Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1373: International opinion

In fact, the current king also knows this. Although he wants to change, there is no way to change at all. Facing such a powerful enemy, he also feels that his country seems to be very weak.

Soon this coastline became directly occupied by Qin Shuo and the others. This speed is simply so fast and shocking!

In fact, this matter is also very normal. After all, Qin Shuo has already invested so much force in it, and he has also directly invested his battleship in it.

If so many things can't directly conquer the opponent, then the generals on his side can also directly "suicide".

These words are not joking, Qin Shuo thinks so in his heart, after all, they can be seen in many ways.

If this continues, then his country will definitely suffer severe damage in some aspects, so now Qin Shuo must be very careful in many aspects.

If the current self is not careful, then the consequences will be very serious, and even such consequences are beyond his ability to bear.

Things are becoming more and more now, and Qin Shuo's mood is also a bit heavy, but this heavy mood did not last long.

With the development of time, people's thoughts may have some changes. Now Qin Shuo does not want to persuade others. Of course, this is what he thinks in his heart, but it is not the case that he has shown.

Now I can be considered to be more comforting to their people, not too "forcing" them too much, if it is really too "forcing" them. Then there is still some cruelty.

Qin Shuo wasn't really kind, the most important thing was that he was also afraid of one thing. Then it was right. If he was really rushing over the wall, then it would be more troublesome to deal with it on his own side.

And according to the ethics of the people on the opposite side, this is what it looks like. This is also a regular thing, but now they actually have a lot of internal disputes, among which there are two types of surrenderers and main combatants.

Most of the surrenderers are aboriginal people, because they have some feelings for the land itself, and in their subconsciousness, they can be regarded as a vassal state of the big man.

But those players are completely different. They don't care about the country at all. Anyway, they must not be able to surrender. It is best to persevere completely.

Maybe they know that their country should not be able to persist, but they are still talking about continuing to persist because they do not want to admit their failure.

Now there are various voices on the forum of this game, among them there are a lot of abuse, there are also a lot of praise, and some self-proclaimed justice criticize Qin Shuo.

"This Qin Shuo is completely a war madman, why does he have to invade other people's country? Although this is a game, but in reality, he must be a dangerous man like a war mad. The system should destroy it directly."

"Our country has always been incompetent with the world, but why should they be so cruel to us? If there are still some righteous figures in the world, then come out and criticize now, come and save me. s country."

"Today we are actually tomorrow. If you don't stop him now, then this sentence of mine will definitely come true, so if you say please save us, this is also saving you!"

These are all criticisms of Qin Shuo on those forums, but from these discourses, it can be seen that most of the people who criticized Qin Shuo are Koreans.

They already know that they can't hold on, so they want help from the international community at this time, but there are actually many responses to these requests on the Internet.

However, most of the responses on the Internet are just some mouth-heavy, after all, they are not the real decision makers, the real decision makers are their seniors.

"My God, if I meet him, then I will definitely kick him in the ass, my god, why is there such a terrible person? Is he Satan? Is he the devil? ?"

"Oh my God, these stupid people are really too much, can't it be a little peace? Isn't our country better? My old man, I see this It’s also terrible for some people. If there are people, then I must help them."

"If these things add up, it really makes people too surprised. I hope that these poor people can be forgiven by God, but those hateful people must go to **** in the future. This hateful country makes I remembered what happened hundreds of years ago."

These are the support of those foreigners, but most of them stay at the point of mouth-heavy. If it is really for them to support, they are the first to back down.

In fact, those people basically don't have other skills, but if you say kouhi, they are definitely the first.

They have always liked to stand on the moral high ground to criticize others. After all, this way they can still make themselves more comfortable.

The second point is that you can actually use this as evidence. If you say which country they want to invade in the future, then you must find a reason, and what happened now is a good reason.

Those are all things that happened in foreign forums, but now the domestic forums are completely different. Everyone is very supportive of Qin Shuo.

"It's been a long time, and we are finally proud of it. In the past, I actually had some doubts about Qin Shuo becoming such an emperor, but now it seems that this is an extremely correct decision. If you change Perhaps no one would be as wise and martial as him."

"I feel that from the beginning of his development, he has always had a very ambitious goal and a very long-term vision. This is something we can't pursue. To be honest, I feel that he It's like a person who has traveled back, with a prophetic vision."

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