Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1333: Big cleaning

Qin Shuo's method to deal with them was actually very simple and rude, directly sending his own army, and then entering their home.

He himself doesn't like things like intrigue, so when he encounters such a thing, he can only do it in this simple and rude way.

His current position can carry his simple and rude behavior. Even if many people are disgusted with this kind of thing, they can't change it.

"My lord, I also have some concerns now. If some people are obstructing our investigation, what should we do? It seems that some ministers in the DPRK already know this aspect, so there are also many people who are directly involved. I want to let you revoke such a decision."

Liu Bowen also said at this time, it seemed that he was already ready, otherwise he wouldn't say that.

Qin Shuo now trusts Liu Bowen in his hands. No matter from which aspect, he is also a very suitable person to be a prime minister.

The most important thing is that he is still carefree now. He has a wife but no children.

In the past, others had asked him why this was the case, but he only shook his head slightly, saying that he would not start a family until the world was truly flat, instead of having children so early.

In that case, there will be too many benefits involved, and he will worry about whether he will deteriorate in the end.

Such a minister is really rare, so Qin Shuo believes in him very much now, and he can only leave it to him to solve such a big matter.

Although there are some things that make people feel helpless in this aspect, no matter what, we must continue to persevere.

If you say that you are soft to them now, then they may not be soft to people like themselves in the future, because they will only have benefits in their eyes. Since they can betray him today, they may not be able to betray the country in the future.

There are also a lot of interests involved in this matter. Once said, Liu Bowen can only bear it!

And now Qin Shuo has already issued an order, and within the next month, whatever Liu Bowen does will be right.

If anyone impeached him, he would just throw those impeached things into the trash can, and then ignore the impeached things at all. Only in this way can Bowen Liu be truly relieved and at the same time. Can make Qin Shuo truly relieved.

"Even if the lord is dead this time, I will find the worms in the court now."

Bowen Liu was also very moved after learning about this, and now he is carrying out a mild exercise in full swing inside. Carry out this big cleaning exercise.

Outside Qin Shuo also did not slow down his offensive pace. Jizhou is a very important place, and he also wants to obtain it directly, but on the other hand, he is this kind of official action.

Si Li is actually the place where Luoyang is now, and it is actually a small state. The so-called Si Li school lieutenant is actually such a Si Li.

The current Si Li is actually equivalent to their brain. Once there are some problems in Si Li, they will also have problems as a whole.

Many people may not understand this, but if it is really explained, it will look like this.

In fact, if you want to attack Si Li this place, it is not too difficult, and it can even be regarded as relatively simple, but it is necessary to see how the attack came down.

If it is really the kind of desperate, then Qin Shuo is actually very easy to attack there, but Qin Shuo still wants them to surrender.

The current Si Li is actually Bingzhou, and now his 50,000 Bingzhou Iron Cavaliers are actually waiting for him. Once Qin Shuo gives the order, he can let the opponent see the strength of the Bingzhou Iron Cavaliers.

This is not a lie, it can even be regarded as a kind of truth. This is an important point, and many people can figure out these things.

Bingzhou may be as stable as Mount Tai in the eyes of many people, but it is not like this in Qin Shuo's eyes. With the growth of time, it has actually become more like this.

Qin Shuo now uses topographic maps most often, and sometimes he often posts topographic maps for a long time. It seems that they all want to say something the same.

The role of these topographic maps itself is very large, so for them, it is more powerful.

In fact, his appetite is also very big, no matter what is delivered to his mouth, he must swallow it, it is impossible not to swallow it. Anyway, he wasn't particularly worried about Wei Guo, after all, it was now in his own hands whether it was the south, east, north, or west.

You can attack from the east, you can attack from the west, or you can attack from the north and south, all of which are okay.

Anyway, no matter which side you attack from, you have to pay for the corresponding things, but it is also very suitable to pay for the matching things in the eyes of the dormitory.

There are actually many different beings in the Wei State now. The most of these different creatures should be the surrender, and most of them want to surrender.

After all, surrender is often the best choice. If you change to other situations, it may not be so good. As time grows slowly, many people have more ideas about this aspect.

For these thoughts, it is certainly not possible to completely determine or deny them completely, so this is what makes people feel the most uncomfortable.

In fact, no matter which power it is, there will be people with different thoughts, and the main thing for the masters of some powers is to unify these different thoughts.

But the current Cao Pi simply doesn't have this kind of strength, not to mention that he has just become the emperor, and it didn't take long for him to be considered a relatively young one.

And Cao Cao died too early, otherwise, maybe this kind of situation would not happen.

Different ideas are actually a very normal thing, but the most important thing is to try how different the ideas are.

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