Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1319: Direct attack

If you continue to speak, maybe the opponent will suddenly violently violently, and by then, he will definitely not be able to beat the opponent.

So even if the other person is playing tricks on himself, he has no way of doing it. Maybe this is a reality, but even if he wants to change, he can't change this reality at all.

Now I can only recognize how ravaged the other side is. If I say that I resist, then the other side will definitely teach myself severely.

Now that he has chosen to surrender, he can only truly surrender. If he is still playing tricks, the opponent will definitely not let him go.

Now he sighed slightly after thinking of this, then took out his pen again and started to draw those drawings.

These drawings actually have some trouble to draw, but there is no way.

It probably took him almost half a day to finally finish drawing the two drawings directly, and he did not dare to do any tricks in these drawings.

"As long as you are obedient, then it will be fine."

Bai Qi also nodded directly at this time, and then handed the drawing to someone else.

In fact, there are no other drawings in his hands. The total is only this one, so the words he said before are all deceived.

The most important thing is to be afraid that the other side will play tricks. At that time, there will be some bad things for her as a whole. If the other side is really sloppy, perhaps her side will suffer.

With the development of time, many problems are different. Bai Qi himself knows this.

The place where they are now is called the new city, but they are not inside the city, but outside the city. After they have completed all these things, they will directly attack the new city.

It seems that many people have not reacted to this now, so most people are still in a "lost" state. I don't know why so many people suddenly appear.

Therefore, such a city will not take long to directly attack. Now there are probably only more than 10,000 defenders in this city. Obviously, the opposite side did not regard this place as a key point for defense. .

In other words, they are not too defensive about the entire Changbai Mountain boundary. In their hearts, Changbai Mountain is completely a sacred mountain, and it is impossible to attack from the other side.

But now Bai Qi, they are taking advantage of their psychology, so when they say the opposite, they just want to attack from this place.

After aging this new city, Qin Shuo and the others did not stay at all, and directly attacked them to the north, and that place also had a city called Liaodong City.

This city was actually occupied by them in the last few decades. Hearing this name, you know that it is in it. In fact, there are some big Chinese people, but they are all assimilated now.

Now Qin Shuo is exactly like a chess piece in the next game. As long as the age of these two cities is invited, it is like the worry-free corner in Go, and there is no need to worry about these northern places.

The king of Goguryeo is not actually in Goguryeo, because they wanted to sign the covenant before, so now their king has also entered Fusang, and has not rushed back until now.

But now their king has also learned of such a news, so now they are rushing back non-stop, but at the speed of their king now, even after returning, it is still of little use.

After all, the 30,000 soldiers were all elite among the elite. After they occupied these two smaller cities, they directly attacked the current city of Fuyu.

Compared to the other two cities, this Fuyu city should be considered a relatively large city, and it is simply incomparable with other cities.

And there are many defenders in this city. At first, these defenders were to guard against the Huns north of them, but now the Huns have all been expelled.

Therefore, their defenders only evacuated a large part of it. Even in this way, there are almost 30,000 troops in their entire city.

But these 30,000 troops are also very poor in guarding against "sex". They simply did not expect Qin Shuo that they would attack directly from behind.

What they are now guarding against is their own north, but wherever they can think of it, the real enemy is actually from their south, and they directly let go of the most assured point.

You think that this kind of thing is the most difficult thing for them to do, anyway, they also feel that they want to make themselves full of vigilance.

The current Bai Qi itself is doing the opposite, so it poses a lot of threats to the opposite side, and the opposite side does not know this at all.

Bai Qi is a man who uses soldiers like a god. He must be no worse than others in the use of soldiers. Otherwise, there will not be so many people supporting Bai Qi now.

Now, as time passes, many problems will have some differences. Perhaps this is a very important issue.

For Fusang, Qin Shuo must take care of it all at once, because he is afraid that there will be some major problems with them. If it is a small problem, then there will be nothing wrong.

As time has grown slowly, many people have different ideas in their hearts, and even the city of Fuyu hasn't persisted for long.

Then this Fuyu City was directly attacked, and even they didn't have much chance to resist.

Of course, after Bai Qi attacked the city, he did not allow the soldiers to slaughter. After all, if the people were allowed to slaughter, it would not be good, but would have great disadvantages.

The most important thing now is to appease the hearts of the people. Only if the hearts of the people in this place are soothed, then the people in this place can truly be obedient.

If you can't calm down, then there may be a lot of problems. Qin Shuo doesn't want too many problems in this place, then there will be a big threat to his future development.

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