Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1392: Soldiers

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But they have no other way at all now. If they want to continue their lives, they can only endure these things.

On Qin Shuo's side, he didn't expect that the other side would be so simple. He had already arrested all those people. This also made Qin Shuo's heart a little relieved.

But he is definitely impossible to let go of this Java country, but at present he must abide by his promise, but after he has continued to develop the navy in the future, there is nothing wrong with doing other things.

They were originally enemies of the two gangs, but now Qin Shuo and their navy have entered the waters of the Java country in a stately manner.

Moreover, the king of Java also specially sent envoys to greet them, and Qin Shuo was naturally very happy about this, at least he saved a lot of trouble.

It was because of these things before that I felt all these headaches, but now these things have basically been resolved.

If we say to continue, there will definitely be many problems, and if we do not continue, then there will also be many problems.

With the development of time now, many people have different ideas, but these different ideas are generally the same.

If this continues, there will be some serious effects on many issues, which Qin Shuo does not want to see.

The king of Java also came to meet Qin Shuo personally this time. They obviously wanted to guarantee their loyalty.

"This time our two sides have formed a similar alliance. Anyway, I also thank you for making such a great contribution for us this time, and finally arresting these Westerners."

After Qin Shuo met the king of Java, he also spoke directly. There was no unpleasantness on his face at the time, and he seemed to have a very good relationship with the king of Java.

But as a monarch, then it must be like this, no matter how disgusting the opposite is in my heart, but if I see the opposite, I still have to smile.

Especially now that the opposite party has helped himself to solve such a big trouble, if he said that he did not greet him with a smile, in fact, the opposite party must also feel a little unhappy in his heart.

But Qin Shuo didn't believe them at all. After all, they were able to betray those Westerners. If the threat was big enough, they would also betray themselves.

Forming such an alliance now is just to let the two sides breathe a sigh of relief, and now Qin Shuo's own goal has been achieved.

This time, Qin Shuo was refreshed, and did not ask them for any money or anything. All of these were war reparations.

The king of Java originally thought that his country would give a big mouthful of blood, but Qin Shuo didn't mention this aspect at all, just let them put those Westerners into his own hands.

After this news, the king of Java was naturally very happy. After all, if these soldiers were in his hands, they would definitely be a hot potato.

Now Qin Shuo didn't want anything else. He just needed these soldiers and the warships, which made him feel very happy.

He naturally didn't know what Qin Shuo was thinking in his heart. In fact, the most important thing was not their country, but the most important thing in his own eyes was the technological products.

There are also three battleships on the opposite side. If you can claim all these three battleships as your own, you can also study some of the above.

At that time, he would definitely have a certain improvement in his technological level, and once he got those battleships, his military strength would also rise greatly.

I found all the soldiers this time, so I definitely didn't want those soldiers to help me fight, or help myself with work.

If I really just use them to do these things, then there are still some too low.

Qin Shuo now wants to ask for money, but the object of asking for money is not Java, because he also knows that there are indeed some who are too poor in this country.

Even if he asks him for money, maybe he can't get any money at all, but if he asks for money from those western countries, then it is completely different.

Among those countries in the West, people’s lives are actually the most important thing, so they definitely want to exchange big prices for the lives of their soldiers.

Now Qin Shuo has grasped this point accurately, so he is only now preparing to take all these soldiers back.

The current Qin Shuo and the Java country did not completely form an alliance, and the king of the opposite Java country did not ask much when seeing Qin Shuo like this. Anyway, the matter in front of him can be resolved.

Qin Shuo now has complete control of the Malacca Strait, and the important position of this place is of course needless to say.

Even if he didn't get anything this time, if he only got a Strait of Malacca, he would still earn blood.

What's more, he also got three huge battleships this time, as well as soldiers who earn so much. If he can make good use of it, then he can definitely earn a lot of money.

The Sunset Empire itself is a very face-saving empire, so it must be impossible for him to let his soldiers stay outside, so he must use money to redeem them.

In this way, the initiative has actually appeared in Qin Shuo's hands. In this way, it will be more convenient in many aspects.

After staying on this island for a while, he was ready to go back. After all, there are still some other things going back now.

In fact, the current Goguryeo had already been captured by Qin Shuo in many ways, and now they seemed to be just the remaining royal city.

But in his royal city, there are actually quite a few people. Probably all of their soldiers are also in it, especially most of the players are all concentrated in it.

I said that if I wanted to contribute to that place, it was almost impossible. The number of soldiers that could be used in it had probably reached about one million.

Just like what I said before, even if one million people are arranged one by one, if others are killed, it is estimated that they will be killed for a long time.


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