Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 171 Invincible Title! (7/7)

Chapter 171 Invincible Title! (7/7)

At this moment, Qin Feng just opened the title bar, and the attributes of the title appeared in front of him.

【God of War (only)】

Grade 1


1. When wearing this title, the player's intelligence is extra +100%.

2. When wearing this title, the player is additionally immune to 10% damage.

3. When a mechanic wears this title, the upper limit of external mechanical equipment under his command will be automatically increased to 100.

4. Wearing this title for the mechanic profession will increase the attack power of external mechanical equipment under his command by an additional 10%.

Restrictions: None

Introduction: Only those who have truly made outstanding contributions in world-class battles can get this title

At this moment, after Qin Feng saw the title of God of War before him, he only felt that this title was somewhat invincible.

The extra intelligence of +1 "zero eighty three" 00% attribute is already very strong, although Qin Feng's intelligence bonus is not high at the base damage, mainly relying on mechanical equipment for output.

But in the late game, the intelligence attribute becomes very important for the mechanic profession.

At that time, this extra bonus effect will play his role.

In addition to this extra intelligence bonus, when wearing this title, the player is also immune to 10% damage. This attribute is also very strong.

Injury-free effect, 10% is not much, but it is definitely not a lot. At a critical time, this 10% injury-free effect may be enough for Qin Feng to resist the opponent's damage and kill the opponent in seconds.

So the effect of this attribute is pretty good.

And the most important attributes of the title of God of War are naturally the following two.

The core of the mechanic is the mechanical army.

Of course, what restricts the development of mechanics is the number of external machines.

The title of God of War in front of him can directly increase the upper limit of Qin Feng's external mechanical equipment to 100, which is equivalent to adding more than a dozen external mechanical equipment to the output damage.

The damage of these external mechanical equipment is superimposed, but it is tens of millions of output damage.

Coupled with the title effect of an additional 10% increase in attack power of external mechanical equipment under his command, Qin Feng's increased output damage is estimated to exceed 100 million.

And most importantly, as the level increases.

Every time Qin Feng changes his job, Qin Feng is bound to increase the number of external mechanical equipment.

At that time, the gain effect of this title can be terrifying.

At this time, after Qin Feng thought of this, he quickly recovered.

Next, he directly turned off the title panel in front of him, and began to control the Titan Mecha to sweep the battlefield.

When Qin Feng walked to a pile of demon mecha wreckage, he did not hesitate to throw a [Lv11 advanced decomposition technique] at the demon mecha in front of him.

In an instant, Qin Feng obtained a lot of parts for the B-series Mozu mecha.

At this time, Qin Feng didn't waste any time. He broke down all the way, and it only took ten minutes to clean up the entire battlefield.

After cleaning the battlefield, Qin Feng quickly led Neil and Kaohsiung Kui towards the Territory Cave Teleportation Device.

Now... it's not a time to rest at all. His next goal is the occupied [Nile Fortress].

As the main battlefield of the Stormwind Empire, the fallen Nile Fortress gathered a large number of demons army.

Moreover, according to Qin Feng's previous life, these demons seem to have begun to build the void altar, preparing to summon the demons to descend on the continent of Era.

In the previous life, the Demon Legion almost summoned the Void Demon Legion.

Fortunately, at a critical moment, the Pope took action to destroy the altar, otherwise, the entire Era Continent might be plunged into a longer war.

After all, the Void Demon came from a race in the stars.

Although the Demon Legion can only summon some trash Void Demon Legion.

However, even the most trash Void Demon Legion needs to pay a huge price to wipe out the opponent.

In short, in the current situation, it is better not to appear the Void Demon Legion.

Just when Qin Feng thought of this, he soon came to the wormhole teleporter.

Next, Qin Feng walked into the wormhole teleporter without hesitation and ran towards the town nearest to the Nile fortress.

"Dingdong~You have arrived at Changping City]."

"Hint: You have entered the high-level war zone, please pay attention to players!!!"

"Reminder: Enlistment mode is enabled in the current area, players can go to all major factions to receive war missions, and obtain war points and massive experience!"

Hearing this series of system prompts, Qin Feng quickly raised his head and looked at Changping City in front of him.

At this time, there are very few players in Changping City.

The Nile Fortress and outside Changping City are basically level 60 or higher leveling places.

So here, unless they are specifically here to do the task, players will rarely appear here now.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng walked directly towards the station of the Storm Empire military headquarters in the distance.

According to the camp, Qin Feng is now a Marquis, one of the official members of the Stormwind Empire.

In other words, he can enter the highest wartime command when he is about to fight.

After entering the highest wartime command, he was able to receive the highest-level theater missions.

High-level theater missions can get high amount of experience, war points, and even some rare items that are not normally available.

Not only that, Qin Feng may be able to raise his title to the duke title by virtue of several war zone missions.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng quickly rushed towards the highest wartime command marked on the city map.

A few minutes later.

Qin Feng soon came to the headquarters of Changping City.

At this time, in front of the headquarters, many army soldiers surrounded the entire headquarters, and it seemed that the protection was extremely well in place.

But at this time, Qin Feng saw the imperial guard among the soldiers in the defensive headquarters.

Seeing these imperial guards, Qin Feng suddenly understood that the empress must be here in person.

If not, the Imperial Guards, as the elite troops guarding the 3.9 imperial city, would never appear here.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng walked directly towards the headquarters.

When Qin Feng first walked in front of the headquarters, several fighters immediately stopped Qin Feng.

"This is the important place of the military, come and stop!" one of the soldiers shouted to Qin Feng.

Hearing his words, Qin Feng directly showed his Marquis token.

After seeing the token, the pupils of the soldiers in front of them shrank for a while. The next moment, they all bowed to Qin Feng and said, "See Lord Marquis."

"Well, can I go in?" Qin Feng asked directly.

"Of course." A guard came over and said to Qin Feng: "Sir in white clothes, please come with me."

"Yeah." Qin Feng nodded, and soon followed him towards the headquarters. ,

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