Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1309: alliance

The king also gradually handed in the reasons for himself. These reasons are actually very specific, and no matter how they look at them, they are all reasonable.

According to the information he had obtained before, the king seemed to be biased towards him. If it wasn't for the general's threat, perhaps they were already allied with him.

"Your Majesty, I was too reckless just now, and now I have the certificate of credence given to me by the lord, and I also hope that you can accept it."

Wu Chen said, looking at his appearance, it seems that these words do not seem to be fake.

"Then I have accepted this letter of credential, and when I go back, I will tell your majesty what he wants. I have already understood everything, and the rest is left to us."

At this time, the king also continued to speak, in fact, he himself loves this country very much, but it is not only greed of his own rights and status, in fact, it is the people who love this country more.

After hearing this sentence, Wu Chen also showed a smile on his face. He knew that no matter what, his mission was considered a success this time.

Others said that he didn't know if the king in front of him said so much because of his own threats, but these questions can be left to the future.

According to his previous performances, there are indeed some people who like the Han nationality and their culture very much.

In fact, this king also admired Qin Shuo very much. Although he was also a foreigner, he was very precious about some of Qin Shuo's affairs.

Qin Shuo himself is an extremely charismatic person, and basically there are not many shortcomings in his body, so even if he is attracted to the worship of kings of other countries, it is not unusual.

Even in Wu Chen's view, this kind of thing is very understandable, after all, who in this world can stop the lord's charm.

And after Wu Chen left, the king didn't alarm any guards, but fell asleep again, but his heart now feels more stable and peaceful.

After all, the thing that worries him the most now has been completely resolved, and the rest is not so troublesome.

Qin Shuo was naturally very happy after receiving the news, but he felt that these things were as if he had already known them, but he was not surprised.

If Qin Shuo now reopens the world map and continues to observe, the most important thing he wants is to see if there are any countries that can be united on the world map. If there is, then he I just want to unite with other countries to solve the immediate problem.

Now Europe basically can't control things in Asia, and even if they want to find it, there is no way.

So I said that I first wanted to completely solve the problem on the Asian side, and then look at other places.

Anyway, people who have offended Qin Shuo in the previous life, Qin Shuo will pick up one by one, and people who have sinned against his own country, Qin Shuo will also pick up one by one. These are undoubted, and Qin Shuo has no choice but to do it. Arrived.

Since God gave him a chance to be born again, then he definitely wanted to do something meaningful. If there is no meaning, then even if it is done, it is of no use.

Anyway, with the growth of time, people's mentality has also changed a little, especially in this respect, people's mentality changes are more obvious.

Perhaps in the minds of many people, this matter in front of them is not a very important thing, and perhaps in the eyes of some people, this matter in front of them is a very important thing, but it all depends on everyone's thinking.

Anyway, now his generals are basically obedient to their own words, rather than listening to other people's words, so it is easier to say that you are a little more relaxed.

They also agree with their opinions very much. If these monarchs are truly united, then basically there will be no major problems.

If internal problems can be solved, Qin Shuo will also completely solve them in a short time. If they can't be solved, they will delay slowly.

It seems that the current bear country will not do it with himself for a while. What they are going to fight against is the masses from Europe, not the enemies from Asia.

Qin Shuo was also very greedy for the vast Siberian plains. If he could occupy all the Siberian plains, then his problems in many aspects would also be solved.

But wanting to occupy that place is not a matter of a half-and-a-half. You still have to plan slowly.

It is said that the king of the current Java country has already ran over and wanted to unite with other countries. He was the first to run over, and in fact, he wanted to unite and help Sang.

Now the envoys of the Java country have also changed their clothes, but although the country of Fusang is only a small place, it has now developed to a very developed level.

They have solved many problems, especially in its internals.

While Qin Shuo was thinking about these things, suddenly a piece of news came, and it seemed that Princess Fusang had already been found.

But this Fusang princess was not found in Fusang's territory. She is now at the gate of her palace.

Qin Shuo is also very puzzled about this matter. After all, if you want to come from Fusang, you need to travel across the oceans, but now there are many in the meaning of Fusang or in your own sea area. navy.

But at this moment, he suddenly thought of a problem. The last time he came out of Fusang, he also encountered this kind of problem. In the end, he used the teleportation array, so he said that he would leave.

The current Princess Fusang is also likely to use such a teleportation formation, so he should have ran directly from the Jiaozhou side.

When Qin Shuo was about to go out to meet her this time, Qin Shuo couldn't help laughing at the first sight of her.

If the last time I saw her, she was still a noble princess, now he is completely like a little beggar.

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