Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1310: Goodbye Sakura Yingchao

There was mud all over his face, and the clothes on his body were also tattered. I don't know where I picked it up from, and it looked very pitiful.

However, it is quite normal to think about it. The princess of Fusang is not very good in Chinese. If she comes from the other side of Jiaozhou, if she is penniless, it will be like this, Qin Shuo can still understand it.

"I said why you have become like this now. It really makes people have some headaches. What did you do before? Could it be that you were all rolling over this road?"

At this time, Qin Shuo couldn't help but joked. After hearing this sentence, Princess Fusang's face was full of anger at this time, but there was actually some sadness in her anger.

Qin Shuo also knew at this time, it seemed that some of what he had just said were too much.

He also heard a piece of news earlier, it seems that the Emperor of Fuso had also been killed directly at this time.

Such a thing has happened, so it is understandable that Princess Fusang feels uncomfortable now.

"I finally came here this time, but I didn't expect you to say these things. If you don't welcome me, then I can go now, but you will let me have a meal before leaving."

After Sakura Ying thought about it for a while, she said directly.

Qin said that when he heard this sentence, he was still planning to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, and then quickly asked the Imperial Dining Room to prepare something.

Seeing Yingying'Chaos', who was crying in front of him while saying this, Qin Shuo also felt some sadness in his heart, no matter what, he still knew her.

"You don't know how uncomfortable I am on this road. Anyway, I feel like I am dying. I almost couldn't get over. I have encountered some traffickers on this step because I don't The reason for knowing Chinese is that they still treat me as dumb and plan to break my leg directly, but fortunately I have some strength myself."

"It's just fortunate that I haven't encountered any robbers on this road. Otherwise, I guess I would have been dragged by those robbers as a wife to suppress the village. Anyway, don't laugh like that now. , These things I said are also true, and don’t believe what I say.”

Sakura Ying said "chaotically" while eating.

"Anyway, the two of us are also friends, so it's not a big deal. If you have something unhappy, just tell me directly. If it can help you solve it, then I will definitely solve it."

Qin Shuo also spoke directly to the shadow at this time, after all, he still has some poor Yingying "chaos" to some extent.

If Sakura Ying's "Chaos" is based on his performance, he is just an ordinary girl. But he did not expect to be involved in such a political struggle.

And this time the political struggle has brought him a lot of bad influences. If this happens, it will also be a very big challenge to his mentality.

For these things, even if Qin Shuo guessed casually, he could still guess this.

In fact, Yingying "Chaos" can only be regarded as a very ordinary girl, and many things have witnessed this, and many people agree with this. In fact, Qin Shuo has always been pitiful in his heart, but there is no such thing as you are going to happen to him now. It must have greatly affected his mentality. If the same thing is put on Qin Shuo's body, Qin Shuo's mentality will also be greatly affected.

Anyway, as time progresses slowly, many problems are not the same as before, and the way of thinking is also somewhat different. What I heard now is just listening to him quietly. Suffering.

It's just that the suffering she told of this time didn't seem to happen to her, he just simplified such a suffering.

He completely ignored the things that happened to his father, and he didn't know if he didn't want to mention it on purpose, or because he was too sad.

"You should also eat a little bit slowly. If you don't say enough, I'll let the Imperial Dining Room get you a little bit later. Don't make it just like grabbing."

I don't know why Qin Shuo looked at her and suddenly felt that she was a little cute.

"If you are hungry like this, then you are just like me. You just stand by and talk without backache."

Sakura Ying said "Chaotic" again.

"According to what I said, your luck is pretty good. At least your father has been with you for so many years, but I have never known what my parents are like since I was born. I have always been taking care of my sister."

After hearing this sentence, his eyes seemed to fall into a kind of memory.

After this sentence, Yingying's "Chaos" seemed to have finally reacted, and it seemed that he had made him a little unhappy, anyway, this matter did not have much to do with Qin Shuo.

In addition, the people Qin Shuo sent out had always been very serious about protecting Yingying's "Chaos", otherwise, he might be dead now.

Thinking of these things, he suddenly felt that what he had said before seemed really excessive, and he also touched a weakness in Qin Shuo's heart.

"These things are all things from the past, in fact, the main thing I say about these things is to help you solve problems, and it's not because I want to express any feelings."

After Qin Shuo smiled, he spoke.

"Thank you. The two of us are mothers for no reason. You can treat me like this. It should be considered very good. Anyway, I want to thank you here too, but I still have something else. An idea."

Faintly "Chaos" said suddenly at this time, but when he said this sentence, Qin Shuo had already guessed something.

"If you have anything you want to say, just say it directly. If it can help, I will help you."

After Qin Shuo nodded, he said directly.

"It's not too big, maybe it's a small thing for you, but it's a big thing for me."

After a few seconds of "chaotic" silence, Ying Ying said directly.

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