Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1328: The power of the red cannon...

Soon there was already some cracks in the wall on the opposite side. These cracks were basically impossible to make up.

Once there are cracks, it is estimated that some cracks will appear soon, and the damage will be even greater.

Many of the soldiers in them dare not come out. After all, if they come out, many problems will be more complicated.

The strength of the armies on both sides is not at the same level, so even if they go out, they are just coming to give people away.

The current Dianwei also felt some despair, the most important thing was that Sima Yi had not come over until now, and it seemed that he had already given up on them.

"Your country gave up, why do you continue to persist like this? If there is no benefit in continuing to persist, our Majesty actually thought of a very vicious way before, but then it was because of the people. , So I dismissed that idea."

"If you really want to protect your people, that's a good thing. But are you guarding your people? It's your power."

"I believe that most of the soldiers on the opposite side are from civilian families, so I just want to ask you. If you are replaced by your parents, which army do your parents want you to participate in?"

"We are now guarding our people, but who are you guarding? Do you know? All of them are them. Is it true that they are really for you? If it is because of this, they should surrender even more. "

At this time, many soldiers on Qin Shuo's side shouted loudly. In fact, many of these words are very reasonable. Think about it and you will know.

In fact, these words are more "confusing" people's hearts than some verbal abuse. After all, the person opposite is also a person, and the person on his side is also a person, so it is nothing more than a combination of several emotions. These emotions are superimposed on Together, it can actually cause a lot of headaches.

After a person like Qin Shuo appeared, the advancement of society was inevitable, especially for a monarch like him who did not greedy power at all, which made people feel admired.

And Qin Shuo also proved with his own actions that living under his hands is definitely happier than living in other places.

These are all living examples before them, so it is impossible for them to ignore these things.

Once these examples become reality, it will also cause some changes in many aspects, and many people will also have some changes in their thinking, even for ordinary people.

In the past, these people were listless one by one. The main reason was that their days were not rushing, but now they are completely different. Their days are rushing again.

In this way, it will be better in many ways, and these are things that make people feel like they really like this. This is a key point.

As time grows slowly, many problems will have some differences. If these different problems are slowly added up, in fact, people will feel that there are some headaches in many aspects.

Qin Shuo now looks like this. If he continues like this, in many respects, people feel a little helpless.

As time progresses slowly, people's mentality will change a lot, and this change actually develops slowly over time.

If those people have always lived in darkness and have never been exposed to light, maybe they will be content with the status quo, but now it is different.

If they come into contact with the light in one-stop shop, then they will certainly not be content with the status quo. They must also want to pursue more light. These may be human nature.

But in any case, it is impossible to say that such a "sex" personality is not good, nor can it be said that such a "sex" personality is good, and it will definitely be different over time.

People are in this situation now, and these people now want to pursue light.

Although many soldiers have not caused some mutiny now, the soldiers in the city will actually be a little uncomfortable.

Although Dian Wei at this time said that he was very disgusted with these mutinies, but there was no way.

It is impossible for him to act against these unarmed people now. If that is the case, it will probably cause even greater mutiny soon.

Such a situation is completely contagious, so Dianwei at this time is in a state of walking on thin ice. No matter what he does, it is actually not good.

This situation is something that many people feel resisted. The current Dianwei really doesn't care about it, and no matter what it is.

The resistance of these people is already complete, so even if you want to eliminate these resistance, it is actually not a simple matter.

Now as the previous crack has expanded, there are actually many cracks inside. But the internal cracks are more important, because one is the crack on the surface, and the other is the crack in the human heart.

These two cracks are actually very important, so now she also wants to make up for both of them completely. But this is not a simple matter.

"General, or let's just withdraw, I don't think there will be any consequences if I continue to stay here."

At this moment, the military commander on the opposite side also spoke directly, it can be seen that they really want this look. Otherwise, I wouldn't say the same. Since the minds of these generals are already uneven, let alone the soldiers below, they must be more divided.

If they can let them give up the interests in their own hands, then it must be because the threat is very great. Otherwise, they will not be able to give up their own hands. Think about it. "

They have already reached such a step now, so now Dianwei also has some no alternatives.

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