Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1304: Defeated Elephant Soldier

It seems that the opposite side is already poor in skills now, and there should be no way to deal with himself, so I can only make those strange things, and I want to try it.

But trying to succeed is actually not a simple matter, and it even requires a lot of assistance.

Now every move of the other side is basically under the observation of the stool. Although the other side is also observing myself, I also know more about them. After all, I am still "inserted" in their army. Quite a few people.

The opposite party is obviously inferior to his side in terms of spies, and even his side already knows how many spies there are on the opposite side, and even the names of the opposite spies have been "touched" clearly.

So what I show to the spies on my side is what I want them to see, not what they can see. So these spies will not only have any positive effect, they will even play a role. Many negative effects.

It is said that the commander on the opposite side was already overjoyed after hearing this, and then they were ready to take advantage of the darkness to directly send all the elephant soldiers and prepare to attack the opposite side together.

In their eyes, the opposite party did not make any preparations at all. As long as they did a little bit of sub-calculation, the opposite party would obey.

But it is natural for them to have such an idea, but whether they can do it in the end is another matter.

If they wanted to attack Deng Zilong's army, they would have to pass through a section of the valley, and we have already "shooted" a lot of ambushes from the side of this valley.

Corolla must be ignorant of these things now, and now they are still immersed in the joy of victory, they think this time on their side will definitely win.

Of course, when he walked in front of this valley, he actually had some hesitation. After all, there is a saying in the art of war since ancient times, not to enter every forest.

Now in this valley, if something happened, then I guess there is no possibility that I want to run.

But now he has been dazzled by the victory, and under the persuasion of those generals, Corolla finally decided to quickly pass through this valley.

But how could he think that the current Deng Zilong and the others had already waited in this valley long ago, and when the enemy arrived, they immediately fired a thousand arrows.

For a while, basically all Xiang Bin began to panic, but fortunately, these elephants are now thick and rough, so it won't cause too many consequences for these elephants.

"We still have some opportunities to evacuate here quickly. As long as we break through this valley, then we will have a chance to fight back. We must not stay here."

Corolla knew that he had been fooled at this time, but he continued to insist on his decision. Even if he regrets it now, it’s not of much use, so he only has to go forward. If he wants to retreat, he will be behind him. abyss.

But at this moment, they suddenly heard the sound of an explosion. The sound of the explosion came from behind them, and this was the sound of those rocks rolling down.

Zhuge Liang and the others were already prepared, so they had already laid a lot of explosives here, and they detonated the explosives immediately after they got here.

Such a valley is exactly like a huge tomb "cave", these rocks rolled down, and it is not known how many people were killed.

Although the opponent had already thought of this, he had no precautions against this aspect at all, so Deng Zilong and the others also easily dealt with many of the opponents.

When the rocks on the mountain rolled down, many people were killed, and these people basically deserved some sin.

This is a war after all, and this war was not initiated by Qin Shuo. In fact, the stupidest thing on the other side was to start such a war on his own territory.

Regardless of whether the opponent wins or not, the opponent who loses the most is themselves, not Qin Shuo.

Other people's losses are smaller. For this, many people actually have an idea, but this idea is not something people can say.

There are sometimes countless people wailing there. After all, most people have been arrested, and these people are also very surprised.

Now as time progresses slowly, many problems are not as they imagined, and you said that on this side, all things have been thought out, not just like the opposite.

Now there are a lot of ambushes set up on both sides of these Taniguchi, and most of these soldiers are made up of strangers. Although they have great power against the cavalry, they have not dealt with them either. Like this elephant soldier.

This should be regarded as the first time they dealt with these elephant soldiers, so they still have some bottomlessness in their hearts, but when the battle began, they found that they seemed to have no problem dealing with the elephant soldiers.

What they are attacking now are those long elephant trunks. After all, only the noses are the softest all over the body of the elephants, and with this sharpness, they can completely cut these elephants’ noses at once. Go down.

The elephants whose noses have been cut off have been screaming all the time. Even if they want to escape, it is of little use. After all, this place is now covered by the rocks on the mountain. There are many people buried under these stones.

Even if the elephants and the cavalry want to escape, they have no motivation to escape. This is the most troublesome thing.

Now I am definitely going to win on my side, and it is a big victory. Basically, anyone who has some judgments about this situation will make such an interpretation.

For a while, the following was also a "chaos" group. At first, I didn't believe Deng Zilong very much. Those soldiers now have some admiration for Deng Zilong. After all, Deng Zilong also proved himself with his true strength.

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