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The current situation says that I am not too worried about many problems. Anyway, these problems will gradually be solved over time. If they cannot be solved, then they are only a few.

Now many things are solved directly, so Qin Shuo wouldn't worry so much, and now his own internal integration is almost complete.

In the end, there was only a small amount of territory left in Wei, so Qin Shuo could wait for a period of time before occupying that territory. This is not a big problem. With the development of time, these problems will be It's more important.

Now they are completely surrounded by themselves, so they basically can't escape wherever they go, and they can only be occupied by themselves.

Now most of my own internal affairs are united, after all, under my own leadership, if someone is not united, then it is also an unlikely thing.

Anyway, what he is most pursuing now is his own internal stability, and only my own internal stability, and then the external aspect can truly stabilize.

With the development of time, Qin Shuo basically didn't care too much about these problems, but some people paid more and more attention to these problems.

Qin Shuo now focuses his eyes on that Java country again. After all, if this Java country is attacked now, it is also very useful. The most important point is that it can stand on the Strait of Malacca. .

Now the Strait of Malacca is also very important. The most important thing is that it is the most important channel between the East and the West, so it is also valued by many people.

If you can occupy this place, then even if you lie here, you will have a steady stream of money flying towards you.

This is not a game, if anyone with a little bit of historical common sense can see this.

Now their country is completely divided into two parts by their country’s South China Sea. These places happen to be connected to other countries. If this place can be occupied, then the entire Southeast Asia is already in their own hands and cannot escape. of.

In the past, people in the West actually had this kind of thinking, so they already occupied the Strait of Malacca in the first place.

Qin Shuo now seems to have heard the news, so the current Sunset Empire seems to be a dispatched navy, and it seems to want to occupy this place.

Then the current Sunset Empire seems to have reached an agreement with the Java country. If they can help their country deal with Qin Shuo, then they can completely surrender to the Sunset Empire.

Although this is completely a treaty of traitorous country, there are still many people who support this, and even in their country, there are still many people who support this.

In fact, in the eyes of many people, this is just a small strait, so it is not very important at all. If you can defeat Qin Shuo, then it is the most important thing.

After knowing such a news, Qin Shuo decided to send troops there in the first time. If such a strait was occupied, the consequences would actually be unacceptable. Anyway, other countries shouldn't do it on themselves anyway, so they can merge their two naval fleets and attack those people directly.

Now the formation of the second battleship has been completed, and because of such a thing, the second fleet is almost ready to be formed.

But now he actually still has these other worries. Of course, there are many other worries. If it can be solved, then it is naturally very good.

With the development of time now, people's ideas may become somewhat different, but these ideas will always have some similarities.

Qin Shuo now knows that there are still not enough admirals on his side, so he is planning to summon a admiral directly this time, so that he can be more secure.

Otherwise, it may cause some undesirable consequences, and that is not a good thing for anyone.

Especially now Qin Shuo already has some entanglements, but these entangled things are not what it can solve. If this continues, then the problems will be even more.

Just now he can also summon some generals, so he is now also ready to summon a good admiral directly.

But in the entire history of one's own country, there are not too many good admirals, but they are also not too few.

At this time, he suddenly thought of a person. In fact, this person is not particularly suitable, but it cannot be said to be inappropriate.

This person is actually saying that he is inappropriate, but because he is a eunuch, he is said to be suitable, because he is indeed a qualified admiral.

In some sense, it is not a very good idea to let some people with physical disabilities take on a very important general.

It wasn't that Qin Shuo looked down on those people, the point was that he was worried that those soldiers had some look down on them, and these people would generally have some psychological problems.

However, just looking at it from the historical point of view, there is actually no major problem with this person, and even minor problems have not been described.

So after thinking about it for a while, Qin Shuo finally decided to call him out because he was very suitable.

In fact, if you can summon Deng Shichang or Ding Ruchang, then it is also possible, but now the main thing is that he still can't summon it.

However, after a while, it is estimated that it will be almost the same. If that happens, his strength may be greatly increased. It doesn't need to be like this at all.

Sometimes there are no good admirals, but you can actually train yourself. After all, you still have so many players relying on yourself.

Currently, among the players who have taken refuge in Qin Shuo, there are basically those engaged in all walks of life, but Qin Shuo cannot always recruit a scholar.


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