Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1368: National Shipyard

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But he didn't pay attention to it, and it was not that he didn't care about it, but he was very relieved of everything here, so he was like this, and this place was indeed very reassuring.

The scale of this shipyard is actually very large, almost like a small city. Basically all those craftsmen live in it.

After all, this place is also a national-level shipyard, so it is very good in many ways. Especially in terms of wages, they are also very high, so many people live directly in the shipyard.

This time the battleship was actually built in this place, so this place should be regarded as a state secret, and the defense is also very strict.

But no matter what kind of defense is definitely worth it, if some secrets in this place are directly leaked, then it will have a great impact on the entire country.

The craftsmen in it will actually not directly participate in the production of these ships, and even they don't know what ships they have made, only those high-level people know.

This also ensures the confidentiality of the shipyard. Otherwise, who knows if anyone will reveal the secrets in it. In that case, it is not a good thing.

Anyway, the secrets in it are already well kept, and Qin Shuo wanders around in it, of course, because of his special token.

"You can't enter the place in front. Even if you have a token, you can't enter."

Just as he wandered to the front of a large workshop, this soldier suddenly walked over and said directly.

"Isn't it said that as long as you have such a token, you can pass through the entire shipyard unimpeded? Why is this place not good?"

Qin Shuo didn't feel angry at this time, but felt that the soldier in front of him was serious and responsible.

"The entire shipyard is indeed unimpeded, except for this place, everything is unimpeded, so please come back if you ask the adults."

Qin Shuo now has long been a disguise, so that soldier can't recognize who he is.

At this moment, Gan Ning suddenly came over. He also just thought of this matter, and then it happened to meet Qin Shuo here.

"Your Majesty did not say hello in advance before you came over. Now we have nothing to take care of you, so please forgive me for saying that."

After Gan Ning saw Qin Shuo, he knelt down immediately, and then spoke.

"I came here to go around, so I didn't expect to inform you before. It's just that there is nothing to do now, but I just want to go around here, and now this soldier doesn't Let me in."

Qin Shuo also glanced at Gan Ning at this time, and said directly.

"It hasn't been a few days since the child came here, so he is also doing his duty, so I also ask your Majesty not to blame him. If you want to blame, please blame me."

Gan Ning scratched his head and said.

"I didn't mean to blame him at all. Did you think of me as that kind of person? It's just that this soldier is also very conscientious, so you can also promote it slightly in the future."

Qin Shuo nodded, then admired a little.

After hearing this sentence, the soldier on the side was full of excitement. He had no idea that the man in front of him was his Majesty. When he joined the army at the beginning, he admired his Majesty very much. After all, now Qin Shuo has become an idol in the minds of many young people.

In fact, when I just told you that he was your majesty, this little soldier still had some worries in his heart, that he was worried that his majesty would punish himself, but he did not expect that his majesty did not punish himself, but rather praised himself a little.

Moreover, the sentence Qin Shuo said just now is completely the soldier's pass in the future. If he wants to have a promotion path in the future, then this sentence can actually be used.

And with this sentence, he felt that after he went back, he would be able to talk to his roommates and fellow robes for a lifetime, after all, this was his Majesty’s appreciation. It's not the appreciation of others!

"Anyway, I feel that you are really a good soldier, but you must remember one sentence, don't forget your original intention, and always have to always. This is the situation now."

Qin Shuo said at this time, he seemed to be the one who was more excited.

The soldier nodded at two points at this time, indicating that he really had Qin Shuo's words in his heart.

Later, when he became the captain of the Third Fleet, he had always been thinking about this day when he was old. In fact, this day was the beginning of his sending and remembering. It was also the beginning of his efforts.

After speaking these words, after he came in, he saw the huge battleship in front of him at first glance.

The height of this battleship is actually very high, so many people also have some helplessness. The addition of these things really makes people feel that they have some headaches.

Then Qin Shuo also casually asked about the basic attributes of this battleship. It had also made up for this knowledge in the past, so he still has some understanding of this aspect.

This type of battleship must be very different from the previous battleships. Although they are all powered by steam engines, this battleship is the kind of strategic ship in the true sense.

In the past in Qin Shuo's territory, as long as it was the kind of ship that could fight, it would basically be called a battleship, but now it has a re-given idea.

Only those naval warships with a large-caliber artillery attack and heavy armor protection and a very high tonnage can be called a battleship.

The battleship itself began to appear in the sailing age, and the steam age that followed has always been very powerful.

The name of the battleship Qin Shuo built now is Ganning. Of course, this name must be named after Ganning.

When Qin Shuo put forward such an opinion at the beginning, Gan Ning actually opposed it mainly. He prefers to use the names of some very important historical figures as titles, and he does not want to use his own names as titles.


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