Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1370: The first industrial revolution

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In the West, there was an industrial revolution, and now their industrial revolution is already underway. The biggest idea of ​​Qin Shuo now is to keep up with the pace of the first industrial revolution.

In the past, it was because they did not keep up with the pace of the first industrial revolution, so many problems also appeared in many aspects. If they can keep up with this pace, they can definitely occupy a mainstream position in the world by virtue of such a strong national power and so many people.

In fact, many Westerners still look down on them. After all, in terms of technological level, their own East is still far away. At most, those who lag behind the West are catching up by themselves, so they also look down on them very much. Own Oriental.

Anyway, Qin Shuo feels really helpless for this kind of thought. Anyway, he will gradually change their thoughts by relying on his own strength. Of course, he must not rely on the change of civilization, but directly Use your own force to conquer them.

Regardless of the level of civilization in the current world, I will give you the most powerful evidence anyway. If others look down on you, then you can only stretch out your fist.

"Now that such a battleship has been produced, the rest is very simple. You can directly cooperate with those armies. Let's try Goguryeo."

There was also a cruelty in Qin Shuo's eyes, and it could be seen that his cruelty came from his heart.

"Don't worry, lord, this time we will definitely not let you down. Although they still have some navies, as long as our battleship is launched, no matter how many navies he has, he can only lie dormant on us. At the feet."

Gan Ning also spoke directly, but his words were not bragging, but based.

Shuyang, the navy on the opposite side, is now not many, and the ship on the opposite side has a dozen guns at most, but the battleship on his side has already reached 200 guns. If all the artillery fired, it would be able to destroy the entire fleet on the opposite side.

In addition, it can be seen that there are still some other battleships in the current shipyard, and the construction of these battleships has begun, and the speed of these battleships is also very fast.

If the three ships are built at the same time, then it takes about a month to be able to appear on the scene, and in the future it will be faster and faster, and the annual output can reach about 100 ships.

If these 100 ships are dispatched at the same time, it is a very simple matter to destroy a small island country, and even some large island countries can be eliminated directly.

Qin Shuo’s current steel production is completely able to keep up. The prisoners captured by his previous fighters have probably reached almost 100,000 people. Anyway, 100,000 people can use them as hard work. .

But Qin Shuo was not too cruel to them. After all, they were just talking about a battle. Therefore, Qin Shuo was relatively free to them. It was just some dirty, tiring work or more dangerous. Live, let them do it.

Moreover, the present sentiment has also undergone a reform among these prisoners, that is, a reform of the points system. If you say how many exercises they have carried out, they will also get some points.

If these points are added together, they can be exchanged for real objects or for some other things, some daily necessities, etc., if the accumulation reaches a limit, then you can exchange for freedom.

For some people, freedom may be a very important point, but for some people, freedom is not so important.

The most important thing about this is to look at the individual. Maybe some people just want to exchange these points for freedom, but some people want to exchange these points for some other things.

Soldiers like some Fusang are actually quite good. After all, their country is still relatively strong, so they can still eat well in their own country.

But some soldiers from other countries feel that this place is completely like a paradise. If they do something for others, they can have food, and even after saving a period of time, they can still buy wine and drink.

In the past, they did not have such a good thing in their own country, but they did not expect to be arrested by others now. On the contrary, such a good thing has appeared in the hearts of many people. There are some lucky ones.

There are actually not a few people who have such a mindset, and even many people have such a mindset. Qin Shuo naturally does not understand it, but he can understand it if he thinks about it carefully.

With the expansion of his country's territory, Qin Shuo, who has a population of more and more, can use these things to transform all of these people into some surplus labor.

Nowadays, there is no need for so many people in agriculture. After all, the output of agricultural products has risen in a straight line, and it is not at all like the small peasants of the past.

In this way, in fact, many other people are engaged in the commodity economy industry, or in some other industries. In this way, it will also bring some benefits, and these benefits are all affected by Qin Shuo and others. Body.

Anyway, the current Qin Shuo wants to vigorously develop the industry. Anyway, the current situation is completely suitable. If it is changed to other situations, maybe he will think about it a little later.

Now it itself is lagging behind others. If you don't stand up and chase now, then it may fall behind more and more.

Qin Shuo himself is a very strong person, he must not allow such a situation to happen, so he is just like this.

With the development of time, many problems have become more and more different. These may be a key point.

If we continue to do this, it will make people feel all this uncomfortable in many aspects. This may be what it looks like.

Now, like some other countries, if they say that they are really vigorously developing industry, then the food will not be able to keep up.


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