Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1378: Borrower

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Qin Shuo now even wants to borrow from the country. In any case, the current country is definitely the place where the most talents are concentrated.

But in the end he dispelled such an idea. After all, he didn't want to owe others favors, but if you think about it carefully, it is clear that the country lacks its own favors.

But the most important thing is that there are some uncertainties. After all, people in the system must have some bias towards the system.

However, Qin Shuo also mentioned this matter a little bit with the current Long Teng, and then Long Teng also said at this time, if he has time, he must find a suitable candidate for Uncle Qin.

Now whether in reality or in the game, Qin Shuo is a treasure in the country, so the country also regards it as very important, so if there are some problems, it will definitely help him solve it.

If the problem is not big, then the solution may be better. If the problem is big, then change your mind.

With the development of time, these problems also made them feel some headaches, but there is nothing more specifically.

If this continues, they may have some changes, but this change is not particularly big, and it is still slightly acceptable.

The current ocean-going fleet is about to set sail, so now Qin Shuo has completely merged the two fleets together, and this time he wants to win with one blow.

Before that, he also summoned Zheng He directly, but one thing that surprised him was that it seemed that Zheng He he summoned was not an eunuch.

Of course, there is also a legend in history. This is probably not an eunuch. After all, he has a beard on some sculptures.

Now it seems that the system just doesn't want such a hero to be a eunuch, so he will be portrayed as a real man. This is a good thing for Qin Shuo.

Of course, as a main attacker, he certainly couldn't let Zheng He directly act as the coach when he first came over. Instead, let him learn the experience of leading the navy first.

This time Qin Shuo summoned him, and he was actually present in his palace. He happened to be a guard in his palace.

His own strength is very powerful, and with other things, Qin Shuo can be regarded as admiring him anyway.

In fact, the courtiers did not directly object to these things. After all, Qin Shuo is now used to being arbitrary, so the courtiers have no way to persuade them.

But in other words, his subordinates believed him very much, otherwise it wouldn't be like this. After all, he has never done anything wrong before.

Now because of the two battleships, it is said that they can also go to the ocean, but this is not too far away.

Fortunately, the current Luzon Island has also been directly occupied, and Qin Shuo and others have also built some military docks on it.

Now Luzon Island is only the remaining people of these big men, and all the remaining other races have been driven away.

I am quite satisfied with these Qin Shuo, after all, someone else did it first, so don't blame yourself for being cruel!

In fact, the resources above the sea are also very rich. So many countries are merged in the past, so if Qin Shuo can occupy this place, it will actually have this great benefit. .

For example, on this Luzon Island, there are actually many mineral deposits, and even some mineral deposits are in the forefront of the world, so the strategic location here is even more important.

There are even some gold mines on it, but Qin Shuo hasn't mined these gold mines yet, after all, there is not much use.

But for other mineral deposits, Qin Shuo still needs it very much now. After all, the country is now vigorously developing, some heavy industries and some light industries.

Then the most important thing for the development of these industries is the raw materials. If they are purchased from these people, the prices of the raw materials are also very high.

In that case, the original price is completely compressed, so this is a very headache, but it will be different if these places are occupied.

Because of world trade, Qin Shuo now occupies a large market here, and many things are now very popular here.

Qin Shuo now adheres to a strategy of small profits but quick turnover, so that it can directly suppress some natural resources in other countries, as well as some of their domestic industrial products.

Once all those things have been suppressed, Qin said that at this time they can actually make a move. If this is the case, the industry in their own country will definitely not be able to develop.

In the end, it can only rely on the industries of other countries, but anyone with a little brain can know that if this happens, then it is really not a good thing!

There is actually a small country on the opposite side of the Strait of Malacca, which is called the country of Wanyue. Although this country is very small in terms of area, its geographical location is indeed very important.

And this is very close to the most important Strait of Malacca. If this place is taken down, then this place can be regarded as a larger port.

Now the soldiers of the Sunset Empire have already begun to move towards this side. If Qin Shuo doesn't get a foothold here soon, then maybe there will be something different.

Now the power of the Sunset Empire is actually Queen Elizabeth VI. This queen is a player and also very powerful.

In reality, this queen also has these royal bloodlines, so it is only now that he will be established as a queen.

The queen's performance has always made people feel very satisfied, and there are even many people who support him very much.

This time after he learned about this, he wanted to send someone there without saying a word. This was very decisive.


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