Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1329: Collapse

"If this is the case, then let's just withdraw. You will have a green hill for me, and I'm not afraid that there will be no firewood."

Dian Wei also nodded at this time, and then directly spoke.

But they can't retreat all over, after all, there are still so many soldiers on the opposite side, and this time they are also the soldiers who decided to sacrifice some of them. This is the best decision.

Although such a decision is definitely not good for those soldiers who were sacrificed. But it saved most of the soldiers.

Generals like this often make a variety of choices. If the choices they make are correct, then they must be the best, and if the choices they make are wrong, then they are. The most uncomfortable.

Anyway, with the development of time, people's thinking nowadays is somewhat different, and most people still prefer to be the soldiers who stayed behind.

After all, as long as the remaining soldiers surrendered, they would definitely be regarded as their own, but the other soldiers who retreated were different.

In fact, no such thing has ever appeared in the entire history of war, but such a thing has already appeared in this battle.

Many even very good soldiers are actually vying to stay behind, wanting to be the last resistance, but these soldiers are definitely not for the sake of other people.

They will always think of only themselves, and only they are the real winners, and everything else is imaginary.

In fact, sometimes the military always pays attention to the soul. This kind of soul is also the soul of the army. If you say that an army with a soul is a truly powerful army.

Although this army can be regarded as a relatively powerful army in the Wei state, as far as their current performance is concerned, there is no soul at all.

It is an army that is greedy for life and fear of death, and their hearts are actually always looking forward to surrender. If such a team can defeat the opponent, then it is really strange.

This kind of thing that is happening now is not particularly strange, and even in the eyes of many people, they feel that these things are already expected by them.

There are actually very few things that they did not anticipate. Many times people will have such an idea, just like it is now.

This time they surrendered, in fact, Qin Shuo was not too surprised. The pressure he had exerted before was already enough, and he even said things like slaughter the city. If the opposite party does not surrender, it would be a real thing. strange things.

Moreover, if you are a soldier on your side, you actually have a lot of benefits, and these are more than the opposite, and they are not even on the same level.

So many elite soldiers on the opposite side want to enter their side, not because of other reasons, but because of the many benefits.

Welfare sometimes actually shows a lot of problems. A force with very strong welfare is definitely not a weak force. Qin Shuo and the others also entered Qinghe County this time. In fact, as expected, most of them directly surrendered.

In fact, Qin Shuo is also directly dividing his troops into two groups. One side has occupied Qinghe County. In fact, the real purpose is to occupy Jizhou, and the real purpose of the other side is to occupy Qingzhou.

In the beginning, Qingzhou should belong to Qin Shuo, but for one reason after another, it is said that it does not belong to Qingzhou anymore.

If we talk about real calculations, Qingzhou is the real place of choice, and in many ways it will make people feel more uncomfortable.

As time goes by, things will actually become more complicated. There is no way to avoid this, and it is impossible for anyone to avoid it.

At this time in the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Qingzhou has always been a place rich in money and food, and this place can actually be regarded as a battleground for military strategists.

And the soldiers in this place are actually very strong, and many princes actually recruited soldiers in this place.

If it is said that the only disadvantage of this place, then maybe it is because this place is too small, other than that, there is almost no harm at all.

And in the past, Qingzhou was actually a buffer zone for many forces, but now this buffer zone has actually been greatly changed.

Now the situation of the buffer is better. Sometimes the buffer is not so abnormal, so it makes people feel very like it.

In the past, Qin Shuo actually liked to use this place as a buffer zone, but gradually people's thinking has changed. This is actually an important point.

There is actually no buffering situation in this buffer zone now, even if it is not buffered, then there will actually be many different situations now.

Therefore, Qin Shuo also concentrated some of the soldiers here. In fact, it is not too difficult to occupy the place of Qingzhou, because the location of this place has some advantages.

It is close to the sea, and now the entire coastline of the Dahan District is almost completely occupied by Qin Shuo, so it has become like this.

If it is not occupied, then there will also be a lot of problems, and this is an important point.

This long coastline, in fact, many people have some greedy eyes, but there is no way to be greedy, after all, they have no strength to occupy it.

So many people are actually struggling with this point. If this continues, the problems will gradually increase.

The navy is actually not something that Cao Cao didn't pay attention to. In the past, Cao Cao's navy was very powerful, especially when he occupied the Yangtze River basin, but now it is different.

The north and the Yangtze River are completely out of touch, so now they don’t need any navy at all, so naturally they will not develop.

They are now dedicated to developing the army. After all, they are some aborigines, so it is normal to say that they are short-sighted.

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