Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 327 Hidden Boss!!!

Chapter 327 Hidden Boss Appears!!!

After sighing, Qin Feng quickly put away his emotions.

At the moment, although the winning ticket is in hand, Qin Feng is not delayed because of these emotions.

After all, the battle for the patron saint of the region is still going on.

At the moment, he still has to break through the core of the empire as soon as possible to help the patron saint of China solve the battle.

By the way, we completely won the entire Dongying Region.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng once again controlled the Judge War Robot.

I saw the laser cannon on the Judge's war robot lit up instantly.

The next moment, I saw countless laser beams burst out instantly, shooting towards the distant enemy at a very fast speed.



Without the protection of a protective cover, Qin Feng's flat a can be described as a huge lethality.

In almost every attack, more than a dozen guardian NPCs died on the spot.

Of course, the target of Qin Feng's attack is naturally not those low-level guard NPCs, but some elite guards.

For ordinary low-level NPCs, just let them and the demons slowly consume them.

Otherwise, after he finished defending his position, he had to clean up the Demon Legion in return, which was too troublesome.

While leveling a, walk 25 towards the center of Zuojingcheng.

No one can stop an 80-level war weapon even if it doesn't attack, let alone Qin Feng is still walking a.

In this way, Qin Feng was as if he had entered an uninhabited state, and after a few breaths, he came to the deepest part of Zuojing City.

The core of the empire is naturally in this area.

Qin Feng doesn't have too many bells and whistles, but is ready to directly destroy the core of the empire in a simple and unpretentious manner.

At the moment Qin Feng raised his hand, the small castle that stored the core of the empire in front of him suddenly trembled.

Then, the whole ground trembled.

And the next moment, Zuo Jingcheng guards, who had been fighting with the Demon Legion, stopped their movements one after another.

In the next moment, those guards were directly emptied of vitality and stumped on the ground.

And the vitality, at a speed visible to the naked eye, quickly poured out towards the core of the empire.

"What's happening here?"

Those players who watched the game from afar were all puzzled at this time.

On Qin Feng's side, the corners of his mouth raised at this moment, showing a smile.

It looks like this, it is clear that the rhythm of the hidden boss is to be revealed.

Sure enough, the next moment, a system prompt appeared.

"Ding! The system prompts, Zuojingcheng hidden boss appears!"

And as the voice fell, a world announcement also sounded immediately.

"[World Notice] Player [White Clothes] Triggered Zuojingcheng Hidden Boss!

"[Zuojingcheng Hidden Boss): This was one of the ancient gods of Dongying, and for some reason, he fell asleep under Zuojing."

Trigger condition: Break the Zuojing city defense within one minute and arrive at the core of the empire.

As the world announcement sounded, the whole world of Epoch seemed to be quiet.

With such a fierce boss, online players in the entire epoch looked stupid.

"Fuck? What is this? Why is there a hidden BOSS???"

"The big man in white is too ruthless, right? He broke Zuo Jingcheng in one minute?

"Is this the point? The point is how is this boss?"

"I don't care, the white guy is awesome!"

In the next moment, all players were almost boiling.

As for the players who were watching the game, their legs were already frightened.

Because they experienced the power of the hidden boss firsthand.

Outside of the guardian spirit of the large area, this is probably because they have seen the final version of the boss.

This is a humanoid monster with a height of 25 meters. It is a heavyweight war robot with the Qin Feng trial.

A face full of tentacles is hidden under an unknown mask.

The whole body was covered by a layer of inexplicable black energy, and the blood-colored long knife in his hand exudes a soaring evil spirit.

Which is what this ancient gods? It clearly is the hell out of the devil.

"Noisy, he turned 80."

Qin Feng looked boss suddenly appeared in front of a body, Pen Pen Road.

This level boss appears, put out directly swept the entire region EGL is a normal thing.

After all, the trigger conditions out there, the strength of strong points is also normal.

"Just try to bring skills.

But Qin Feng it was not too put in front of the boss seriously, still very calm.

"Indeed the underground out of the boss, it comes out of breath, it is too scary."

"White Gangster this time is experiencing iron oh."

"This is boss, how to say they have 80, right?"

Although there is no information on the world Angel notice.

But these players, so close observation, was able to see out of.

"White Gangster only 80 yesterday, does not know the hammer hammer too."

As we all know, at the same level, boss inevitable vigorous than the players.

Therefore, these players worry is not without reason.

The Qin Feng here, it was not to think too much.


The next moment, the hidden boss in the hands of a long knife straight toward Qin Feng split over.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Shrill piercing sound echoed over the whole earth!

Visible, this boss of the knife, how brutal.

Ordinary people do change the face of such brutal attack, I will definitely not hesitate to escape.

Then, the yo-yo.

The Qin Feng is not the same, faced with such a brutal attack boss, he just war robot manipulation of the judge, for a shield block.


The next moment, the knife shield contact, glaring spark string followed.

Flash blind dog eyes of countless people.

However, the reaction generated by the two collided, although strong, but Qin Feng firmly took over this attack.

However, after the attack took, Qin Feng did not mean to fight back.

But cited the shield ready.

It is like, so 177 is not intended to fight back, waiting for the other side to play.

Players who finally opened his eyes and saw this scene, a time are shocked.


And so on without these players want to understand how this is going, boss attacks again ordinary storm burst fall.

Fluctuations in a circle, with both centered around toward the rapid diffusion.

Had not yet collapsed walls, under this circle fluctuations, is now being opened to all shattered.

Just the aftermath of the battle, it is possible to produce such terrible consequences, we can see how the battle between the two is intense.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

boss of the long knives as stormy fall Qin Feng shield on.

Which sounded muffled, heard all scary.

However, boss of the attack, although continuous, but was Qin Feng took off.

"This shield is really stiff."

"Shield tried, then you have to try skills."

The attack took boss, are the basic operations.

Qin Feng mainly want to see just how hard this shield.

Now know, did not need the delay.

[God-class mechanical and blessings!

The next moment, a surge of divine power laser cannon armed force moment comes.

The Qin Feng also carried guns, pointed at the boss.

The next moment, a world notice immediately sounded.

"World notice] [white] successfully kill the players left the capital [hide bosse],

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