Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 369 Shattered (Mechanical Heart)

From the previous battles, Qin Feng inferred the time required for the boss to transform his body parts.

0.3 seconds.

In other words, unless your attack speed is faster than 0.3 seconds, the boss will have no time to react!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng directly distanced himself from the boss.

While retreating quickly, Qin Feng also began to modify the Judge War Robot.

During the battle, refit the Judge War Robot operated by yourself.

This sounds weird.

However, for today's Qin Feng, this is just a small problem.

Soon, Qin Feng began to trial the opponent war robot for modification.

This time the modification is mainly to increase the speed.

Therefore, the attack power is slightly reduced.

At least when Qin Feng shoots the Judge War Robot, all attributes are balanced.

Now that you need speed, you naturally have to give up some of the attack attributes!

However, overall, this does not have much impact on the Judge War Robot.

Even for the boss in front of him, the strength of the Judge War Robot has been improved a bit after such a transformation.

After all, as the attack speed increases, the boss can no longer react defensively!

At this time, the boss is in the deceleration circle of the Snow Wind Scepter, even if he knows what Qin 193 Feng is doing at this time, there is no way to catch up!

He was already cumbersome, and he was basically imprisoned at this time!


At this time, he could only be far away and fire a shot at Qin Feng!

The attack at this distance, coupled with Qin Feng at this moment, has increased the speed of the Judge War Robot.

To hide, that is the basic operation.

Avoiding this huge laser cannon beam, Qin Feng's figure is close to the boss again!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the next moment, Qin Feng used the [Snow Gun] to quickly attack at the interruption position of the boss!

Nowadays, Qin Feng's attack speed is extremely fast, and the boss has no time to react, so naturally there is no way to defend against attacks by modifying his body parts!



A series of damage numbers quickly surfaced above the boss's head!

After losing his defense, Qin Feng's attack damage has increased tenfold!

Of course, Qin Feng did not slack in the slightest because of the increase in damage.

300w is still not a particularly high damage (cfdj) to the boss in front of him.

However, the continuous defense failure made the boss a little angry!

Although Qin Feng's attack fell on him, the damage done was not too high.

However, being attacked like this makes him feel very uncomfortable!


The next moment, the boss raised his voice to the sky with a long roar, and at the same time, from his mouth, the mechanical legion, which was even more advanced than the above, flew out of his mouth!

Obviously, this team of mechanical forces was created by the boss at a high cost!

Moreover, from where these mechanical legions appeared, Qin Feng can be sure that this mechanical force should be his last line of defense to the boss's right eye!

Thinking about this, Qin Feng controlled the Inquisitor war robot to fly quickly to the boss's head!

Now that the defensive force has appeared, I naturally don't have to worry about rushing out of some other place to sneak up on myself when I charge quickly!

Some things tend to be the most deterrent when they are hidden.

Now, after seeing this powerful mechanical unit, Qin Feng was relieved in his heart.

Ah! Ah! Ah!

However, soon, this mechanical unit blocked Qin Feng's path.

Qin Feng ignored them and planned to bypass them directly.

However, after rapidly changing the route a dozen times, Qin Feng found a problem.

That is, the speed of this team of mechanical units is completely unaffected by the negative effects of [Snow Scepter].

At this time, I can keep up with Qin Feng's speed!

Moreover, the speed of this group of mechanical units is not at all slower than their own.

At the moment, it is obviously impossible to get away from this group of mechanical units and rush forward directly.

However, if these mechanical forces are eliminated, it will take too much time for Qin Feng.

This team of mechanical units was created by the boss at a high cost.

The strength of a single body is not much different from the Judge War robot controlled by Qin Feng.

At most, there is a small difference in strength.

However, the data on the opposite side is far higher than our own.

In addition, his mechanical corps was constrained by the previous mechanical corps.

Skills, but also to save to destroy [Machine Heart]!

Right now, it can only be outsmarted!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng did not continue to bypass these mechanical units, and directly controlled the Judge War Robot and rushed up!

From a distance, Qin Feng is like a man's arm as a car!

One person directly rushes into a mechanical unit with a single team that is not much different from the Judge War Robot.

Isn't this going to die?

And just when everyone thought that Qin Feng was going to die, a black shadow suddenly ejected from the Judge War Robot!

Qin Feng can actually remotely control the Inquisitor war robot, at this time, although he ejected from the inside.

But the Judger war robot can still fight steadily!


With a loud noise, Qin Feng's Judger war robot slammed into the mechanical force!

On Qin Feng's side, after the ejection came out, he didn't have the mind to appreciate the sparks that kept blowing up below.

And rushed straight towards An Qi's right eye!

[Scout Shortsword]!

[God-level mechanical power blessing!

Qin Feng quickly approached the boss' right eye at this time, and at the same time, the skill was activated directly!


In the next moment, only the sound of crystal shattering was heard, and the [Scout Shortsword] in Qin Feng's hand pierced the boss's right eye fiercely!

With the piercing of the short sword, the originally huge body of the boss began to slowly disintegrate at this time.

Pieces of unknown metal fell off quickly, and the mobs were still attacking each other with China players.

At this time, one by one seemed to be dead, and they fell straight down!

"The boss was thrown to death by the big white man?"

"It seems that the body of the boss has collapsed!"

At this time, a group of Chinese players, due to the collective crash of the mobs, are also incredibly looking at Qin Feng at this time!


The boss's body continued to disintegrate, and only a roar was left, echoing in the entire space.

However, Qin Feng quickly discovered the problem.

That is, on my own side, I did not receive a kill prompt.

Although the boss's body was disintegrated, the boss was not killed!

Sure enough, in the next moment, a robot that looked shorter and more powerful, ejected from the disintegrating ruins!.

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