Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1391: Persuade

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Right now, the opposite party is completely trying to pick a soft persimmon, but he didn't expect such a situation to happen. If you let them know, they will definitely regret it.

The battle lasted only for almost two hours, and there was no way for the opponent to escape now, so the whole army was wiped out now.

The blood had already dyed the entire surface of the sea, but Qin Shuo didn't care about this at all. This was a warning to them.

Originally, their naval forces totaled about 50,000 in total, but now they can escape a disaster and eventually return to their own country.

Such a result is also something that many people did not expect. Anyway, in their impression, even if they can't defeat the opponent, they can consume the opponent.

But now let alone consume the opposing side, it is estimated that it will consume the opposing ammunition and let the people on your side charge forward and die.

This incident also reminded many people of an event that happened in the Qing Dynasty in the future. After the foreigner came, first of all, he did not let the foreigner charge, but let the people on his side be cannon fodder.

The news of the defeat quickly spread back to their country. Of course, many people did not believe in such a news.

But the final result was placed in front of them. Even if they didn't want to believe it, it was impossible.

In fact, Qin Shuo has not fully engaged in a national war against Java. If it is true that the national war is not conducted in advance, then the consequences are actually very serious.

Qin Shuo didn't want his battlefield to be dragged to death in this area. Now he just brightened his wrist. After he brightened his wrist, I immediately sent someone to send a letter to the country. .

In fact, what is written on this letter of credence is also very simple, so if they surrender now, or if they can give some war compensation, then Qin Shuo will not pursue it.

Tell me that the current Java country wants to continue, then he will immediately start the national war, and then the two countries will enter a situation of endless death.

After receiving such a letter of credence, the king on the opposite side was completely silent, and he didn't know how he should make a decision now.

If you say you surrender, you may lose a lot of money, but if you don't surrender, then you are doing a gamble.

If I say that I won the bet, then it's okay, then I won't lose anything, just lose that strait.

If you say that you lose, maybe your entire country will be trapped in the quagmire of war. By then, you will be faced with a district server of that size, and you will feel a little panic.

In his eyes, no matter how he chooses, it seems that these two options are all wrong, and they all seem to be right. He did not tell this matter to those in the West, because after all, this matter is his own business. If you let those Westerners know, they must be the first. Time is against this matter.

Maybe they would still have doubts in their hearts, and then directly banned their own king. In fact, it is not necessarily true. After all, they also have such a situation in other countries.

One thing Qin Shuo is in here is actually making him feel very tempting, so it is Qin Shuo now who wants to form an alliance with him.

You know, if the two become an alliance, perhaps the entire East Asia will become its own urn, and then no one can stop him.

At that time, he didn't have to worry about these things at all, and he could even become the overlord of the entire Southeast Asia, which he hadn't thought of for many years.

And he needs to make some exchanges, and now his biggest exchange is to capture all the people in the fleet.

In the Western fleet, there are actually not too many people, probably only about 30,000 people. Such a person says I am definitely not too many.

And all these 30,000 people are some navy, if it is true land combat, perhaps it is useless at all.

So at this time, he was also caught in a contradiction. He didn't know what choice he should make. It seemed that both choices were correct and both were wrong.

In fact, entanglement is a very normal thing now. If you don’t entangle, in fact, there are some abnormalities.

This is the situation anyway. Now that the status of the overlord has been established, basically no one can shake this.

So in fact, he has also made his own choice now, so it is very important to become a member of this country now.

At this time, the king had already made his own decision, and now he had completely thought about it. If he really took refuge in Qin Shuo's side, it seemed that it would have a lot of benefits for him.

Then at this time, he had already begun to dispatch troops, but now he was dispatching troops not to deal with Qin Shuo, but to deal with soldiers from the West.

But at this time, the king did not act rashly. Instead, he put some hands and feet in the food they were eating, and paralyzed all that many navy forces at one time.

The opponent obviously didn't realize this. Originally, they came to help, but they didn't expect the people they wanted to help, but they already surrendered directly, and instead they became an enemy of the opponent.

If they knew about this earlier, I would definitely not come directly to help, but there is no regret medicine in this world, so now he can only admit his fate like this.

All of the 30,000 Western soldiers were arrested for a while, and all of them were **** with ropes. In fact, there were already so many 30,000 soldiers.

The Western general who was facing now really felt extremely regretful. All he had guarded against was the enemy on the other side, but he did not expect that the enemy was in front of him.


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