Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1344: Cao Cao's Yu Wei

There is only Xu Chu left, Yu Jin, Pound, and those from the Cao family, and a Wenyang.

I have to say that the foundation that Lao Cao left for them at the beginning still had some solid foundations, otherwise it would simply not be able to support it now.

Old Cao actually spent a lot of effort on these civilian generals when he was originally. Fortunately, these civilian generals are very loyal.

Qin Shuo wanted to dig them up before, but he never had such a time. There is no such an energy.

Moreover, there are already enough civil servants and generals in his current hands. If he continues to do it, he will not have any good results.

So the growth of this time, in fact, people's thinking is slowly changing, including those generals, there are also many people, this time they feel very disappointed, but this kind of disappointment is also very normal.

If this happened to Qin Shuo, he would also feel very disappointed. Now as time grows, people's ideas will become more and more different.

In order for those civil servants and generals to change their minds a little after a while, no matter what others think, Qin Shuo is not in a hurry anyway.

Now he has directly mobilized his own three-way army. This time he also doesn't want to waste any time. What he wants is a real decisive battle. This time, he does not believe that the opponent is really that powerful. .

Now Qin Shuo’s muskets are almost researched, so many soldiers are already fully equipped with these muskets. You must know that the strength of these muskets is stronger than those of the blazers. .

Therefore, if you want to use these muskets to fight against the more powerful soldiers, it is actually not a difficult thing.

As time goes by, people’s ideas will gradually become somewhat different. There are many soldiers now, and they are all working hard to learn their own culture, because they know that maybe the weapons and equipment in the future It not only needs its own force, but also needs its own IQ.

Qin Shuo's requirements for those generals have also improved. Not only does it require them to have a strong force, but it also requires them to have such a certain level of strength at the level of education, otherwise, the problem may become more serious.

Now those generals are actually not that useful in many cases. The ones that are really useful are actually not those generals.

But what you say like this is actually a little bit unspecific, but what you say specifically is more troublesome.

Anyway, the current general requirements are slowly decreasing, so there will be some headaches in many aspects, but there is no big problem for others.

In fact, Qin Shuo's approach also made many generals feel disgusted, but even if it was disgusting, there was no way.

After all, Qin Shuo now holds all the rights, so he is also a one-and-one person. If he makes a decision, then there is no way for others to change his decision. Although it is said that there are many generals who have some complaints, it is absolutely impossible for them to tell these complaints in front of Qin Shuo, because they all have a common understanding of Qin Shuo. Kind of fearful.

If there is no Qin Shuo, this country may not be established at all, and all the high-levels are loyal to Qin Shuo and basically none of them have any other thoughts.

The most important thing is that the high-level loyalty is also very high, even to a terrifying level, it is almost impossible to defect.

We must know that many people are also worried about the problem of high-level defections, but Qin Shuo has never thought about it.

Maybe he had thought about it before, but he chose to ignore these issues. As long as the full force is still in his hands, others have no other way.

The power in his hands is so great that few people can match him.

This time Qin Shuo was directly preparing to attack from the newly occupied Qingzhou. After all, Qingzhou was also very important, so Qin Shuo was like this.

Now if you start an attack from this place, your luck will actually be better.

But the biggest problem is that the defense here in Qingzhou is still very tight, so it is not a very simple thing to attack to enter, and there is even some complexity.

Because Qin Shuo and the others had already occupied Qingzhou before, many people were also afraid of his continued offensive from Qingzhou. This would greatly increase their morale.

If there is no problem in the current general direction, then there will be no problem in the small direction. This is what Qin Shuo had planned in the past.

There are indeed a lot of things on the Qingzhou side, but this does not necessarily mean that Qin Shuo must solve these things, even if they don't solve them, it doesn't matter.

Sometimes Qin Shuo's thoughts make many people feel "confused", and many people even "touch" Qin Shuo's mind and still have ideas.

Time is now gradually passing, so things are simpler, and Qin Shuo's Qingzhou issue is almost resolved.

Now next to Qingzhou is Jizhou. After Qin Shuo has hesitated for so long, this time he is finally ready to attack from this place, not for other reasons, in fact, because this place is suitable for attack.

Although this place is not their summit area, it is their most prosperous area. As long as they occupy this place, it will have a great influence on them.

If they attacked their capital directly, they would definitely be defiantly defending. At that time, they might also sacrifice a large part of the soldiers. Qin Shuo didn't want this.

He had said something before every war before. While ensuring victory, he must also ensure the lives and health of these people. This is something that Qin Shuo values ​​very much.

Although many people don't regard life and health in their eyes, Qin Shuo is different. On the contrary, he feels that these things are very important.

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