Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1393: Angry Eliza...

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Since this is the case, let alone other situations, it is such a situation now, Qin Shuo still has to go back to direct the overall situation, so naturally it will not be delayed by these things.

In fact, this matter was soon known to the Western countries, especially the current sunset empire, but also felt some anger.

Now their Queen Elizabeth VI is sitting on her throne, her face is full of a kind of haze, it seems that there is still some disbelief in this matter.

"Does this country really have a brain disease? This time we obviously sent so many troops to help them, but we didn't expect them to use our army as their bargaining chip."

Elizabeth VI also spoke directly at this time, it can be seen that her face is full of anger.

"This is something we didn't think of before. If the current queen wants to blame, then blame me."

A middle-aged man with a big beard was also standing below, looking at the angry queen in front of him with a look of guilt.

"You don't have to be like that, General Bismarck. After all, these things are not in my expectations, and they are also not in your expectations, so it has nothing to do with you."

Elizabeth VI also shook her head slightly at this time.

"So what should we do with the queen now? But I feel that there are not many ways we can think of. They have almost 30,000 warriors on their side!"

General Pismak also spoke directly at this time. It can be seen that when he said this sentence, his face was also full of anger.

"It seems that our people already have a lot of bad comments, but no matter what, we must get those warriors back."

After Elizabeth VI thought for a while, said.

"Now the other side has already obtained our three relatively powerful battleships. If we send troops directly, let alone there is still such a long distance, if we really send troops, our advantage is not too great. ."

General Bismarck said, seemingly angry.

"No, no, the opposite is not a mess, and their internal is extremely far-reaching. We simply can't attack their inland. We are also sending envoys to the past. If we can discuss with them, We can redeem it with some money."

Queen Elizabeth VI spoke again. In fact, she disagrees with this, but as far as the current situation is concerned, even if she disagrees, there is no way.

The current situation is like this. No matter who opposes it, the opponent will not stop his attack, nor will he stop his slaughter.

Therefore, the current Queen Elizabeth VI also feels some helplessness, and it feels that no matter what, there is a wrong choice. But now I have to make a decision, and I must choose one that is not too wrong among those wrong options.

After these things add up, people feel that there are some headaches. Maybe many people feel that there is nothing, but there are others who feel very tired.

Although these things may not seem like a big deal, they did not make people feel very troublesome. Perhaps these are normal things.

This queen is also a relatively open person, anyway, in her eyes, as long as it is something that can be solved with money, then it is nothing.

He has already extended his minions to Africa, so he is not so short of money in many aspects. After all, there are many gold mines in Africa, as well as many diamond mines.

If these things are sold, they can also sell a lot of money, but what he is most worried about now is that what Qin Shuo needs is not this money, but other things.

He has always paid close attention to Qin Shuo. After all, Qin Shuo ruled an empire as big as his own power, not to mention that he was still a player.

Unlike himself, there is also a royal family behind him, so when he climbed the position of queen, he actually relied not only on his own strength, but also on the strength of the people behind him.

Now she has already beaten all the families behind her to the ground, otherwise, she is still a puppet controlled by others.

Perhaps it is because the same **** attracts each other and the opposite **** repels each other, so now this queen is also very interested in Qin Shuo.

His current thinking must be very simple, so he just doesn't want his soldiers to fall into the quagmire of the war on the other side.

If you really fall into such a quagmire, then it is difficult to climb out. Basically, you will be defeated in the first place. If you really get to such a degree, then you will be very Difficult.

So he only has these entanglements now, but he has no other ideas in the general direction.

Although it is said that many people also want them to send troops, after all, in the hearts of those people, their own country's army is also very powerful.

But only she knows that if she really did that, maybe she would be completely dragged down in other places.

It's not that she doesn't want revenge, but if revenge is at this time, then in many ways, she will fall into a disadvantage.

So even if there is any deep hatred, he can only bury these things in his heart now, and then drag all these things to say later.

The situation is such a situation. If you want to change, it is basically an unlikely thing. Now it has become a foregone conclusion.

Perhaps many people have different ideas now, but if they really do it, they may not do it like that.

For example, ordinary people, although it is quite joyful to see them screaming now, once they are put on the battlefield, they will definitely be the first to surrender. This is human nature, and there is no way to change human nature.


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