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Now Qin Shuo hadn't completely started attacking their country, it was already messed up directly, so now Qin Shuo didn't need to do anything.

In fact, in such a small country, their own homeland plot is not very strong. After all, they all want to take refuge in others, because of such a reason, that's why they say it is like this.

Such a small country with a very small population has no race itself, and even a lot of them are imported from other countries, so let alone race.

But if they said they wanted to continue the fight, it was totally a feeling of anger, but now they calmed down and there was something different.

If you continue, the consequences may be more serious, but Qin Shuo doesn't care about these, even if it is a little more serious, it doesn't matter.

Now with time, people’s ideas are increasing, especially in certain key areas, which are becoming more and more important.

If we continue like this, it will make people feel a little uncomfortable in many ways, but there will not be too many specific problems.

Countless artillery bombarded this thick city. Although this city was also very heavy, it was only made of soil, not reinforced concrete.

Therefore, it didn't take long for them to be directly blasted through an opening. Qin Shuo and their soldiers did not wait any longer, they just entered through this opening.

At this time, the first wave of resistance must be those gamers, but those gamers are very chaotic, like a mob.

The king of this small country actually has no way at all. After all, there are a large number of players in his own country. He has no way to prevent these things from happening.

Even if he knew the ills of these players, he didn't stop it. This is also a thing that can't be helped.

"All are a gang of mobs, kill with me, soldiers."

Bai raised his eyes and said directly.

Behind him are actually some soldiers, all of whom are soldiers trained by Qin Shuo from the beginning, that is, the special arms of Tier 9, Qin Ruishi.

The history of these Qin Ruishi naturally does not need to be repeated. With such a long period of South and North wars, each Qin Ruishi is full of blood.

Even for the more powerful players, there are some people who see these Qin Ruishi, they will feel a little bit shivering.

These Qin Ruishi's own murderous auras still have evil auras, and they are almost scared to the opponent. Now there are many people who want to flee the battlefield directly, so let alone fight.

If we continue to do this, then the question facing the other side is a very important question. Should we continue to fight? This is what many players on the opposite side suspect in their hearts.

Now the outside of the city wall has not actually been built. If there are cavalry on the opposite side, the situation may be directly reversed after a charge.

However, Qin Shuo would not allow such a situation to happen, not to mention that he also knew one thing, then there was no cavalry on the opposite side.

Such a small country can maintain the internal security of its own country, it is already considered good, so let alone build a cavalry.

It is estimated that in their eyes, the cavalry is completely useless, and it is even better to use the money for food.

Because of such a reason, Qin Shuo and the others have no worries at all, and the players inside are directly pouring out.

In fact, the musketeers are the happiest team now. After all, they don't have to chase them anymore, as long as they stand at the door.

These problems are still some big problems. The other side has always been giving away their heads. There are only some firecrackers on the other side and no firearms.

However, the range of Fire Blast is indeed too short. This is a helpless thing. If it continues like this, the opposite party simply can't hold on for long, maybe it's about to be captured.

The opposite is not reconciled, but in the face of strength, all unwillingness, all are cannon fodder.

In the current palace, the king was silent, looking at the reinforcements of the Java country in front of him, but they were hesitant to do anything.

"The situation is like this now. If you really don't make a correct decision, then your ancestor's foundation may be destroyed in your hands."

The army general on the opposite side said, it seemed very comfortable.

The conditions on the other side are actually very simple, if you say you can be helped by them. Then, if you repel the enemy, you just want to join their country.

It didn't matter if it was just surrender in the past, but now it has to join the opposing enemy army. This makes it hesitate.

As we all know, in fact, the lives of the people in the Java countries are not very good. Basically, there are no meals, but the country is still vigorously developing its own military.

Especially since the last time their navy was defeated, they have vigorously developed the navy, and they seem to want revenge.

But anyone with a little longer eyes knows that if they want revenge, then things are very difficult, almost a non-existent thing.

It's not that he looks down on them, because this matter is really very difficult, and it depends on the specific situation.

But if this continues, there will definitely be some major problems in many aspects, and now I am facing the question of whether or not to surrender.

"You don't have to think about going like that now. Go. Although their country is indeed very rich, you are sure that your people, if they really join their country, will they treat them equally?"

The general opposite said directly, he seemed to have seen through the king's inner thoughts.

"There is also this. If you want to surrender, you may not be able to keep your position. And if you take refuge in us, we will give you the position of governor. You are still the king of this country, and now the sunset empire is the reinforcements. You are already on your way here. If you are really so obsessed, then there will be no good results in the end."

The general opposite said again.


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