Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 324 Comes to the Dongying War Zone again!!!

Chapter 324 Comes to the Dongying War Zone again!!!

Dongying Region, the main city of Shenliu.

After Qin Feng walked out of the teleportation formation, he stretched out and looked around.

At this time, in the main city of Shenliu, there are already many players here.

After Qin Feng appeared, many players immediately turned their attention to Qin Feng.


"The big man in white dared to come?"

"Big guy is awesome!!!

Bai Yi "Boss, are you going to continue to attack the Eastern Region? Not to mention, I want to have a bite of soup behind the bigs."

"Hahahahaha, the white guy is awesome!!!"

"Don't force it, cooperate with the boss to take down the Dongying Region!"

At this moment, when many players were in a commotion, an angry roar broke through the sky.




Immediately afterwards, a terrifying strong wind passed, and a sense of oppression like Mount Tai suddenly came.

"Ding Dong~ You are under the pressure of the patron saint of the region, all attributes are -30%."

Although these coercive forces are directed at Qin Feng 177.

But the surrounding players are still affected.

It's just a small spread, but these players are all pressured and out of breath at this time.

Even some of the weaker ones have their attributes directly weakened by 90% and directly abolished.


After seeing this battle, the surrounding players in the China region cried out in their hearts.

Although the goal of this guardian spirit is not them.

However, Qin Feng is quite calm.

Although his attributes have been weakened by 30%, these are not substantial injuries.

Qin Feng doesn't rely on basic attributes to deal damage, so naturally he will not put these bells and whistles in his eyes.

At this time, many players were in a commotion.

"The big white guy is still so calm?"

"Run, boss!"

"I have been stared at by the guardian spirit of the region? There is something, this attribute is weakened, I vomit."

"Hahahahaha, don't panic, don't you see the white man in a hurry? Are you in a hurry for a hammer?"

"I feel that the white man should be able to handle the patron saint of this region, so don't panic."

At this time, Qin Feng faintly heard the kind reminders from many players.

However, after hearing these kind reminders, Qin Feng only felt funny in his heart, but he did not show anything.

This time, he has made perfect preparations to completely win the Dongying Region.

Facing the guardian spirit of Dongying Region, it is impossible to retreat.

At this moment, when Qin Feng thought of this, a series of terrifying figures suddenly appeared above Qin Feng.

At the same time, a sense of oppression that was hundreds of times stronger than before was poured out!

The players around the main city of Shenliu raised their heads and stared at the figures emerging from the sky.

"Is this the patron saint of Dongying Region?"

Those players who were oppressed and unable to move, at this time all exclaimed in their hearts!

These players are all players from the China region, and it is the first time they have seen such an angry guardian deity of the East China region.

This kind of power really shocked them.

On the other hand, Qin Feng still has a calm face.

He looked at the patron saints of the Dongying Region who were still roaring, and he smiled slightly with a curve drawn at the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, I saw him wave his hand directly.

In an instant, five huge figures suddenly appeared in front of Qin Feng.

At the moment when these five figures appeared, they immediately separated the patron saint of Dongying Region from Qin Feng.

And with the arrival of these five figures (cfdj), the original incomparable sense of oppression disappeared.

"Hint: Your negative state has disappeared."

Hearing this system prompt sound, many players became agitated.


"This the fuck is the patron saint of China???"

A group of players looked at the five figures that appeared in the sky, and suddenly felt shocked and suspicious in their hearts.

What makes them feel dumbfounded is that Qin Feng can actually summon the patron saint of the region??? This is really awesome...

After all, that is the guardian spirit!

Looking at the entire game, that is the top existence!

The current players are in the eyes of these guardian spirits, but they are still ants!

However, now this superb guardian spirit has taken the initiative to help Qin Feng!

How can these ordinary players not be shocked by these methods, such actions?

Just when many players were shocked.

Qin Feng calmly stood behind the five patron saints of China, and looked at the patron saint of Dongying indifferently.

Although Qin Feng mobilized five patron saints of China, the patron saint of Dongying is not bad.

This is the Dongying Region. The five patron saints of China who descend here will naturally be suppressed to a certain extent.

Although half of the Dongying region has fallen, the power of the patron saint of the region has been weakened.


The remaining Tokugawa shogunate is far more powerful than the previous two shogunates.

Coupled with the home court advantage, even though Qin Feng has five regional patron saints to help, they still have the ability to fight.

Thinking of this, the guardian spirits of the Dongying Region rushed towards the five guardian spirits of the China Region!


The two have not really fought, but the huge energy storm has already begun to raging!

That kind of intense energy fluctuation, even Qin Feng, had to wear his Athena mecha.

"Fuck it, it's a fight, run!"

The players who were originally on the sidelines exclaimed one by one at this time.

They are still a bit forced, after all, once they are affected by such a powerful energy vortex, I am afraid that their whole person will be immediately torn apart.

Don't worry about what you are in the first echelon and second echelon, it's useless.

On Qin Feng's side, relying on the Athena mecha beetle to stand in this energy storm, it was not affected at all.

Fortunately, after this powerful energy fluctuation did not last long, the ten figures directly broke through the nine days and fought in the outer space.

They are all guardian spirits, so they know their own strength naturally.

If there is a fight on the ground, I am afraid that the entire Dongying area will be completely shattered by that powerful energy storm.

So naturally it is better to fight in the air battlefield.

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