Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1374: Dynasty has been established

"I have such a feeling, but no matter what, our country is now fully developed, and we will be able to raise our eyebrows in the future instead of what we used to be."

"This matter itself is not at our own fault. Almost every time we make a shot, others do it first, and we are just a counterattack. It's just that those countries don't weigh their own strength at all. Isn't it normal for such a situation to occur?"

The vast majority of people in the country are all from Qin Shuo. After all, at this time, there are basically no people who worship foreign and foreigners. This is a community of interests.

If the interests of one of them are harmed, they may not care too much, but if the interests of a country are harmed, they will definitely care, because it concerns everyone in their lives.

The establishment of a country is actually for mankind, but the birth of a person is not for the construction of a country. This is a very important matter.

Of course, in their own country, most people have a feeling of family and country, thinking that if there is no home, there is a country, and if there is no country, how can there be a home?

This kind of family and country feelings are deeply ingrained in many people's hearts, but in the eyes of Westerners, it is completely different.

One is exquisite egoism, and the other is collectivism. It is not clear who is right and who is wrong. However, with the state still in existence, the latter is obviously better.

Qin Shuo now doesn't care about the ups and downs on those forums, and it doesn't matter to him anyway, he doesn't care about the outside world's evaluation of himself.

Anyway, no matter how much the outside world scolds himself, he won't lose a piece of meat, and no matter how others praise himself, then he won't gain a piece of meat. This is his thought.

He has been doing this for so long, so he doesn't care about other people's evaluations at all, but now he can tell from the domestic evaluations, and his status in the country has been completely stabilized.

If you are only slightly better than a person, then that person may be jealous of you and slander you behind your back, but if you are much better than a person, then that person will admire you.

Qin Shuo is in this situation now, he is already very good now, so almost many people admire him very much, but few people feel jealous of him.

In fact, to be jealous of him is to have a certain level of strength. If you don't have the strength, you can't be jealous of him. Now this place has the largest territory.

In fact, many situations will be like this, and people's territories will gradually gather together. This is a good thing, not a bad thing.

Of course, there are many people here who are unwilling to do this, but even if they are unwilling, there is no way. After all, things have become a foregone conclusion, and even if they want to change, it is impossible. It is almost impossible for a big dynasty like Qin Shuo to fall apart.

Although it is said that it is a "turbulent" world, Qin Shuo's territory is very peaceful. In this way, many problems will be completely eliminated. Otherwise, some things still make them feel some headaches, but now there are some things that are different, and people feel that this matter is understandable.

With the development of time now, people may have all these different ideas, but these ideas will eventually be attributed to one thing.

It is almost impossible for Qin Shuo's such a big dynasty to fall apart. After all, many people now support him very much, except for those aristocratic families.

Now that such a big dynasty has been completely established, this is a very good thing for them, and it should be impossible to change it to another.

With the development of time, these issues have gradually become a very important thing in people's hearts, perhaps this is the focus.

If we continue to do this, it will leave a hurdle in people's hearts. This is an important point. Perhaps people's ideas will be somewhat different.

The dynasty has been established, so even if many people want to have some bad thoughts, these bad thoughts are completely impossible to achieve.

The current Goguryeo is already in a situation of isolation and helplessness. Although he is desperately asking for help now, no one wants to help them.

At present, other countries in East Asia have basically fallen into a situation where there is no alternative, so it is just like this.

Those countries actually know it in their hearts. If Qin Shuo has solved it now, then he should be the next one to do it.

Now even if they want to resist, they don't have the strength to resist at all. This may be an important point.

With the development of time, people's ideas become more and more different. Of course, some of these ideas are achievable, and some are not.

"If we continue like this, then we may also fall into a passive state in many aspects, so we can only surrender now."

Now the King of Goguryeo once again said that he had also expressed his own ideas directly, and he didn't care if the people under him would object.

"In fact, I know this, but if we surrender now, those people under me should not agree."

Park Fengshang is now a general of Goguryeo, but his identity is also very special, he is also a high-level military in reality.

Now in the game, it is also the highest level among the players. If she is now in the game, she may be only a little lower than the king.

The present Pu Fengshang should have a thorough view of the current situation. If he does not surrender now, then maybe there will be no chance at all in the future. Now he has entered a realm of embarrassment on all sides. If you want to surrender now, then you actually have a qualification.

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