Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1381: Barking dog

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If speaking from a collective perspective, they are fighting for the whole country, and they are fighting for their wives and children for their own people.

If speaking from a personal point of view, they are now fighting for future prosperity and wealth. As long as they win this time, they will definitely have no worries in the future.

"The system prompts whether to declare war on Wanyue Kingdom? If it is said that the declaration of war on Wanyue State cannot be undone, the two countries will enter into an endless battle."

Qin Shuo's ear suddenly heard a system voice.

"Declare war."

Qin Shuo said.

Although they had been certain about this matter before, now they have truly stabilized after they have actually said it.

Now in fact, all the countries in Southeast Asia have heard such a system news, and the only thought in their hearts now is fear.

In fact, there are many countries that want to support their country, but in the end, no country is really taking action, except Java.

Of course, this is also a very normal thing. If even they don't make a move, then it is estimated that no one will make a move in the end.

The artillery has also been arranged. The artillery in this row, if roughly counted, probably has about 500 guns.

At this moment, the kings of their country also directly started a speech of their own, mainly they just wanted to mobilize this matter.

"I didn’t expect them to really make a move. I thought about this day before. No matter what, we must defend our glory. We cannot surrender casually, even though we are A small country, but I also want them to see my backbone."

"In any case, we still have to go all out to treat the invaders. I also want to let the invaders know that we are not good to bully. Now let's go right away."

"Although we will definitely lose this time, fortunately, we still have some reinforcements. If we continue to hold this place for a few days, perhaps all our problems will be solved by then."

"I feel that we are still surrendering directly, to be better. There is simply no way to solve these things easily. If this continues, the number of casualties will only increase."

At this time, many players also stood up directly, and all they wanted to guard were their own countries.

For example, in the past, the country that we attacked basically had hatred against ourselves, but apart from this time, this time this country has absolutely no hatred against ourselves.

As the saying goes, the point of being innocent and guilty is that the geographical location they occupy in this country is too good, so Qin Shuo can only take this place directly with his heart.

This in itself is a world of bullying, and it is a world of belief in the Darwinian theory of society, so it can only be like this now.

But Qin Shuo actually has some shame on those players. Now those players are not led by anyone, so their combat effectiveness is very limited.

And once they encountered some small failures, they would definitely feel very frustrated, and there was no need to worry about this kind of soldier Qin Shuo.

Qin Shuo has not assembled a complete player soldier until now. In fact, this is also the focus of his consideration, because those players have too many bad habits.

You must know that Qin Shuo and the others recruited this time, but the soldiers weren't some ancestors, so it must be impossible for him to treat those players as some ancestors.

For example, although these players say they have a cavity of blood, they are actually useless.

Now that they have not fully started fighting internally, they are already fighting. The point is that some people want to surrender, but some people don't want to surrender.

Even among those who do not want to surrender, there are still some differences, especially some of the ideas between them. Some people want to go out of the city and fight with them, some people want to stay in In the city.

Anyway, these players are like the boss of the sky, the second of the earth, and the third of mine.

Now even no player has come out to lead such a situation, but they are very disobedient. The aborigines feel that all the aborigines are mentally handicapped.

In this case, the situation is even worse. Many people don't know what to do next in this situation.

Some people even wanted to rush out of the city gate and directly fight with those people, but in the end they were directly stopped by the aboriginal soldiers in the city.

The artillery shells at this time had also begun a direct attack. Some soldiers who were originally very brave, after hearing the sound of these cannons, immediately felt a little withdrawal.

"In fact, I don't think there is anything bad about the Dark Continent. You also think about it that we can continue to develop there, and then it's not bad to make a comeback."

"Yeah, I actually think so too. Anyway, it's a little better than my own death. Anyway, it's just a real life. It's a little bit worse, and it's not a big deal."

There have been many such strange remarks among the soldiers, but the people who said these strange remarks are basically cast aside by those players.

If it is said that it was spurned at first, it is quite normal, but then gradually many problems will change and have some differences.

In fact, there are a lot of shadow guards in their country, of course, all of these are directly hidden in the past, and the number is very small.

But no matter what, even if the number is very small, in such a situation, if you really say something, many soldiers will actually think about it a little bit.

Although many players say that they are not afraid of death, if they are really put on the battlefield, it is estimated that they will be the first to escape. This is human nature.

There is a saying that dogs that can bark do not bite people. Now all the dogs here are barking dogs.


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