Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 189 The Visiting Delegation of Orado Trade!!! (2/5)

Chapter 189 Visit of the Orado Trade Group!!! (2/5)

Upon hearing Qin Feng's words, the empress directly asked: "What about the reconstruction of the Nile Fortress? Will it be delayed?"

"No." Qin Feng said directly.

"Then you will be with the Pope." The female emperor said directly.

"Ding Dong~ You have received an S-level mission [Destroy the Demon Stronghold)."

Hearing this system prompt, Qin Feng nodded and agreed.

And then, the empress slowly said, "Is there anything else?"

When everyone around heard this, they didn't speak any more.

Seeing this, after the Empress ordered something more, she let everyone leave.

After the empress and ministers had left, only the Pope and Qin Feng were left in the command room.

At this time, the pope took a look at Qin Feng, and quickly said: "I'm going to clean up the demon stronghold first. After you have settled on the Nile Fortress, remember to come over as soon as possible.

"Relax." Qin Feng nodded and said.

Hearing what Qin Feng said, the pope came over and patted Qin Feng on the shoulder and said, "Take care of Erica for me.

When the voice fell, the pope disappeared instantly.

After the Pope left, Qin Feng did not hesitate to open the two missions that he had just won 083 and watched them.

【Reconstruction of the Nile Fortress (only)】

Grade: SS

Limited: only

Task content: Help the Stormwind Empire rebuild the Nile Fortress and restore the glory of the former Nile Fortress!

Task requirements;

1. 60% restoration of city buildings.

2. The population of the city reaches 100W.

Mission success reward:

1. One hundred million experience points.

2. All NPCs in Storm Empire +10%

3. All land ownership in the Nile Fortress.

4. Taxation rights of the Nile Fortress.

Mission failure penalty: None.

Task limit: must be completed within one year

Introduction: After rebuilding the Nile Fortress, you will be rewarded extremely richly!

[Destroy the Demon Stronghold]

Grade: s

Task content: Destroy all the strongholds of the Demon Army established in the Stormwind Empire!

Mission success reward:

1. Massive experience.

2. War points.

Mission failure penalty: None.

Introduction: At this moment, you are the only one who can stir up the main beam.

The task of cfdj Luo Fortress is not difficult, basically restore the building to 60%, and just get a million people.

As for the task of destroying the Mozu stronghold, the main reason why Qin Feng wants to follow is mainly because he has to change his job.

If it weren't for killing monsters and changing jobs, he estimated that he would be able to start making level 50 war weapons now.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng quickly closed the task panel.

The next moment, he directly took out the wormhole transmission device.

Afterwards, he directly located his territory, and then instantly walked into the wormhole.

"Dingdong~Welcome the arrival of the Duke of the Empire (Domain of the White Duke."

Hearing this system prompt, Qin Feng looked directly at the territory city in front of him.

At this time, the interior of the city was quite normal.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng ran towards the castle in the air.

It didn't take long before he reached the castle in the sky.

Inside the castle in the sky, Erica was originally dealing with affairs in the territory.

But at this moment, Qin Feng suddenly appeared in front of her.

Erica "." Qin Feng shouted directly at Erica.

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Erica raised her head and stared at Qin Feng, and quickly stood up and stared at Qin Feng and swept around.

When she saw that Qin Feng was okay, she immediately asked with a sigh of relief: "Are the frontline wars over?"

"Not yet, your father is still waiting for me on the front line under the title of the Pope." Qin Feng said directly: "By the way, you immediately let the troops in your territory assemble and follow me to the Nile Fortress."

"Are you going to use your territorial military power to rush to the Nile fortress? Erica" ​​asked a little curiously.

"No, I took a big project. Starting today, I want to rebuild the Nile Fortress, and I will leave it to you." Qin Feng said with a smile.

"Rebuild the Nile fortress?" Erica was a little surprised.

Seeing Erica’s cute and stunned look, Qin Feng said directly: “Don’t worry, this time to rebuild the Nile Fortress, you only need to listen to me, and promise to rebuild the Nile Fortress soon."

At this moment, after Qin Feng finished speaking, Erica nodded and said: "Okay, then I will go to gather the troops in the territory now.

Go ahead". Qin Feng" nodded and let her leave the place directly.

After Erica left, Qin Feng ran directly towards her factory.

The battle of the territory guard has consumed one wave, and the battle of the Nile Fortress has consumed another wave. Qin Feng now runs out of equipment in his backpack.

Of course, although he can now make level 50 mechanical equipment, he is in no rush.

Because level 50 mechanical equipment is made after mastering level 50 mechanical advancement skills, there should be a very high probability that the best mechanical equipment can be produced.

So Qin Feng needs to wait a while now.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng quickly ran towards the factory.

A few minutes later.

Qin Feng arrived at the factory smoothly.

When they arrived inside the factory, the factory was continuously producing various machinery and equipment.

Qin Feng went straight to supplement the external mechanical equipment he needed.

After completing the supplement, Qin Feng was ready to leave.

But at this time, a system prompt sounded suddenly.

"System reminder: Under the crown of the noble Duke of the Empire, your territory has attracted the visit of the mysterious Orado trading group. At this moment, they have arrived at the top of your territory. As the most mysterious trading group in the Era Continent, they are now Carrying a large number of mysterious goods waiting for your purchase!

Hearing this system prompt, Qin Feng was a little stunned.

He did not expect that at this time, there would be a trade group visiting.

You know, these trade groups like Olado are the top trade groups in the Era Continent.

Generally speaking, these trade groups will only visit the territories of the top guilds in the late game, or the top powers, such as the Stormwind Empire, the headquarters of the mercenary alliance, the towers of the magic guild, and so on.

Generally speaking, these trade groups will bring countless rare materials with them.

Therefore, in the later stages of the game, most of the top players’ guilds would wait for the trade group to come from their home territory every day, so that they can buy enough at a time.

At this time, Qin Feng received a visit from the Orado trade group in the early stage, and it can be said that luck exploded.

ps: I'm so rubbish... The operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the update is four chapters, uncomfortable, I want to cry!.

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