Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1308: Nocturnal

Although Qin Shuo's enterprising spirit is also very strong, while possessing this kind of enterprising spirit, he should also possess a sense of responsibility, and this sense of responsibility is given to his people.

If you say that you don't have such a strong sense of responsibility, you might just let the people just ignore it, but this is definitely impossible. Let's say that we are used to being with these people first.

What's more, he wants to use the least things and get the most spoils in a war, so he must also chat with others now.

The current emperor of the Khmer Empire actually has a kind of rejection psychology towards the Maurya Dynasty, and he can use this rejection psychology completely.

Qin Shuo now also announced such an order directly. Of course, many people felt very surprised, not knowing why Qin Shuo wanted it.

But this was not a decision made by Qin Shuo alone, but a decision made by him and his subordinates at the same time. For this reason, many people agree with this.

The emperor of the Khmer Empire actually thinks a lot himself, but it is not a good thing to think too much. Now Qin Shuo also secretly let his spies slip directly into the palace of the Khmer Empire.

It is certain that Wu Chen possesses such a powerful concealment ability. Everyone except him basically lacks such a powerful anti-investigation ability.

Moreover, he had been hiding in the Khmer Empire for a long time before, and he had even become a small high-ranking member of the guards of the current empire in a few months.

I have to say that Qin Shuo really had a vision back then. If he hadn't taken a fancy to him, maybe he would have been a headache for many problems for a while.

Anyway, in such a long time, Wu Chen really helped him a lot. If he didn't have Wu Chen, maybe many things could give him a headache for a while.

Now Wu Chen sneaked into the palace of the Khmer Empire, and then he also pretended to be, and a guard walked directly into the palace of the Khmer Empire.

Now the emperor of the Khmer Empire is because there are too many things recently, so he has always been unable to sleep, and he is still thinking about other things.

If you continue like this, then it definitely won't work, so he wants to make some changes now, but with his own power, there is absolutely no way to change.

In fact, he didn't think too much of what he thought of. The most important thing was that he wanted to protect the foundation left by his ancestors. Even if he could not expand the territory, at least he could not destroy the country.

But what the general did before was sometimes too much. He wanted to push Qin Shuo into the fire pit. He would definitely not agree with this.

In fact, if he is telling the truth, he certainly does not want to have some disputes with Qin. If it is possible, even the two countries can unite, but this is only his own thinking. Neither his subordinates nor others would have such an idea.

He was lying sluggishly on the bed now, and at this moment he suddenly noticed a black shadow flashing out of his eyes.

At this time, he also wanted to see who it was, but at this moment, a sharp knife suddenly hit his neck, and the cold blade touched his skin, making him feel completely cold.

"Who are you? How come you came to the palace? Are you an assassin?"

The emperor also asked suddenly.

But after he said this sentence, he felt that he seemed to have some stupidity, and the opponent was able to sneak into his own palace, so it was definitely not a good kind.

"I am a subordinate of the emperor of the Dalan dynasty. This time I came here specifically to find you to cooperate. You first promise me. If you don't shout, I will let you go. If you shout, then give us two Individuals will die together."

Wu Chen said, seeming very firm.

"You have already said these words. Is there still a need for me to choose? Aren't these all in your hands?"

The king smiled and said.

After hearing these words, Wu Chen's sharp knife slowly left the king's neck.

"I just told you the purpose of my own coming. As for how to choose is your own business, I believe that you are also a smart person and you should not choose the wrong one."

Wu Chen said.

"Then you have to first talk about how the cooperation is. If there is something bad for my country, then I can't promise you even if I die, I won't answer you."

The king also spoke firmly at this time. It can be seen that what he said was not like a fake.

"Don't worry, this incident will definitely not do much harm to your national interests."

Wu Chen smiled and said directly, it can be regarded as giving the king in front of him an explanation.

"Then you can talk a little bit about what kind of thought you have, so that I can judge whether you are really harmless."

Said the king.

"You are also a smart person, and you should know that we are in a situation where we are in a situation where we benefit from each other, and we hurt both when fighting. Although it is not you who worked with Java before, but this time I I still want to ask, will you continue to cooperate with them now?"

Wu Chen said, this is not a question, but a threat.

"If you want to continue the war, or if you want to continue to occupy our territory, then we will definitely be like this. If you want to choose a partner, then I would rather choose you."

The king said, there was no reluctance in his eyes.


Wu Chen also had some doubts, and said.

"Who is the most powerful on this continent now? I don't need to say any more. You also know that if you don't cooperate with you, then I would never think of cooperating with other nations or countries. Only by cooperating with you can my country survive in this "turbulent" world."

"And I like your culture very much, but this is only the smallest part, and this point is that once the threat of the peacock empire next to us is annexed by them, maybe my citizens will follow their way. To carry out production and life, that is, complete militarized management."

"Although this kind of militarized management can make a country's strength rapidly increase, it is not a good thing for the people, or even a very bad thing."

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