Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 328 The Dongying Region is Occupied!!!

Chapter 328 The Dongying Region is Occupied!!!


This world announcement has just appeared, and the players of the era who were still in the fryer state, at this time, all quieted down.

Naturally, they did not calm down because their emotions calmed down.

They were scared by the world announcement just now.

Now they, their entire bodies are stiff, and naturally they are quiet.

A second, they were still making up various brains to hide how powerful the boss is.

How to air every second, every second, every second.

However, in the next second, the world boss will be gone.

This contrast, no one can accept it for a while.

And those players who watched the Qin Feng battle all the time, one by one had already knelt on the ground at this time.

Boss had seen them attack them like a violent storm.

But despite such a brutal attack, Qin Feng almost downplayed it and proceeded.

In turn, Qin Feng just raised his hand slightly, and gently gave it to the boss-boss.

The boss was immediately caught in seconds.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see what kind of gap this is!

In addition, the hidden boss in the hearts of these players is only lower than the existence of the guardian deity of the large area.

But in spite of this, Qin Feng was just a shot.

The gap between this is so big that they can only kneel down to make the brains with insufficient blood supply slightly awake.

"Just a second?"

Someone looked at the hidden boss gradually dissipating in the field of vision, and spoke blankly.

Obviously, even if the fact is already in front of him, he still subconsciously does not want to believe that it is the fact!

After all, all this came too suddenly.

After all, the world announcement when the hidden boss comes out is too heavy in their hearts.

The entire era of the game world is completely quiet at this moment.

This silence continued for a while, and these players finally recovered.

In the next moment, the whole world of Epoch boils directly.

"Big man in white, this is too cruel, right?"

"Baiyitian, big man, ruthless wolf, what are you stuttering?"

"Just, that is, isn't this a basic operation for the white-clothed guy?"

"It's all calm, it's not the first time I have seen the big white man's world announcement."

Although these players have been buffered for a while, they all recovered.

But the stimulus just now was so great that when they spoke, they were a little bit intermittent.

As for those players who watched the entire battle and couldn't help kneeling down, after recovering, they had already knocked up.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of a head hitting the ground sounded a special flavor.

"Blessed by the great god in white, there is no hindrance to leveling!"

"Blessed by the great god in white clothes, air every second, every second!"

These people kowtow in the direction where Qin Feng is, while muttering incoherently.

On the other hand, Qin Feng's side is much calmer at this time.

As the world announcement fell, Qin Feng's mind also heard various reward prompts.

"Dingdong! Congratulations to the player in white for successfully killing [Zuojingcheng Hidden Boss], special bonus experience*1000w."

"Dingdong! Congratulations on getting 2 billion gold coins*."

"Dingdong! Congratulations on obtaining (Perfect Strengthening Stone (God))*5!"

"Dingdong! Congratulations on obtaining the (Mechanical Advancement Stone (God))*5.

"Dingdong! Congratulations on getting (Guild Advance Token (Holy Order))*1!"

"Dingdong! Congratulations on obtaining the [Pet Advancement Stone (Holy Level)]*5!"

"Dingdong! Congratulations on obtaining the (+12 Amplification Scroll (Holy Order))*1!"

A series of system prompts sounded in Qin Feng's mind.

The rewards for killing hidden bosses are quite generous.

After all, it is a level 80 monster.

However, Qin Feng didn't pay much attention to these rewards.

Even though one or two of these things were taken out at random, they were all rare objects in the entire epoch game.

However, Qin Feng doesn't take these things very seriously.

Rewarding this kind of thing, just brushing a copy is a lot, he naturally doesn't care too much.

With the disappearance of Zuojingcheng's hidden boss, no one can stop Qin Feng from destroying the core of the empire.


With a soft sound, the core of the empire shattered.

And with the fragmentation of the core of the empire, at this time the patron saint of the Dongying Region was nine days away.

At this time, the body that originally exuded extremely powerful energy fluctuations turned out to become transparent.

It looks like it will dissipate at any time?

It can be seen that losing the worship of Zuojing City, the last main city of the Dongying Region, the patron saint of the Dongying Region is the end of the battle.

"This is impossible!"

The guardian deity of the East Ying Region felt the loss of power in his body, and at this time he also roared with an incredible expression.

You know, it had already sensed Zuo Jingcheng's defense before it shot.

That level of defense can't be won in such a short period of time.

And it clearly sensed the aura of Zuo Jingcheng's hidden boss just now.

The hidden boss of Zuojing City is far more powerful than the players in this timeline!

No matter how strong Qin Feng is, it will take at least a long time to solve this hidden boss.

But it turned out to be like this.

Of course, if you let the patron saint of Dongying area until Qin Feng, you can actually kill at the moment the hidden boss appears.

I don't know the expression of Linghui, the guardian deity of Dongying Region.

This is the end of the matter, and the patron saint of Dongying Region will naturally until the defeat is settled.

Therefore, it unexpectedly gave up the battle above the Nine Heavens, but turned its head and rushed towards Zuo Jingcheng.

It, this is a fight to the death.

It may be gone, but Qin Feng will also die.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The sound of breaking through the air came quickly from nine days away.

And a figure, at this time, is also shooting at Qin Feng at an extremely fast speed!

(Get Zhao Zhao)

Although there are still thousands of miles away, although Qin Feng drives this Judge war robot.

But he could still feel the deep pressure.

Unlike the previous oppression, this oppression is even more real.

The players who watched the game before, also held their breath at this time, and did not dare to move.

That was a desperate blow from the patron saint of Dongying Region.

The power is so ridiculous!

After all, this attack is destined not to fall on Qin Feng's head.

If it is the heyday of the patron saint of Dongying Region, such a reckless attack may not be able to stop the publication.

But it's different now, it's just the end of the battle.

Sure enough, the next moment, the desperate blow from the patron saint of Dongying Region suddenly dissipated in the air.

And as this attack dissipated, the patron saint of Dongying Region also dissipated.

With the disappearance of the patron saint of the Dongying region, the Dongying region was completely occupied.

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