In his eyes, the army of hundreds of thousands is not a number of hundreds of thousands, but hundreds of thousands of individuals and hundreds of thousands of families. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for him to sacrifice any number of people.

This is the reason why many people say that Qin Shuo has some indecision. After all, in the eyes of many heroes, these people are just a foundation for their road to success, so they don't care at all.

But Qin Shuo is different. For Qin Shuo, these things are very important and necessary, at least they are more necessary than many things.

Therefore, although Qin Shuoou's many remarks will be opposed by some people, they will also receive a lot of support.

Anyway, in Qin Shuo's eyes, a word that wins the hearts of the people wins the world. As long as they compare their hearts to their hearts, those people will also compare their hearts to their hearts.

Therefore, he has always upheld a kind of innocence, and many people can see it. In fact, the eyes of these people are bright.

Although there has never been a lack of rabble among these people, the role of those rabble is that there are some too small.

Most of the people still belong to that kind of very good people, and now Qin Shuo doesn't practice any kind of foolish education like those kings before. He now wants to improve all the people's wisdom.

Only such a person can have a greater help to himself. Perhaps many people don't understand his most true idea, but he doesn't need others to understand, as long as he understands it.

With the development of time, people's thinking may become more and more different, but there will be no major changes. Qin Shuo will also see these changes in his eyes.

Qin Shuo has already found out this time. In fact, under many circumstances, he will be under great pressure.

Now that he has encountered such a great pressure, it is natural that there will be some big problems, and Qin Shuo now wants to solve these big problems slowly.

This time Wei Guo's defense seemed to be that Xu Chu was still banned. Xu Chu was also very powerful, and Qin Shuo had some relationship with him in the past.

When Qin Shuo first came out, he was going to directly recruit Xu Chu. After all, Xu Chu could be regarded as a first-rate historical general. His strength was so powerful, but now it was nothing in Qin Shuo's eyes.

It is estimated that there are still a lot of people who are stronger than him in his own hands, so I don't need to worry at all, or I am afraid that Qin Shuo still has some intentions to challenge him.

Once you continue to stick to it, then the effect will definitely be great, and you don't have to worry about other things at all.

Yu Banzi Wenze is also a famous general in the Wei state. At the beginning, he was Bao Xin's general. Later, after Bao Xin died in battle, Wang Lang was introduced to Cao Cao, and he has been there for so many years. Following Cao's "Cao" campaigns in the South and North, he made many battles.

Because he dared to attack the Qingzhou soldiers who were not abiding by military discipline, and he did not hesitate to kill his old friends in order to maintain the military law, even Cao Cao once praised him.

However, when Guan Yu was besieging Xiang and Fan, the Seventh Army of the Forbidden Governor went to rescue, and was finally wiped out by Guan Yu in heavy autumn rain. After surrendering, he was imprisoned in Nan County.

After Guan Yu was defeated by Lv Meng, at this time Yu Jin was exiled to the Eastern Wu. After Sun Quan claimed to Wei that he would return to Wei.

At that time, Cao Pi was comforting to ban on the surface, but secretly he made mural paintings humiliated to ban, and Yu Jin died of anger.

In fact, to a certain extent, Yu Jin is also helpless, so although many people say that Yu Jin is unfaithful, this is really invisible at all.

It can even be seen that Yu Jin is also a great hero now.

In fact, if you really want to capture there, then you can start from the side of the ban, after all, it is easier to start from the side of the ban.

Yu Jin is still very loyal now, there is no rebellious mind at all, but the relationship between him and Dian Wei is also very good, he is actually very touched by the death of Dian Wei.

Although I don't know what happened in the hall, because Sima Yi had already said that at the beginning, things in this area must be kept secret.

But in this world there is no impermeable wall at all, so this kind of thing is eventually known to others. After knowing this thing, many people already have some thoughts in their hearts. changed.

Now Yu Jin's heart is also very tangled, not knowing what he should do.

If you say that you continue to persevere, then it is completely okay. If you say that you do not continue to persevere, then it is completely okay. The specifics still depend on the situation.

If the situation is good, then it is naturally good. If the situation is bad, then they still have to change their approach.

As time grows, everyone's thinking will be different now, and these differences also give many people a wonderful relationship.

In fact, a good relationship with Dianwei is not just about prohibition. The current relationship between Xu Chu and Dianwei is also good. After learning about this, he is also very sad.

But Dian Wei is also a veteran after all, so he adjusted his state very quickly, and then changed his state again.

In his heart, he is not loyal to a certain person, but loyal to a country.

Although he knows that this country is not excellent, no matter what, this is also a country built by Cao Cao, so he will definitely stick to it. It is only a promise.

At the beginning, he had already agreed, Cao Cao must help him protect such a country, so he said that it was impossible for him to rebel.

This is not the first time that such a situation has occurred, and he would often have such an idea in the past.

In this world, in this ancient time, some people are for the people, and some are for the monarch. In fact, this is nothing wrong. After all, it is because of the limitations of the times. The difference.

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