Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 172 Discussing Countermeasures! (1/5)

Chapter 172 Discussing Countermeasures! (1/5)

At this time, under the leadership of the Imperial Guard, Qin Feng quickly entered the wartime supreme command.

After walking into the hall, Qin Feng heard a lot of comments.

"The Nile fortress is lost and must be held accountable. The Ministry of Finance spends tens of billions of dollars in the Nile fortress every year. This kind of support actually caused the Nile fortress to fall in less than an hour. Obviously It is the negligence of the military department."

"Now is not the time for accountability. The fortress of Nile has fallen, and the defenders of the fortress will not retreat. Even General Lin Tianen who was stationed in this fortress has been killed in battle. The obvious problem is that the demons have invested an extremely powerful war against the fortress of Nile. Strength, this strength cannot be underestimated."

"The Nile Fortress is located in the key hinterland. It is the hub of our Stormwind Empire. If we don't retake this place as soon as possible, the consequences may be disastrous."

25 "Your Majesty, the Pope, I suggest that the forward army should be dispatched to investigate the military situation of the Nile Fortress immediately, so as to prepare for the following war."

"The minister agrees!"

"The minister also seconded!"

At this moment, hearing these voices, Qin Feng slowly walked into the hall.

Just after Qin Feng walked into the hall, the original discussion suddenly stopped.

Everyone turned their heads to look at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng raised his head and scanned the audience, and soon saw a few familiar figures.

The female emperor sitting at the top, the pope on the left hand of the female emperor, and on his right hand, is a big man wearing a battle armor named Angkos, who seems to be an extremely powerful imperial military chief. Man, otherwise he wouldn't sit in this position.

At this time, Qin Feng glanced around, and soon said to the empress and the pope: "Your Majesty the Empress, Your Excellency the Pope.

"Since the white dress waiter is here, let's take a seat first." The empress said blankly.

After the empress’s voice fell to the ground, the pope sitting next to the empress directly said: “Waiting in white clothes, sit next to me.”

After speaking, a chair in the distance automatically moved to the side of the Pope.

When everyone around saw this, they all jumped their eyes.

At this time, Qin Feng did not be polite with the Pope, and directly agreed, walked over and sat down quickly.

Next, the female emperor spoke directly to everyone: "The Nile Fortress is the center of my Stormwind Empire. The strategic significance of this place is extremely important. So next, our only strategic goal is to retake the Nile Fortress from the hands of the demon army. ."

After saying this, the empress looked directly at the military general Anks sitting on the right hand side and said: ``General Angks, you sent a scout army before to investigate the demons occupying the Nile fortress. Come here. Let’s talk about the current situation of the Demon Legion."

"The demon legion currently occupies the Nile fortress with a force of about 30W. Among them, there are three 90-level demon-level powerhouses. In addition, the number of elite top war mech regiments has not yet been detected." Speaking of this, Angkos Weiwei Frowning, he said sternly: "In addition, the Scout Legion has detected that the Demon Legion is building a void altar. If the void altar takes shape, the consequences may be disastrous.

At this time, hearing Ankos's words, everyone started making noise.

"The Void Altar? Is it possible to summon the Void Demon?"

"Absolutely "can't let the people of the Demon Race succeed. If the Void Demon is summoned, I am afraid that the Era Continent will truly usher in a catastrophe.

"The disasters that happened hundreds of years ago can't repeat the same mistakes again. This time, even if we pay a huge price, we must annihilate the demon army of the Nile Fortress!"

"Your Majesty Empress!!! The minister asked the army to take action immediately to wipe out this group of demons!"

"The minister agrees!!!"

At this moment, the empress heard the comments from everyone around, and quickly looked at the pope aside and said: "Under the crown of the pope, how do you think we should respond to this matter?"

After hearing the words of the empress, the pope did not answer this question immediately. Instead, he looked at Qin Feng and said: "I think there should be a better way to deal with it than me in white clothes. As far as I know, in the magic cave Shortly before the invasion, Bai Yihou used his power to govern the guild to bring the Stormwind Empire into a state of readiness. Since Bai Yihou had long anticipated this war, he must have a countermeasure."

Hearing this, everyone looked at Qin Feng in disbelief.

They didn't expect that not long ago, the Empress announced that the Storm Empire had entered a state of combat readiness because of Qin Feng.

You know, many ministers at the time were puzzled by the decision of the Empress.

Many ministers even said that the Empress was relieved of war preparations.

However, the empress refused with a strong attitude, so the combat readiness continued to the present.

And it is precisely because the Stormwind Empire has entered the highest combat readiness state ahead of schedule, so the current losses in the Stormwind Empire are basically minimal.

It's just that they have fallen into a few ordinary cities. Compared to the Lordan Empire and the Xilin Empire, their losses are no different.

It's also 083 because of this, so they can free up their troops to deal with the fall of the Nile Fortress.

It can be said that what Qin Feng did secretly, if he served in the military headquarters of the Stormwind Empire, was enough to make him rank among the top generals.

At this moment, when everyone thought of this, Qin Feng glanced at the Pope and the Empress calmly.

Afterwards, I saw Qin Feng slowly speaking: "The Demon Legion is dominated by the Mechanical Legion. In addition, there are a large number of monsters guarding the periphery, which can consume the strength of the Storm Empire. In addition, the Demon Legion also There are top war weapons, the Conqueror War Robots. This is their latest 80-level robot. It has extremely terrifying attack power. The number is unknown. At least the powerhouse above the Templar level can fight against it. In addition, , There are more than three powerful demon kings at level 90, and there are at least seven powerful demon kings at level 90. In addition, there is also a demon king who sits at the center."

Hearing Qin Feng's words, everyone's eyes widened.

You know, the three powerhouses of the demon king level are already very strong, and there is actually another demon king.

The Demon Lord is already the top combat power in the Demon Cavern, and sending this kind of existence to the Era Continent is completely enough to show that they attach importance to this strategic location in front of them.

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