks. We don't have to worry about his safety. Next, we will make every effort to welcome the demons. The army counterattacked with all its strength."

"Yes." The sergeant nodded and agreed directly.

At this moment, after making this decision, the woman looked in the direction where Qin Feng had left, her eyes deep, and she didn't know what she was thinking about.

After Qin Feng and Neal showed the mission scroll, they went straight out of the city.

After leaving the city, Qin Feng directly picked one out of all the mission scrolls.

The next moment, he directly opened the mission scroll and looked at it.

[Destroy the Mozu Mecha Troops (recommended mission level is 50)]

Grade: SSS

Task introduction: Mozu has set up a mecha unit in (C-7 area). This force poses a great threat to the entire [C-7 area war city. Players are asked to completely eliminate this group of mecha units. , To prevent the opponent from raiding the stronghold of the Stormwind Empire.

mission target:

1. [G-3 Demon Mech] (0/100)

2. [G-7 Demon Auxiliary Mech] (0/100)

3. [D-71 Logistics Mecha] (0/100)

Mission success reward:

1. 100 million experience points.

2. 5000W meritorious service

Mission failure penalty: None

Mission limit: None

Introduction: The last place where this group of demons appeared was at the coordinate (741.114), maybe there will be many clues nearby.

Seeing the introduction, Qin Feng directly marked a mark on his map.

Subsequently, Qin Feng began to speculate where the other party might go from the marked location.

But after a while, Qin Feng looked at a stronghold on the map.

This stronghold is guarded by the Xilin Empire, and it is only five kilometers away from the place where the (741.114) Mozu Mecha last appeared.

Logically speaking, if the opponent appears here, he will definitely not give up attacking that stronghold.

After all, there are a lot of resources inside the stronghold to supply them.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng directly marked the stronghold, then turned off the map directly, and ran towards the stronghold with Neil.

ps: I am in a bad mood today. I ordered this book for 3000, but I didn't make any recommendations. I vomited blood and my mentality was a bit collapsed.

I was thinking about taking a day off and doing less code, but I always felt sorry for the readers, so I got up and changed another chapter.

After resting for a long time, the mentality has basically recovered, so the author decided that starting from tomorrow, continue to 7 and hope that there will be a good recommendation next week.

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