Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1375: Goguryeo wants to surrender

Even in reality, he has to pay a very painful price, but even in this way, he still wants to surrender, which is also a helpless choice.

Maybe he will bear a kind of infamy in the future, but no matter what, he decided to stick to his idea. If he doesn't say it clearly, then his country will be ruined.

But after entering the Dark Continent, it is actually difficult to counterattack.

Many people obviously don't know the situation at this time, and their senior leaders can't explain this situation to them.

Anyway, from their point of view, there is no chance at all on their side, so there is only one way to surrender.

If they don't surrender now, then the final result must be very bleak, definitely worse than they are now, so now they are also in a state of entanglement.

But today, both the players and the aboriginal people at the highest level have actually reached a consensus, so this time they must surrender.

The two people have reached an agreement on this aspect, and then they are also preparing to draft a copy of the surrender at this time. They will definitely have a lot of war reparations, and the most important point is now. Your country will become a subject of the current Dalan Dynasty.

After they drafted such a copy, they directly sent their messenger to Qin Shuo's hands. At this time, Qin Shuo was also looking at the copy in his hands and fell into a kind of contemplation.

"You must have seen this thing just now, so what do you think now?"

Qin Shuo still had some hesitations, so he directly asked Zhuge Liang next to him.

"Specifically speaking, there are not many ideas, but we definitely cannot promise them to surrender this time. Now we are only one step away from success. If we say surrender, we have lost a lot of things. ."

At this time, Zhuge Liang was also directly receiving his mouth. It can be seen that the words he said are still a bit cruel.

But in Qin Shuo's view, what he said was exactly what he wanted to say, no matter what, it was impossible for him to give up this point.

If they had surrendered directly before, maybe there would not be so many things, but they were not like that.

After all, it is a war, and it is not a fight among children, so it is impossible to forgive the other side directly after surrendering. It is impossible to look at this from any aspect.

If this continues, the problem will change a lot, and Qin Shuo doesn't care about this.

Over time, there are more and more problems, but these problems are not too big for them. "Then this time I directly refused to face him. Anyway, my previous thoughts were like this. The face was really ridiculous. Liu Bei has been there since then. For me, they haven't thought of surrendering until now."

After Qin Shuo smiled coldly, he said directly.

"In any case, the current problem is not particularly serious, so if you can think of anything, just say it directly. Anyway, I don't have any attitude."

Then Qin Shuo tore up the letter completely, but he did not kill the messenger either.

"After I go back, I will talk to your king a little bit about the answer, so I asked him to think about these things during this period of time. I also want to see his sincerity during this period."

Qin Shuo didn't tell the messenger what he had decided before. In fact, he was also afraid that his country would fight back desperately now. If you know that your country is bound to perish, then the current king certainly cannot easily let go.

In that case, it would be more difficult for Qin Shuo to capture, so he has thrown a smoke bomb directly, and he has no direct answers to these questions.

The messenger also relaxed a lot after hearing this sentence, at least his life was saved this time, otherwise it is estimated that he would be killed directly by the opposite party.

In any case, these problems still make people feel a headache. Now, he can completely go back to life, and it is good news that he brought it back, so he also has some joy in his heart.

Before, he was still worried about his name, but now he has already figured out how to claim credit when he goes back, and then he is the one that presents his situation very dangerously.

After thinking of this, he still had a little excitement in his heart, anyway, this kind of problem won't have any big waves on the whole.

Now with the development of time, many problems are not as simple as before, but it is these problems that enable them to better understand their own situation.

Now, with the development of time, there are more and more problems. Of course, these problems are definitely more and more uncomfortable.

The present messenger brought back such a news, and now their king is very happy. He didn't expect that this matter would be solved in such a simple way. It seemed that there was no worries at all.

Since the opposite party has already agreed to surrender, there shouldn't be any other things. Now he is already thinking about how to please the other party after surrendering.

But he didn't disclose such a news directly, because he knew that if such a news was disclosed, then perhaps his side would be in danger.

In fact, many people are very concerned about this. If it is really continued like this, then in many ways, people will feel some headaches.

With the development of time, there are more and more problems, but these are also understandable.

If this continues, it will be a good thing for them, but Qin Shuo is definitely not going to be able to satisfy them. Now Qin Shuo has passed such a news directly.

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