Then the generals and the other cavalry rushed straight down, and Deng Zilong's own strength is also at the level of a first-class historical general, so on the battlefield it is more like a tiger, rushing left and right is simply nothing. A person can beat him for a round of attack.

"Fortunately, the prime minister gave him a chance before, otherwise I don't know what to do now. Finding her so brave in the battle really made us have something too unexpected."

At this time, the generals also spoke, but they praised Zhuge Liang's fame at this time, but Zhuge Liang obviously felt a little ashamed at this time.

"In fact, none of this has much to do with me. The most important thing is that he was too angry. At the beginning I just had an attitude of trying, but I didn't expect this attempt to be successful. Wait until the next Once, I must report this matter to the Lord."

After Zhuge Liang smiled, he said.

In fact, he asked Qin Shuo about this matter, but after Qin Shuo heard the name, he wanted him to lead the whole army the first time, because the name Qin Shuo was also very familiar.

Deng Zilong was actually a very powerful general in the Ming Dynasty. Some of the things he did were even more powerful than many well-known generals, so Qin Shuo had known him specially in the past.

There are actually a lot of heroes in this world, but these heroes are not very famous, but they play a very important role in history.

In fact, one after another heroes promote the development of the entire history, otherwise, the development of history may not be so rapid now. Many people also understand this truth, and they all admit such a fact.

In fact, Deng Zilong is not only very good in land warfare, but also has some skills in naval warfare, but it is not too strong, but it is also possible to let him be a navy general.

Qin Shuo still wants to summon a better navy general, but no matter how he counts, there are not too many navy generals on his side.

Even the entire Huaxia has not seen a few more famous navy generals from ancient times to the present. If it is the most famous, then it may be Zheng Chenggong. Apart from Zheng Chenggong, there are basically not a few so famous.

There are some military commanders of the Qing Dynasty, but many military commanders of the Qing Dynasty will not appear in this era. Even if they want to summon, there is no way.

The words were divided into two ends and one branch each. After Qin Shuo learned of the victory over there, he was naturally very happy.

Even the highest general on the opposite side was directly captured by Qin Shuo. The soldiers of the Maurya Dynasty saw that there was something wrong with the current situation, and then they retreated for the first time.

In fact, it is understandable for this. After all, the Peacock Dynasty was like this. They came here just for good at first, but now that there is something wrong with the situation, they will definitely not continue to stay.

This time Qin Shuo and the others attacked the opponent's shortcomings based on their strengths, and the opponents were too impatient, otherwise such a thing would not happen. If the opposite party can be a little calmer, maybe the situation will not be so bad, but the biggest problem is that the opposite party is not calm enough.

As time goes by, many problems will become more and more like this, so Qin Shuo and the others must suppress their impatience.

Now his two armies have already occupied a certain advantage, so now Qin Shuo is in a good mood.

But if you want to occupy those two countries, it is not a very simple matter, so now Qin Shuo is also preparing to think of some way to break one of the countries first.

In the end, under the discussion between him and the advisers, everyone finally found an opportunity. Then, they will attack the troops of the Java country, and now call them urgently, and then use those water troops to directly attack the Khmer Empire. coastal.

In fact, the coastline of the Khmer Empire is also very short now, so their navy will certainly not develop to a very strong level, and the other side seems to have no defense in this regard.

They have already thought about it this time. Since they are choosing two to fight, as long as they both contain each other's enemies, then the other party will not be in any great danger.

However, the current situation seems to be somewhat different. After all, no matter which one of these two countries, Qin Shuo is not restrained.

In this way, both of them are now caught in a dilemma, no matter who it is, it is like this.

Anyway, as time progresses slowly, many problems have some differences. Perhaps this is a matter of time.

Under the current situation, no matter which side it is, they can't take care of the other time. Now they can't even pass by themselves, let alone other countries, so they must have entered this kind of country now. Dilemma.

Qin Shuo was able to take advantage of this opportunity to attack the Java nation, and the current navy had already been destroyed by almost half, and their navy itself was not too much.

If there are a lot of naval forces, then you can actually talk about it face to face, but there are indeed very few naval forces on their side, so there is no way.

In this case, Qin Shuo also made his own judgment within a short time, and then asked most of the soldiers on his side to find others.

Although these things make people have some headaches, they are not too headaches. As things develop, many problems will become simpler.

I can completely rely on the navy on my side to expand my advantages as much as possible, and I will definitely make a lot of progress in the future.

After Qin Shuo had come down with such a fate, Gan Ning now also started to act, and directly drove all his troops to the other side.

The advancing speed of these navy forces was also extremely fast, and the opposite side didn't react much at all, and their navy forces completely reached the place they wanted to reach.

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