Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 325 Disasters Lead to the East!!!

Chapter 325 Disasters Lead to the East!!!

Qin Feng raised his head and glanced at the sky.

At this moment, I saw a wave more ferocious than before, raging across the nine heavens.

``Even if you don't know how far you are, you can still feel the power of the wave~!

Even if it was that day, people felt like they were about to collapse at any time.

The battle between the guardian spirits is terrifying!

And Qin Feng's gaze did not stay in the sky for long, and he was not stupid. He naturally understood that the patron saint had promised to help him capture the Dongying area.

But the guardian spirit of the region can only help him to delay the other's guardian spirit.

Therefore, the important task of winning the Dongying Region is actually still in Qin Feng's body.

After all, there is only the last force in the Eastern Region that he has captured-the Tokugawa Shogunate.

The Dongying Region was completely occupied.

At that time, the three major cities of Dongying Region will all fall, and the strength of the sacrifice platform building lost by the patron saint of Dongying Region will inevitably be greatly reduced.

After the great decline in strength, even if the patron saint of the Dongying region desperately, it is not the opponent of the patron saint of China.

"The strength of the Tokugawa Shogunate...compared to the Dongying Shogunate and Qingyuan Shogunate combined! It must be treated with caution!"

Qin Feng murmured, and soon controlled the Athena Mecha to fly towards the Tokugawa Shogunate's sphere of influence.

Although he now has the 80th-level judge war corps, he has the strength to attack and win the Tokugawa shogunate.

But Qin Feng must win the Tokugawa Shogunate as quickly as possible.

On the other side, all the players in the China region looked up at the sky.

At this time, I saw an energy storm raging in the sky.

There are still a few breaths leaking from time to time!

Just a few breaths leaked, and several big pits of unknown depth were smashed into the ground.

But Qin Feng stared at the terrifying aura and flew directly in the other direction.

At this time, all of those players had looked silly.

Bai Yi "What the hell is the boss! This is too abnormal, right?"

When he was about to reach Zukyo Castle, the main city of the Tokugawa Shogunate, Qin Feng did not move on, but walked sideways in the other direction.

With the previous two incidents, the defense level of the entire Zuojingcheng is now the highest ever.

Even the high-level combat power that was originally stationed in other cities of the Tokugawa shogunate has been fully adjusted at this time.

The defense of the Tokugawa shogunate is many times stronger than that of the previous two.

Such a defense, even if he had a level 80 mechanical war corps, would not be able to take it down for a while.

However, Qin Feng had already figured out how to deal with it.

At this moment, he flew to a deserted place and stopped.

At this place, a discerning person knows that there had been a great war not long ago.

At this moment, in the center of this barren land, a large number of terrifying demons army gathered.

In addition, there are countless demons.

These are all sent by the Mozu to attack Zuojing City...

If it hadn't been for Qin Feng to come early, perhaps these demons had already begun to attack the city.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng did not hesitate and summoned his mechanical army with a wave of his hand.

In an instant, countless figures spread out in all directions.

These war robots are deceptive war robots that have been eliminated.

Qin Feng is now releasing this batch of robots, just to use them as bait.

All he has to do... is to harass these demons and lead them towards Zuo Jingcheng.

It is Qin Feng's strategy to cause trouble to the east.

Today, the patron saint of Dongying Region is constrained.

Coupled with Qin Feng's help, the Demon Legion will inevitably launch an attack on Zuo Jingcheng with all its strength.

What he wants is this effect.

Although it is impossible for this demonic army to capture the entire Zuojing city.

But their large numbers can help Qin Feng consume the low-level guards in Zuojing City.

When attacking the city, cleaning up these low-level guards was the most wasteful of Qin Feng's time.

With the addition of the Demon Legion, the time to win Zuo Jingcheng can be greatly shortened.

The most important thing is that this is a plan that kills two birds with one stone.

As long as you go to Zuojing City, the Dongying area is Qin Feng's. He doesn't want to be surrounded by a demon army on the edge of his territory.

Attack the enemy's shield with the enemy's spear, it's perfect!!!

At this time, after Qin Feng released the Decepticon war robot, he immediately attacked the Demon Legion.


A roar came out from the demon army.

Hearing these roars, Qin Feng directly controlled the Decepticon war robots and ran towards Zuo Jingcheng in the distance.

And at the next moment, the tide-like demons suddenly rushed towards Qin Feng from all directions.

Seeing a large number of Demon Legion soldiers rushing towards him, Qin Feng didn't panic at all.


There was even a smile at the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, I saw him controlling the Decepticon war robot to fly quickly towards Zuo Jingcheng.

After a while, the huge wall of Zuojing City finally appeared in Qin Feng's vision.

"Friends of Zuo Jingcheng, I gave you a gift, remember to check it."

Qin Feng yelled, and the speed of the Decepticons war robot accelerated a little bit.

And with the advent of the Judger war robot mech, the entire Zuo Jingcheng reacted directly!

Almost instantly, various attacks flew towards Qin Feng.

Of course, Qin Feng, wearing an Athena mech, didn't panic at all.

An attack of this level can't even be counted as tickling him.

Ignoring the overwhelming attack, Qin Feng controlled the Decepticon war robot to continue rushing towards Zuo Jingcheng.

And the next moment, the Demon Legion behind the Decepticons war robots quickly appeared in the vision of Zuo Jingcheng guards.

At this moment, many attacks fell directly on the Demon Legion!

The Demon Legion is no better than Qin Feng, so when those attacks fell in their Legion, they directly destroyed a lot of Demon soldiers.

This wave of attacks directly aroused the anger of the entire demon army.

They were originally bombed by Qin Feng, and now they were killed by the guards of Zuo Jingcheng.

At this time, the Demon Army was completely furious.

If they are not allowed to kill some people, they will never give up.

At this time, Qin Feng was no more than a few hundred meters away from Zuojing City.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he came to Zuojing City.

Of course, he didn't stop because of the protective cover in front of him, nor did he stop because of the solid wall behind the protective cover.

At this moment, I saw Qin Feng summoning the Judger war robot in an instant, and then, I saw him hit directly and smash the defensive shield in an instant.

"World Announcement: "White Clothes" from China region successfully smashed the defensive shield of Zuojingcheng. Please pay attention to all players from Dongying Region!!!"

"World Announcement: "White Clothes" from China Region successfully smashed [Zuojing City Gate Defensive Shield, please pay attention to all players in Dongying Region!!!

"World Announcement: Players in China Region [White Clothes] successfully smashed (Zuojingcheng" defensive shield, please pay attention to all players in Dongying Region!!!" mouth,

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