Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 190 Buy, buy, buy! Shenhao White Duke! (3/5)

Chapter 190 Buy, buy, buy! Shenhao White Duke! (3/5)

Thinking of this, Qin Feng packed up his things and walked directly outside the factory.

After Qin Feng walked out of the factory, he raised his head and looked at a huge steel spacecraft above his head.

This spacecraft is the long-distance mid-aircraft of the Orado Trade Group, with a huge built-in space device that can place countless resources to support the Orado Trade Group to complete a long voyage trade.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng quickly walked to the landing point of the long-distance aviation spacecraft.

At this time, at the top of the castle in the air, several men dressed in golden silk and jade strands had appeared.

"This is actually a miracle building, it's amazing..."

"Indeed, the sky building has not been seen for a long time, but the territory in front of me seems a little smaller."

"It's indeed a bit smaller, it might be better if it is more prosperous."

"I heard that this territory was just a city fortress before. It is not bad to be able to build such a large area in just half a month."

"I hope this white coat can have a lot of money, otherwise we might come here for nothing.

When several people were discussing the realm in front of them, Qin Feng fell directly in front of them.


The sound of falling on the ground immediately attracted the attention of several people.

At this time, several people saw Qin Feng wearing MARK armor, and quickly walked over.

At the next moment, I saw the first man with a short stature and said to Qin Feng: "At the bottom of Charles, he is here on behalf of the Orado Trade Corps, who is here to trade with Your White Clothes.

At this time, hearing Charles' words, Qin Feng smiled and said: "His Excellency Charles, you are welcome to come to my territory. I happen to be short of a lot of supplies. I don't know...what did your Orlando trade group bring. "

"I have brought a lot of goods this time. I think you will never be disappointed when you see it!" Charles said confidently.

"If I can, I want to take a look at the product now, I don't know if it will work?" Qin Feng asked tentatively.

After Charles heard what Qin Feng said, he took out a list directly from his pocket, and then handed it to Qin Feng, saying: If you bring it out once, you need to have the price marked on the back, and you can click to buy it directly. "

After Qin Feng heard this, he looked directly at the list in his hand.

When Qin Feng cast his gaze on the list in front of him, a huge panel suddenly appeared in front of Qin Feng.

At this time, Qin Feng's gaze was directly on the first item.

[Skill Level Up Scroll (Holy Rank))

Price: 1000W gold coins

Quantity: 5

Seeing this scroll, Qin Feng did not hesitate to buy all 5 scrolls.

"Ding Dong~ You spent 5000W gold coins to purchase [Skill Level Up Scroll (Holy Rank)]*5.

After purchasing this scroll, Qin Feng directly continued to look down.

At this time, he only looked at the items of the holy order.

He didn't hesitate to buy all the items that he found useful or could appreciate in the future.

"Ding Dong~ You spent 100W gold coins to buy [Triple Experience Potion (Holy Rank)]*5.

"Ding Dong~ You spent 100 million gold coins to purchase [Broken Star Stone (Holy Step))*1."

"Ding Dong~ You spent 1000W gold coins to purchase [Permafrost Star Core (Holy Step))*1.

After purchasing a lot of materials, Qin Feng continued to look at the panel in front of him.

And then, Qin Feng actually saw a lot of boxes.

Of course, these are holy-tier boxes, and the price is extremely cheap, each holy-tier box is only 1000W gold coins, the total number is 10.

Opening a box is equivalent to picking up money for nothing, okay?

After all, Qin Feng's nearly 3000 lucky value is not for display.

As long as you encounter unboxing, you will not lose money with steady blood!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng directly waved his hand and bought all the boxes.

"Ding Dong~ You spent 200 million gold coins to buy a random treasure chest (Holy Rank)]*20."

After purchasing the random treasure chest, Qin Feng still has a lot of gold coins.

So next, Qin Feng glanced and found that other items were basically resources of some material type, used to make mechanical equipment or rune magic equipment.

The current value of these items is low, and if the players level up in the future, it is estimated that the price can be increased several times.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng directly controlled the panel in front of him and bought all the items that could be appreciated.

...For flowers...

"System reminder: At present, you have become an Lv5 customer of the Orado Trading Group, and all products enjoy a 10% discount on product prices!"

At this time, the people of the Olador Trade Group on the side were stunned.

They can sense everything Qin Feng bought.

From the beginning, Qin Feng bought several things in a big way.

They were already surprised that Qin Feng could buy so many things.

But they never expected that after buying a few things, Qin Feng bought all the other 90% of the items.

This damn it's a local tyrant, it's a godly father!!!


Thinking of this, Charles asked Qin Feng excitedly: "You bought all the goods???"

"Hmm...what's the matter?" Qin Feng asked calmly.

"It's okay. Congratulations to your Excellency for becoming a Lv5 major customer of the Orado Trading Group. If you have any needs, you can tell me now that I will visit your territory once a month to trade with you." Charles smiled. Said.

Hearing this, Qin Feng asked directly: "Can you get the 100-level sacred weapon Hongmeng Giant Cannon?"

The Hongmeng cannon is the strongest weapon on the surface. Generally speaking, using it can basically destroy a country in an instant.

Only a strong holy rank can withstand the blow of the Hongmeng giant cannon.

Now if Qin Feng can get a level 100 holy weapon, the Hongmeng Cannon, then he will directly hit the levelless enchantment card in his hand, and it will be completely perfect.

But at this time, Charles just said with some regret: "I'm sorry that the Hongmeng Cannon is only sold in the Magic Guild, and it is not sold to the outside world. Moreover, the production technology of the Hongmeng Cannon has long been lost, and it is impossible to copy and make it. Our trade group currently only sells 100. No matter how high the epic device is, I can bring some if you need it, my lord.

"That's fine." Qin Feng shook his head and said, "If you can, bring me more treasure chests next time. For this kind of holy rank treasure chests, the more the better."

"Okay." Charles nodded and agreed directly.

ps: It's so difficult...uuuuuuuuuuu,

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