Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 115 Mecha Troops of the Demon Cavern! (6/7)

Chapter 115 Mecha Troops of the Demon Cavern! (6/7)

In the magic cave, there is also a civilization of the same level as that of the Epoch Continent.

However, compared with Era Continent, the composition of the forces in the Demon Cave is more complicated.

In the Demon Cave, the Demon civilization is the main civilization, and the Demon Technology focuses on machinery. Because of the lack of elemental power, it is much stronger on the technological side than Epoch~Mainland.

However, because of the existence of magicians and the existence of many top mechanics, Era Continent can still compete with each other.

However, Qin Feng knew that if compared to his strength, the strength of Demon Cave was obviously much stronger than that of Epoch Continent.

The civilization inside the Devil's Cave has been in a state of fighting on its own, unable to deal with the Era Continent with all its strength.

However, after the game enters the late stage, there will be a terrifying clash of civilizations.

At that time, the collision between the two civilizations will bring players an opportunity for rapid improvement.

Before that, we must improve our strength as soon as possible.

Because only by mastering enough strength can you control your own destiny in the face of change.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng soon began to concentrate on his journey.

Ten minutes later, Qin Feng quickly came to a desert Gobi Canyon.

At this moment, Qin Feng looked at the huge canyon in front of him, and suddenly stopped.

Passing through this gorge, you can reach the station of the Xilin Army Corps.

However, seeing the canyon in front of him, Qin Feng said directly to Neal: "Be careful and be ready to fight at any time."

"Okay." Neal nodded and quickly agreed.

And then, Qin Feng Haizi Street led Neil quickly towards the inside of the canyon.

While Qin Feng was wearing the Mark's armor, a black mecha was staring at Qin Feng and Neal above the canyon.

At this moment, in the cockpit of this group of black mechas, there are strange people like alien creatures.

These people looked extremely weird and had the same appearance as humans, but their skin showed patches of scarlet blood, which looked extremely oozing.

"Captain, do you want to take action?" At this time, a demon clan asked the captain beside him.

Hearing this, the captain said directly: "Wait for him to go a little deeper and then attack him. If you can catch it alive, try to catch it alive."

"Yes." The demons nodded and passed the order directly.

The next moment, I saw this group of mecha units moved extremely quickly, and began to follow Qin Feng's surroundings.

A few minutes passed.

Qin Feng was originally continuing to fly, but at this moment, a terrifying cannon shot towards Qin Feng instantly.

Perceiving energy fluctuations, Qin Feng suddenly dodged sideways.


After directly avoiding the enemy's attack, Qin Feng looked directly at Neil who was aside.

At this time, Neil also avoided the attack of a magic giant cannon. After seeing Qin Feng's gaze, he directly said, "I'm fine."

Hearing this, Qin Feng didn't say anything, he just raised his head and looked around.

Around Qin Feng, a jet black mech appeared constantly.

These mechas are all forty-level Mozu series mechas. Generally speaking, this kind of mech is the lowest-end mech of the Mozu, and is driven by a mecha division trained by the opponent, that is, the mechanic branch professionally.

On the battlefield of the Devil's Cave, the capabilities of this mecha are very terrifying. Often a mecha unit can destroy a legion and destroy an empire stronghold.

This is why the task Qin Feng received is SSS level.

At this moment, Qin Feng looked at the mecha in front of him, and cast an exploration technique directly at the mecha in front.

In an instant, the attributes of the mecha appeared directly in front of Qin Feng.

[G-3 Demon Mech)

Class; Legendary

HP: 300W/300W


Defense: 51050

Skills: [Magic Cannon Precision Strike] [Mecha Three Combo] [Sprint] [Short Time Glide] [Energy Shield]

Introduction: The basic mecha made by Mozu has powerful combat capabilities.

Seeing the mecha information in front of him, Qin Feng felt something.

300W blood volume, 10W+ attack.

At present, there are not enough to say that there are 20 units. To solve these 20 units, it is estimated that a little effort will be spent.

At this moment, when Qin Feng thought of this, a mecha suddenly came out of the Demon Race mecha queue opposite.

Seek flowers 0.

After walking out of this machine, a voice suddenly came out from the speaker of his mecha.

"If you don't want to die, give up resistance."

The tone of the speech was extremely sloppy, but Qin Feng understood it.

The other party... is trying to capture himself alive.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng smiled, and immediately released 30 sentry robots and 41 destruction cannons with a wave of his hand.



After the huge sentry robot appeared, it directly entered the destruction mode, and instantly launched a laser beam towards the demon mecha not far away.








The injury numbers became familiar. Two Demon Mechas did not avoid them in time, and they broke their legs and fell to the ground in an instant.

At this time, Qin Feng directly controlled the destruction cannon and began to activate.







A series of terrifying destructive energy sources shot directly on a mecha, and the energy shield of that mecha was only supported for a moment, and then it was directly shattered.

The destruction energy shot on the mecha, making the entire mecha like melting ice, breaking through big holes in an instant.

At this moment, seeing that Qin Feng released so many robots, the Mozu commander standing not far away did not hesitate to choose to call for support.

For them, as long as they encounter a mechanic, they must stay in the magic house.

After all, if we wait for the mechanical level of Era Continent to catch up with them, I am afraid that the war will be more difficult at that time.

So now, after seeing Qin Feng's super-high mechanic level, he immediately chose to call for support.

After calling for support, he directly picked up the shimmering war spear on the side, ready to join the battle at any time, dragging Qin Feng with his own life.

He knew that as long as the reinforcements arrive, Qin Feng will undoubtedly die!!! So even if he pays his life as a price, he will have to hold Qin Feng or Qin Feng will leave!

ps: Today's update will be late, sorry three,

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