Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 368 Close-to-hand combat

Da da da!

And just when all the mechanical corps behind Qin Feng were dispatched, a series of mechanical sounds passed.

A mechanical unit almost identical to the mechanical legion on Qin Feng's side, quickly flew out of the boss's body!

Moreover, with the emergence of this first batch of mechanical machinery, the second and third batch of mechanical units will also take shape in the next second!

It can be said that in just a few seconds, the boss has copied several Qin Feng mechanical legions!

Of course, even though these bosses copied the mechanical units through the Qin Feng mechanical legion, there seems to be no difference.

However, Qin Feng knew that his mechanical army must be stronger than the opponent's mechanical army!

After all, when he made these mechanical legions, he had added holy grade materials.

Although the other party can copy, but, with such rare materials, Qin Feng does not believe that this boss also has it!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In Qin Feng's thoughts, the mechanical army and the mechanical army have already engaged in fire!

At this time, I saw that the attack methods on both sides were almost the same, that is, using the paved gun equipped in the hand to shoot quickly!

Explosions continued to blast in the air!

Of course, after the first round of attacks, the gap between the two sides will soon be revealed!

Due to the different materials used on the manufacturing side, although this is the same weapon, the mechanical legion on Qin Feng's side obviously has this advantage!

Even if the number of opponents is three times that of one's own side, the two sides still hit a five-to-five mark!

Moreover, through the current situation, Qin Feng also saw a problem.

That is the boss of the mechanical system. Although it can copy things from the mechanical system, the number of copies is still limited.

Otherwise, instead of facing an enemy three times as large as his own, his mechanical legion at this time is a hundred times quieter!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The next moment, the two sides collided together again!

At this time, the actions of both sides are still the same, almost all of them use the shields equipped in their hands to attack the opponent!

A loud explosion reverberated in the air, and at the same time, waves of air surged wildly!

Although it was just a collision of unpretentious physical bodies, the chain reaction caused by the collision of the two is still very powerful!

Zi Zi Zi!

At this time, the mechanical corps and the shields on the mechanical corps kept rubbing, and there was a sound of metal intersecting.

At the same time, a dazzling spark also lit up where the two intersect!

"Hi! This time the robot rushing out of the boss's body seems to be very fierce and angry||!"

"Are you blind? This boss is copying the white man's mechanical army!"

"Fuck? This boss is a little cowhide! I don't know if the white man has hammered it!"

"Come on, big white guy, fuck the boss!"

At this time, looking at the mechanical force copied by the boss, it was able to completely restrict Qin Feng's mechanical legion.

-All Chinese players are a little worried.

However, they did nothing to help Qin Feng except cheering.

These little monsters, they will not be able to solve it for a while, let alone help Qin Feng in the past!

On Qin Feng's side, he turned his mind at this moment, and then the [Snow Scepter] and [Snow Stalker] appeared in his hand instantly!

At this moment, no matter what mechanism Qin Feng uses, it will be copied directly by this boss.

In this case, Qin Feng doesn't need skills at all, and is ready to fight the boss first.

After all, once the skills are all copied by the boss, it is difficult to achieve the effect of a spike.

Therefore, Qin Feng can only use the props obtained in the dungeon to fight this boss personally!

After all, although Qin Feng can't take advantage of the mechanical department, after all, the other party can copy the skills of the mechanical department.

However, Qin Feng has some absolute advantages in speed!

Therefore, in close hands-on combat, Qin Feng has this great advantage.

The only problem is that if you don't use mechanical attacks, the damage may not be too explosive!

Of course, everything that Qin Feng did at this time was to approach the weakness of the boss.

His right eye!

At this time, Qin Feng has probably speculated that apart from the reason why the boss can replicate his skills.

That is, the [Mechanical Heart] in the right eye of the boss!

The effect of this [Mechanical Heart] is to see through the skills of the mechanical system, and then copy it!

And Qin Feng only needs to smash this [Mechanical Heart] to greatly reduce the ability of the boss.

After that, the boss can be solved easily.

Even if Qin Feng has enough time to reach the boss' weakness, he even has the opportunity to kill the boss in seconds.

You know, although Qin Feng has been a boss for a long time, he didn't use any powerful skills!

"come on!"

At this time, I saw Qin Feng manipulating the Judger war robot, holding Snow Wind Village in one hand, and [Snow God Spear] in the other, rushing straight towards the boss.

"Hi! Can a mechanic still play like this?"

Although it is not the first time Qin Feng has charged, this is a boss! It is different from ordinary players!

In the face of such a powerful enemy, shouldn't the mechanic use his own advantages to deal with him by various mechanical means?

What? At this time, Qin Feng directly rushed past!

Moreover, two pieces of equipment not belonging to the mechanical department are still in his hands.

This is clearly the rhythm of having to fight personally with the boss!

Is this just the game understanding of the boss?"

"The mechanic directly rushes to the mechanical boss? This...

The Chinese players in the rear are not aware of the situation of the boss.

After all, in their understanding, the strongest means of mechanics is still in various machines.

Unless you are facing an opponent whose strength is far lower than your own, otherwise charging like this is completely giving up your own advantages!

Of course, I don’t understand, I don’t understand, but these Chinese players don't think there is any problem with Qin Feng's operation.

In their view, Qin Feng crushed them in terms of game understanding.

They don't understand, it doesn't mean that Qin Feng's operation is problematic!

In the next moment, [The Snow Wind Scepter is working, and a huge snowstorm begins to brew.

At the same time, the speed of the boss has also been reduced to the extreme.

The boss, who was already relatively dull, is almost as imprisoned at this moment!

[Snow Gun]!

At the next moment, Qin Feng pierced a shot straight into the boss's chest!

Although the boss could not move, but where Qin Feng's attack was about to fall, the boss's body quickly changed.

The next moment, what was originally the chest area, turned into a huge electromagnetic shield at this moment!


[Wind Snow Spear] Stabbed straight on the electromagnetic shield!


Afterwards, an injury reminder appeared above the boss' head.

However, this 30w of blood is the same as no blood loss for a boss with billions of health bars.

"The attack speed must be increased!"

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