Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 183: Heaven Defying Reward!!! (1/5)

Chapter 183: Heaven Defying Reward!!! (1/5)

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng did not hesitate to avoid the opponent's attack by turning sideways.


After the letters that avoided damage rose up, Qin Feng slashed at the opponent with a single sword.

The blood splattered, directly taking away 1% of the opponent's blood volume.

At this time, Neal and Kaohsiung Fan madly carried out a new round of attacks behind each other.

As time passed, it took three minutes before Qin Feng reduced Duolun's blood volume to 10%.

But when its blood volume dropped to 10%, Qin Feng also cleared all the surrounding second-generation rune robots.

After clearing these rune robots, he began to attack Duolun with all his strength.

Duolun was attracted by the effect of the goddess of doom statue on Qin Feng, and his hatred was dragged to death. Even if his health dropped to 10%, he didn't even think about running away.

It can be said that if you can kill Doren in front of you, the role of the statue of the goddess of doom is definitely not to be ignored.

At this moment, when Duolun was frantically attacking Qin Feng, the Demon King and Demon King in the distance obviously also noticed something wrong with Duolun.

In the distance, the Dragon Guard noticed that Duolun was being beaten by Qin Feng and ignored the Pope. He rushed towards Duolun and tried to keep Duolun.

When the pope saw this scene, he said directly to the Dragon Royal: "Your opponent is me."

After finishing speaking, he slapped the Dragon Royal instantly with a slap, keeping him away from Qin Feng.

Next, the seven demon kings around also wanted to help Duolun, but they were basically entangled by the strongmen of the Stormwind Empire, and there was no chance to go back to help Duolun.

Qin Feng saw this scene and continued to stabilize the output.

And Duolun's blood volume has dropped from 10% all the way.







Kaohsiung pad shot instantly, and directly emptied Duolun's blood volume in front of him.

At this moment, Duolun stared at the big hole in his chest in disbelief.

He had obviously never thought that as the twelfth son of the Demon God, he would actually die here.

At this moment, he stared at Qin Feng in front of him, showing a weird smile and said: "You kill me, my father will take revenge for me||

After speaking, his whole person turned into a black death breath, which disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, world announcements sounded one after another.

"World Announcement: The player (white clothes) killed the Demon prince [Dolun (God-level). After judgment, the Demon prince [Dolun (God-level)) has SSS-level potential and may become a holy-level powerhouse. Therefore, cut Players who kill this demon prince will get rewards: (Random Treasure Box (Holy Rank)), ``Stone of Stars (Holy Rank)), (Guild Advance Token (Holy Rank)), Experience +200 million, War Points + 1000W."

"World Announcement: The player [white] beheads the important NPC of the Demon Race, reduces the attack power of all NPCs of the Demon Race by 5%, and the Demon Race's luck is -10%.

"World Announcement: Player (white clothes) in the battle of the Nile Fortress, beheaded the demon prince, and all the demon NPCs in the area have attack power and defense power of -20%."

"Dingdong~ Demon NPC [Devil God Emperor] has a good impression of you-100%, the current relationship is: immortality!"

"Ding Dong~ Your level has been improved, current level: LV50."

"Ding Dong~ You have got 10 free attribute points.

"Ding Dong~ You have got a new job transfer task, do you accept it?"

At this moment, after hearing these system prompts, the whole game was fried.

Many players have been discussing on the World Channel.

"I'm grass, this is too good for the fuck, isn't it? Kill the prince of the demon clan? How did the white man do it? Amazing!!!"

"Invincible, really invincible, this wave has directly weakened all Demon NPCs, it's really awesome!"

Seeing "The reward that the white man got, I'll send it to be honest."

"I also posted it. I now want to kill a little more Demon NPC, so I only have a dozen points. It's really beautiful.

"If you don't accept it, you just don't know what you can redeem for this war points.

"War points are so difficult to get. Don't worry, you can exchange a lot of good things when the points mall opens the cliff."

At this moment, when everyone was talking about it, Qin Feng quickly took over the job transfer task.

Then he quickly walked to Duolun's side and began to pick up things.

"Ding Dong~ You have obtained (+12 Equipment Amplification Scroll (Holy Rank))."

"Ding Dong~ You have obtained (Equipment Level Up Scroll (God Level)).

"Ding Dong~ You have obtained the [Dark Dragon King Pet Egg (Holy Order)).

"Ding Dong~ You got gold coins *1000W."

After picking up the things, Qin Feng did not delay here, and directly rushed out of the city with Neil and Kaohsiung Fan who were seriously injured.

In this war, Qin Feng gained a great deal. Not only did he complete the task of destroying the Void Altar, but he also killed the demon prince Duolun.

There are already a lot of task rewards alone, not to mention the rewards given by the demon prince Duolun.

It can be said that Qin Feng has become rich overnight, and it is simply an explosion.

At this time, just as Qin Feng ran towards the outside of the city, countless rune robots rushed towards Qin Feng, trying to destroy it.

And at this time, Qin Feng did not hesitate to instantly activate the [Lv11 Advanced Group Disguise Technique].

In an instant, Qin Feng and his mechanical corps instantly entered a state of disguise and disappeared directly in place.

After entering the disguised state, Qin Feng quickly ran out of the city.

Next, Qin Feng only spent a few minutes before crossing the blockade and returning to the Stormwind Empire’s army.

At this time, when returning to the Storm Empire army, Qin Feng let Neil and Kaohsiung Kui rest aside. As for him, he opened the transfer task panel and took a look.

[Mechanical Head of State Transfer Task (Professional Tier 5))

Grade: SS

Task content:

1. Kill 10,000 demon NPCs higher than 10 levels. (undone)

3. Possess eight full-level high-level mechanics skills. (completed)

Task completion Duzha:

1. Demon NPC. (0/10000)

2. Eight full-level high-level mechanics skills. (8/8)

Mission limit: None

Mission success reward:

1. Unlock the professional fifth rank special skills.

2. Get 100 free attribute points.

3. Get 50 potential points.

Introduction: This task is a five-level professional task, please be careful...

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