Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1369: Battleship

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After all, this will make many people feel that some of them are unbalanced, and even make some people feel that Qin Shuo is now partial to Ganning in his heart.

But Qin Shuo didn't change his mind in the end. Gan Ning has always been a general of the navy. Now the navy has developed to such a degree, it itself is indispensable.

Although without him, Qin Shuo's fleet would still develop very rapidly, but he was also a very good general.

In the end, he also resisted public opinion and decided on such a name. Although Gan Ning said it was not necessary, his performance was still very honest.

Now the whole country is also undergoing changes. This in itself is a big change that hasn't occurred in a thousand years. If you can control such a big change that hasn't happened in a thousand years, then your own strength will be greatly improved.

Qin Shuo now is also very satisfied with the current state, and he did not expect the early days of such a feudal era. You can jump directly to this era of change.

You must know that once these technological innovations begin, they will continue to move forward. No matter which aspect, the most classic should be the surface ships.

In the past, the steam engine was basically the reciprocating steam engine, which is the most classic steam engine, but now it has been directly replaced with a steam turbine.

Of course, these things were not independently researched by Qin Shuo and his own country, but the western family that Qin Shuo united obtained through some means, and then sold them directly. Although the price is very high, The effect is also great.

The power of a steam turbine is actually something more powerful than a general reciprocating steam engine. In this way, it actually greatly improves the performance of the battleship.

Otherwise, there is no way for such a large ship to sail on the sea, and the speed is so fast.

The ships they built actually involve many players. After all, players are more proficient in this aspect.

If it is said that the inventors are directly allowed to take action, it is estimated that after a period of time, they will be directly promoted to the aircraft carrier, but the system will also intervene in this aspect.

If the speed of promotion is so fast, if someone suddenly wants to develop a nuclear bomb or an atomic bomb, if once it is researched out, there will only be two situations.

One is that the person who has studied the nuclear bomb and the atomic bomb will directly become the overlord of the entire earth. If this happens, then the balance of the game can be regarded as completely broken.

If we say that it is not just one country, but many countries, then the problem will be even bigger, perhaps something like nuclear war will happen.

After all, this is also in the game, so if many people are after a nuclear war, it is estimated that the first time they will not be too conservative.

No matter how strong the natural repair ability in this world is, if it is said that after a nuclear war, many species may be directly extinct. And once there are these weapons, there will definitely be some more serious consequences.

The current system just treats this place as a pure land on earth. If it is said that it is truly infinitely developed, then in the end it will not be the end of the world, but the **** on the earth.

Just like in the current reality, although nuclear weapons still exist, they have been greatly restricted, and most countries have completely destroyed such nuclear weapons.

Therefore, in reality, it is relatively peaceful, although this place is several times larger than the earth. It is estimated that it will be destroyed once a nuclear war breaks out.

Therefore, the current system is also very limited in this aspect of output. If something very important happens, then there are some things they cannot stop.

In this game, the system is not omnipotent, and there will be many outliers. For example, Qin Shuo is completely outlier now.

With the development of time now, people are paying more and more attention to this aspect. If we do not pay attention to it now, it is estimated that it will not be possible to continue to pay attention to it in the future.

Time is also slowly developing, and people's thinking has gradually changed. There are some differences. Of course, this is also a very normal thing.

Some things actually have a certain impact on everyone, such as these things actually have an impact on everyone, so the current system also pays special attention to this aspect.

This Ganning battleship also has almost 200 artillery on the entire ship. These 200 artillery, if it can be enlightened, can completely destroy a relatively small island.

Then, both the artillery experts and the hull of the entire ship have been replaced by a steel system from that kind of iron, which directly improved their performance by several levels.

Although it is impossible to say that such a battleship is the most powerful in the entire world, this battleship is definitely the most powerful in the entire East Asia region.

It is impossible to find such battleships in other places, so although he is not a hegemon now, he can definitely annex the entire East Asia on his own in terms of military strength, but it depends on whether he wants to. what.

If he really has such an idea, then it is estimated that he will be able to annex and understand East Asia in a short period of time, but there is another aspect that he does not want to be aggressive.

If we continue to fight, then many problems will also make people feel some headaches. Of course, there are still a lot of things that make people feel headaches. Anyway, these problems won’t be too much. Many reactions.

For such a battleship, it has also been completely developed, and the core technology has already been mastered. Since this is already the case, then the dumplings are not far away.

As the technology of this ship grows slowly, in fact, it will also grow slowly in many other areas. For example, after the research of a steam engine like this one, it actually has a great effect on the promotion of the entire industry.


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