Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1334: The exquisite egoist...

The current country is actually in a kind of internal and external troubles, but under Qin Shuo's "operations", all these content and foreign troubles have been eliminated, or these internal and external troubles are no longer as obvious as before. Up.

In the past, there were many things that made him feel headache, but now these things have been slowly resolved.

If this continues, perhaps in many ways it will be smoother. At least not like this time.

Although their internal alliance is not unbreakable, but in many cases it feels very reassuring, which may be a very important thing.

In fact, an alliance is not how strong it is. The most important thing is that the two can trust each other. If even the most basic trust cannot be achieved, then let alone unite.

Although it was an alliance, no matter what it was, it came from Qin Shuo's side, not from other places.

If you want to be strong, then you must unite the Khmer empire, so that your empire's strength can rise rapidly.

Once it has risen to a certain level, perhaps the situation is to make others feel more at ease.

At this moment, Qin Shuo suddenly heard news that it seemed that the alliance on the opposite side had already been completely assembled. Their purpose this time is also very simple.

Whether it is Java, Fusang, or Goguryeo among the three countries, their strength is actually concentrated on the navy.

After all, these three countries are all island countries, so this is what happened. As an island country, many people like this country very much.

If such an island country wants to develop a navy, it will not have such a big effect at all, but if it develops a navy, it will have a great effect in the future.

After such a long period of refurbishment, they seem to be completely integrated. At this time, they also respected Fusang as a country. After all, Fusang had the strongest strength among the three countries.

Although the largest of these three countries should belong to the Java country, their development is not so good because of their nationals.

In fact, it is normal for a country like this kind of country that has been immersed in the Confucian cultural circle for a long time.

Qin Shuo has always adopted a dialectical view and a dialectical attitude towards this Confucian cultural circle.

This dialectical view and attitude naturally have its advantages, but it also has its disadvantages. As for how it is, it depends on the specific situation.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, the countries in the Confucian cultural circle are relatively powerful, and this may have a lot to do with the "sexuality" of some people.

Java is relatively weak among the three countries.

Although there was already some movement to attack on the other side, Qin Shuo was not in a hurry. He didn't put these three countries in his own eyes either. In his eyes, the really powerful ones are actually those in the West, but they are all in a kind of infighting now.

But I still have to be very careful. The Western countries are completely awakened tigers, but they have not set their goals in the East until now, but it is definitely impossible for them to let the East go.

The struggle between the East and the West has never stopped since ancient times. Of course, there are also various situations in the East and the West.

Many people regard this day as the end of the aristocracy, because there are really many aristocratic families that perish directly on this day.

This incident came very suddenly, and even a lot of people were caught off guard, and then it disappeared.

All the results have a cause. In Qin Shuo's eyes, if it is like this, then there is no way.

If you continue like this, maybe you really want to lose on your side, but it depends on the situation no matter what. If the situation is not good, it may continue like this. If the situation is good, It will make some breakthrough "sex" progress.

In the past, most of the aristocratic families that were eliminated had some other thoughts, otherwise Qin Shuo would not do anything to them.

There are quite a few of them, in fact, they are secretly supporting the current state of Wei just wanting to keep this last place. Only then will it be of greater benefit to them.

They are all exquisite egoists, so they have been like this since ancient times, even if people want to change, it is not that easy.

Qin Shuo didn't dislike such exquisite egoists, even to a certain extent. If he encounters that kind of situation, he may be the same, but he is standing at the level of the whole country, so he said that such a situation must be prevented from happening.

As an emperor, there are too many things to consider, so there is no way to change it.

This is actually the case in other countries, but most people do not want to change.

The most important thing is that these things exist, and they will not pose much threat to the ruler. It will only pose a great threat to ordinary people, so many people don't care. Anyway, it has nothing to do with them, and even has some benefits for them.

In some countries, 10% of the people are in control of 90% of the wealth. It would be a strange thing for such a country to be able to get ahead.

And this time Qin Shuo wasn't just wiping out those aristocratic families. Moreover, many officials have been cleaned up, and many officials have other thoughts in their hearts.

Since there is such a mind, then it must bear the corresponding consequences.

There are no unprovoked sounds or unprovoked pasts in the world, all of which are made by themselves. And you said it just played a driving role.

Therefore, Qin Shuo also has something indifferent to this aspect. Many people now regard Qin Shuo as a dictator, and even in the eyes of some Westerners, Qin Shuo is like a devil, for their so-called freedom. , Has the effect of destroying "sex".

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