Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 184 The Shocked Player! (2/5)

Chapter 184 The Shocked Player! (2/5)

Seeing the task before him, Qin Feng only felt that it was too simple.

Killing 10,000 Demon NPCs higher than level 10 is really not difficult for Qin Feng.

On the battlefield in front of you, the most indispensable is the Demon NPC.

Moreover, the top combat power was basically restrained, and only level 60 demonic mechas remained on the battlefield.

Simply put, now is the best time to do the task.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng said directly to Neil and Kaohsiung Yi: "You are here to wait, come and help me when the injury recovers."

"Yeah." Neil and Kaohsiung Kui promised, and soon they stayed in place and slowly recovered their blood.

Both of them have equipment features that automatically recover from injuries, so Qin Feng is not worried.

At this time, after ordering the two of them, he directly took out a new Titan Mecha.

Afterwards, he quickly rushed into the battlefield and started a new round of massacre.

As time passed, an hour later.

The demons in the Nile fortress were basically eliminated.

After these legions were eliminated, the dragon dragon of the demons was severely injured by the pope.

Facing the tragic failure, the Dragon Guard did not hesitate to take the remaining three Demon Kings 083 into the void passage, and immediately fled the battlefield.

After the Dragon Royal and several demon kings escaped, several system prompts once again resounded across the continent of Epoch.

"World Announcement: Congratulations to the Stormwind Empire (China Region) for successfully regaining the [Nile Fortress]! As the Stormwind Empire successfully regained the strategic fortress and severely damaged the Demon Legion, all players/NPCs of the Stormwind Empire are specially rewarded for killing monsters and gaining experience from the mission. +10% (permanent BUFF).

"World Announcement: Because the player "White Clothes" performed outstandingly in this battle, special award titles (Light of Dawn (Only)), [Nine-Star Intelligence Rune Stone]*1."

"Dingdong~The third phase of the regional war is over, the current player contribution value is: 20.7%, special bonus war points 40W, [Equipment Upgrade Stone (Holy Rank))*1.

"Ding Dong. The current player ranks first in the regional war points rankings. Due to the outstanding performance in the first stage of the siege, an additional 20% of total war points have been added.

Hear this series of system tones.

All players have a special fryer again.

??? Why is there a big guy in white again??? The big guy in white is too awesome, right?"

"Invincible, this fucking contribution rate of 20.7% is too strong, isn't it? I just went through a war and killed a dozen demon monsters and the contribution rate was only 0.01%. This fucking 20.7% must kill how many demon monsters? ?"

"Open hanging is awesome, lying down to take the first place in the rankings."

Upstairs, "Don't think about it, so many people have not been banned for reporting, it is impossible to be a plug-in."

"I want to know how to change my nationality. The nationality of the Stormwind Empire is really fragrant. I chose a few random selections of the Lordan Empire, and it is really miserable to be hammered by the demons now."

"I have a way upstairs. You kill your king, and then give the throne to the white man. From now on, you will be a member of the Stormwind Empire.

"Hahahaha, brother upstairs, you want to laugh at me to death."

At this time, when many players were talking about it, Ling Ruoxue and others who stood on the battlefield looked at Qin Feng not far away.

I have to say that they only now understand why the white clothes upgrade so fast and so awesome.

This damn, on the battlefield, Ling Ruoxue and the others are all embarrassed secretly making up their swords.

As a result, Qin Feng fell well and swept directly, wherever he went, the demon rune robot was instantly suppressed.

And most importantly, Qin Feng's operation is really too strong.

The huge Titan Mecha is as flexible as a monkey in his hands, jumping horizontally and horizontally in the battlefield.

Not only that, but it can also control ninety-six warrior cannons at the same time, constantly bombarding the surroundings.

Ling Ruoxue and Qing (cfdj) Wu Feiyang, as well as how worried you can be, the three of them have also observed Qin Feng's operations.

The observation results shocked them.

Because Qin Feng is on the battlefield, almost 90% of the damage can be avoided. Even if it cannot be avoided, the shield of the Titan Mech can block the damage for him.

It can be said that even top professional players do not possess this terrifying operational ability.

At this moment, after thinking of this, Qing Wu Feiyang directly clicked on the recorded video on the side.

This video is the scene where Qin Feng controls the Titan Mech to wander around on the battlefield to kill the Mozu robot.

The above picture is extremely shocking.

The most shocking thing is, of course, Qin Feng's textbook-level operations.

After Qing Wu Feiyang watched the video in front of her once, she directly posted the recorded video to the forum.

After posting this video, she didn't care about the things in the forum anymore.

Because she is about to start cleaning the battlefield now.

At this moment, when Qing Wu Feiyang posted the video on the forum, many players saw the video for the first time.

At first they thought that this video was nothing, but when they saw the operation of the Titan Mecha in the video, they were immediately shocked.

After watching the video, many players left a message under the video one after another.

"My fucking operation is too delicate, right? This posture is as stable as an old dog."

"I heard that manipulating mechas is more difficult than manipulating characters. The man who controls mechas should be a big man."

"Brother upstairs, look at the id of the player who controls the mecha, they are the big white guys!!!"

"Big guy in white is awesome!!! Is big guy in white selling it? I charge a high price!!!"

"I'm grass, I'm not mistaken, right? This damn multi-line operation can be played like this? One person controls so many floating cannons? Isn't it too awesome?"

It is estimated that "it is a professional advancement. It is also possible for you to play a mechanic to this level. Don't panic.

At this moment, many players have exploded.

In just ten minutes, this post was directly ranked No. 1 in the forum's hot search.

At this time, Qin Feng obviously did not know that his unintentional operation had been recorded as a video and posted to the forum.

After the battle, Qin Feng's transfer mission was only half completed, destroying more than 6,000 Mozu rune mechas.

Seeing that his task hadn't been completed yet, he didn't care so much.

Anyway, for this task, it's a big deal that I will enter the magic cave again to do another task, and I don't have to worry about changing jobs in a short while.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng directly looked at the rewards he had received in this battle.

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