The army on the side of the big man greatly surpassed the opponent in terms of strength and speed, but the opposite was true. The soldiers guarding the border were not elite soldiers.

Because they have been vigorously developing the navy for so many years, it is said that they have also suffered a great threat in the army.

Basically, their funds are rarely invested in the army, and this also brings a lot of threats, causing their army to feel a little uncomfortable.

For example, they basically don’t even have some warm and cold clothing now, so let alone fighting, it is difficult to guarantee even basic survival.

The impact of these things is not ordinary, and can even be regarded as great, making many people feel a little uncomfortable.

As things develop slowly, many problems now are not as simple as before. If they are as simple as before, it is estimated that there will not be so many problems.

After all the soldiers of the big guys got up, the opponent still didn't react at all at this time. After they fully reacted, basically everyone exclaimed and fled the first time.

At this time, Pu Zeyuan simply couldn't stop these things. After all, even the armor on some soldiers was not worn.

If they weren't relying on the stoves, they would probably be frozen to death soon, let alone let them leave these stoves, I went to fight, basically it was like sending them to death.

So basically every soldier is very resistant to some of their current orders, but such a resistance is basically understandable.

Even in winter, they are still wearing thin clothes, so there is no way to move freely, and people feel very helpless.

So now that the soldiers of the big man rely on the surprise attack, it didn't take long to directly occupy the border area of ​​Goguryeo. Even the current Pu Zeyuan has been arrested.

"What is the situation in Goguryeo now? If you can tell me a little bit, maybe I will let you go."

At this time, Bai Qi also directly sat in front of Pu Zeyuan, with a murderous aura all over him.

In fact, it would be impossible to possess such a kind of spirit if it didn't take a few years, and even tens of thousands of people had been killed.

"Now we are mainly developing the navy, but there is not much to deploy for our ordinary videos. After all, our country has very little land, and the development of agriculture is not developed. So now Basically, they rely on some other places for support."

Pu Zeyuan himself has no principles. Since others asked this sentence directly, he must have said it directly, but he wanted to go back alive.

"Don't you think we know these things? Do you think we all had some problems before?"

Bai Qi also shook his head directly at this time, the expression on his face seemed to be solemn again, and now he still had a threatening tone.

"What I want to know now is the entire topographic map of your country, and some important coordinate positions and other things, as well as some of your coastal defense maps and the like."

Bai Qi said again that the things he said were basically some of the more important resources. If they were really said, they would have a great impact on Goguryeo.

"Even if I said something, then you don't know if it's true or false, so what's the point after I say it?"

At this time, Park Zeyuan also spoke directly. It can be seen that he doesn't really want to say this thing now.

"Anyway, no matter if what you say is true or false, as long as you say it, then I will give you some opportunities. If you don't say anything, then you will have only one consequence."

Bai Qi said directly at this time.

The words he said now actually represent a lot of things.

Park Zeyuan seems to be thinking about these things now. If he says these things, there are definitely many benefits for him. This is absolutely beyond doubt, but if he says these things, then maybe also There will be many disadvantages.

He doesn't know whether the other person will let him go after he said these things. This is what he feels most "confused". If he can let go of himself, it would be a little better. If he said no If you let yourself go, it's over.

But now he has no choice. He finally nodded, and then asked him to describe the map of the coastal defense map first. Although Park Zeyuan had some reluctance, he finally described the map of the coastal defense map.

He described the entire map of the sea chart, because he didn't dare to fake it, so he said that there was no change at all on the map of the sea defense chart, just to describe the original things. Up.

After he described all the maps of Haiphongtu, Bai Qi also took out a drawing from his arms, and this map seemed to have a lot of things on it.

Park Zeyuan could tell from a distance, in fact, this drawing was his own drawing.

"It seems that the drawing you gave me is really ready, and it is exactly the same as the drawing I got before."

Bai Qi also spoke directly at this time.

"It turns out that you have our navy blueprints in your hand. If that's the case, you ask me what I'm doing in this matter?"

Park Zeyuan also straightened his brows at this time, and seemed to be very dissatisfied with this incident.

"I just want to test how your loyalty is. If you are cheating on me, then I will definitely kill you. Now I will draw the other two drawings. In addition, I want to tell you a word. I actually have one of the other two drawings. I hope you don’t lie to me."

Bai Qi also spoke directly at this time, while Pu Zeyuan on the other side was afraid to continue to say anything at this time.

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